"Shopkeeper, go and get me a map of the Blood Demon Sect's sphere of influence. The more detailed the better, all the surrounding inns must be marked in detail."

Li Xiaobai looked at Li Si who was on the side, and said indifferently, the bloody crime value flickering above his head.

"Sin is worth twenty-six million!"

The long series of blood color values ​​are shocking, and Li Si's little heart is beating fast when he sees it. Good guy, is this really the evil value that Heavenly Wonderland should have? He even believed that he was a half saint!

"Ming...understood, the little one will go get it now, and mark it out for the adults in detail!"

Li Si left in a hurry, lest Li Xiaobai would liquidate him and kill him with bang bang.

Li Xiaobai ignored his small thoughts, pocketed the resources that exploded on the ground, licked his lips, and entered the inn with a mace in his hand. Anyway, the people who live here are basically bullies who do all kinds of evil, even if they die. He did not have the slightest psychological burden to act on behalf of the heavens.

Carrying the bloody mace up the stairs, he began to sweep the floors one by one. When he saw anyone, he would bang bang twice, and there was almost no one-on-one enemy.

Soon, the whole inn was terrified, knowing that there was a bald man carrying a stick and sweeping the army. The monks fled layer by layer until they reached the top floor.

"What's the situation, who told you to come up!"

"Take my rules as a deaf ear?"

A man in a Taoist robe said coldly as he watched a large number of monks fleeing up in a hurry.

"Brother Bin, it's not good, a lunatic is attacking, and the brothers were defeated and suffered heavy casualties. Please also ask Brother Bin to take action and severely punish these young people!"

The monks' eyes were full of horror and said, the other party's methods were too cruel, directly smashing people into pieces with a stick, bloody and bloody, coupled with the terrifying evil value, whoever saw it I can't even arouse the slightest resistance.

"Look at your prospects, why panic!"

"Let me see who the hell is, who dares to barge into my Tian Bin's territory!"

The robed monk was just about to get up, when there was the sound of thumping footsteps on the stairs, and at the same time, a pungent smell of blood rushed to his face, even he couldn't help frowning.

I saw a bald man without a shirt coming up slowly carrying a big wooden box, a mace in his hand was covered with minced meat, and the people who watched were terrified.

"I said, why can't I find anyone down there, all my feelings are hiding here!"

Li Xiaobai showed a mouthful of pure white teeth, smiled broadly, and casually shook the mace in his hand, shaking off most of his flesh and blood.

Tian Bin's pupils shrank suddenly after seeing the bloody evil value above Li Xiaobai's head. At this moment, the bloody value on the top of Li Xiaobai's head was already approaching the 30 million mark, which is definitely beyond the reach of ordinary monks.

"Hello, I am Tian Bin, a Taoist priest. May I ask who you are?"

Tian Bin's tone couldn't help softening a bit, and he was also shocked, and he didn't dare to act rashly before he figured out the opponent's way.

"Wo Nendie!"

"Nest Butterfly!"

Li Xiaobai yelled angrily, raised his stick and dropped it, directly smashing the nearest monk to pieces, without any intention of having a proper conversation at all.

"kill him!"

Tian Bin's expression changed drastically, and with a loud shout, the entire layer of monks rushed forward and fought with Li Xiaobai.

"Dare to fight me? Bang bang twice!"

Li Xiaobai swung the mace in his hand without hiding his clumsiness, and a series of rough sword energy swept across the top floor, cutting off all the monks in one breath, leaving them completely devoid of vitality.

All of a sudden, flesh and blood flew across the top floor, and hundreds of people including Na Tian Bin were all dead.

Bloody rays of light flickered in the void, and the crime value soared to a new height again.

"Sin is worth fifty million!"

A bloody list came down, and Li Xiaobai's name directly rushed into the ranks of the top 500, keeping pace with the old beggars.

The Blood Demon Sect encourages cannibalism, so he will kill each other to see, you break my wings, I will destroy your heaven, first blow up all the monks who want to join the Blood Demon Sect, and then he enters the sect logically, very Perfect.

Ever since he put on this bald and strong human skin mask, Li Xiaobai's thinking has become more and more simple and rude, but it has to be said that in such a place full of evil, this simple and rude method is the most effective of.

After sweeping away all the resources in the room, Li Xiaobai put down the wooden box behind him and opened the box door.

"We've arrived in the Southern Continent, and I'll give you a few minutes to come out and relax."

Li Xiaobai said.

"Wow! I'm suffocating my son!"

"Boy, you...fuck you, why did you become so ugly!"

As soon as the box door opened, Er Gouzi rushed in first, exclaimed after seeing the human skin mask on Li Xiaobai's face, with a look of disgust on his face.

"Heck, shit, there's a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, kid, did you slaughter the Blood Demon Sect?"

Ji Wuqing was the second to jump out, and was immediately shocked by the sight in front of her. There was a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, and the blood flowed like a river. As far as the eye could see, there were almost all broken limbs and broken arms, which was extremely bloody and terrifying.

"It's all a small scene. It will be two days before the Blood Demon Sect will open its gates. Now it's just a small trial."

Li Xiaobai stretched out his hand and pulled Fu Tiantian out, and said calmly.

After telling the news from the Southern Continent, he looked at Fu Tiantian and asked, "Now that we are at the foot of the Blood Demon Sect, may we have sensed the trace of the milk baby?"

"Yes, but it's very weak. The closer the distance, the stronger my perception will be."

Fu Tiantian said with a hint of excitement in his eyes, being able to sense the vital signs at least means that the other party is still alive and safe.

"That is to say, you kid slaughtered an inn? You have the demeanor of the Buddha!"

Er Gouzi stood upright, not only not afraid, but also very excited.

Ji Wuqing also had the same expression, looking at the corpses in front of her with small eyes, she was very greedy, how much crime would increase if so many heads were given to it!

"It's good that baby is fine, I will release you after I enter the Blood Demon Sect."

Without waiting for one man and two beasts to resist, Li Xiaobai threw them back one by one with each hand. The door of the wooden box was closed tightly, and he turned his back and walked downstairs.


Li Si has already drawn red circles on a map tremblingly, all of which are the inns opened nearby.

"My... my lord, they are all here, please let me go!"

Li Si offered the map with both hands in fear, and said tremblingly.

"There are so many inns."

Li Xiaobai took a cursory glance, and was a little surprised at the moment. There were at least dozens of these inns, and there were hundreds of them.

"My lord, this place is close to the Blood Demon Sect. There are monks coming and going here from time to time. It is normal that there are many inns. You can do whatever you want to do. The small ones are familiar with these inn owners, so you can call them all over!"

Li Si said.

"No, you can just clean the inn, and you can go back to a certain house."

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