Li Xiaobai spat, as if he had been insulted, with a look of disgust on his face, he turned around and left with a mace in his hand, just now, he felt the shaking of the wooden box stopped, which meant Fu Tiantian has already successfully sensed Nailbaby's position, so there is no need to stay here for a long time.

At the mountain gate, a group of monks' legs were a little weak, and they collapsed on the ground, feeling more relaxed than ever. Who would have thought that such a bald man with eccentricities would be killed in the middle of the road, it was so frightening, just a few seconds ago, It takes them a lifetime to heal.

"Damn, say I'm disgusting?"

"Who the hell wants to post it?"

"Who the hell said he was going to come in?"

"This guy is the real scourge. You just wait here. I'll report back to the sect right away. That guy must be brought to justice, otherwise I don't know how many innocent boys will be killed by him in the future." !"

"The bald thief shouted "Catch the thief" and ran away after taking advantage of it. He's really shameless. Pooh!"

The leading disciple's eyes were full of horror, and he hadn't been able to get out of the horror scene just now. He swore that he might never forget that face in his lifetime.

He is so handsome, and he has been close to that bald guy again, the other party must have remembered him, if he is really allowed to enter the Blood Demon Sect in the future, wouldn't he be the first to be murdered?

No, this kind of thing is absolutely not allowed!

We must let the elders of the outer sect decide to expel that person!

Several other people also had the same expression, and nodded in unison. Indeed, it is too dangerous for such a man to stay in the sect, and he cannot stay!

the other side.

Li Xiaobai trotted to no-man's land with a small wooden box on his back, opened the wooden box and released Fu Tiantian and asked, "What's the matter, but I sensed where the milk baby is?"

"I sensed it, it's below the position just now!"

Fu Tiantian said.

"I just stood on a cliff as my teacher, and the next step is the Blood Demon Sect. I already know this."

Li Xiaobai was suddenly speechless.

"A little bit to the right below, it should be the core area on the right. Master can focus on this generation when entering the door."

Fu Tiantian thought for a while and said.

"Understood, how is the baby's vital signs?"

"Very good, so far very healthy, if you can enter the sect, the disciples will be able to perceive it more clearly."

"Understood, let me out after entering the sect."

Li Xiaobai nodded, and after letting one man and two beasts out for a short time, he closed the box door again, picked up the wooden box and returned the same way.

There was no one to be seen along the way. After yesterday's uproar, the surrounding monks completely shut their doors, for fear of suffering unreasonable disasters.

Go back to Li Si's inn and sort out the resources you have harvested recently.

After destroying two inns in a row, plus the table of masters from the Heavenly Wonderland that was killed when they went ashore, the top-grade fairy stones in their hands increased by a small one hundred million, plus other precious resources such as magic treasures and medicines, it is no problem to break one hundred million properly.

Sure enough, fried inn is always the fastest way to get money.

It's a pity that this method was not long enough, only two inns were blown up, and the rest of the monks all fled. They must have been hidden by the Blood Demon Sect.

"But it's useless for you to hide, and you will die if you encounter it again!"

Li Xiaobai muttered to himself.

Called Li Si and asked, "Do you know who presided over the selection of the Blood Demon Sect?"

"The Elder Gorefiend is in charge. The specific presiding should be jointly supervised by several elders from the inner sect. I don't know exactly who it is."

Li Si said in a five-to-one manner.

"Then what is the cultivation of the blood demon elder?"

"Naturally, he is a strong man in the holy realm, and many things inside and outside the door are in charge of the elder Gorefiend."

Li Si said.

"Another holy man!"

Li Xiaobai's heart skipped a beat. In this way, he already knew four holy masters of the Blood Demon Sect!

Needless to say, the lord of the Blood Demon Sect, although he has never met face to face or heard rumors, but as the leader of the Demon Dao, the lord must be at the pinnacle of the holy realm.

In addition, there are the bloodlines seen on Ice Dragon Island, the mysterious masked fighter who stole the milk baby from the Sword Sect of the Eastern Continent, and the blood demon elder who threw down a decree. This Blood Demon Sect is too wealthy, Before officially entering the sect, he already knew the existence of the four holy monks.

No wonder the third senior brother Lin Yin said that the background of the Blood Demon Sect was unfathomable, and that it was correct not to take countermeasures against it.

"I have blown up all the 108 inns in the vicinity, do you know about this?"

Li Xiaobai looked at Li Si and asked.

"The little ones have heard about this matter, the supernatural power of adults is incomparable to the world, and it's nothing to take care of the little ones!"

Li Si immediately flattered him.

"Then do you know that the monks in those inns were already empty when I arrived, they must be hiding somewhere, do you have a clue?"

Li Xiaobai continued.


"The villain doesn't know, but the villain has always been in contact with the storekeepers, you can check it!"

Li Si said immediately, without dragging his feet.

"Very good, go check and find them. From now on, the inns in this area will be dominated by your family. You must know that a monopoly industry is huge profits, zero risk and zero investment, you understand!"

Li Xiaobai nodded slightly, he admired this spirit of selling out teammates without hesitation.

Things will come, very good.

"Thank you for your advice, sir, I'll contact those shopkeepers now!"

Li Si bowed and saluted, then turned and left.

"If you can find it, you'll be together. If you can't find it, you'll meet again sooner or later. It doesn't matter. Let's rest for a day and talk about it."

that night.

Li Si is back.

"My lord, I have lived up to my trust. I have exchanged letters with several shopkeepers and learned of their whereabouts!"

"Please take a look, my lord!"

Li Si respectfully presented an envelope, which contained a letter from a shopkeeper.

Li Xiaobai's eyes lit up, this Li Si was quite useful, and his work efficiency was quite high, the address of the other party was written on the letter, and he also advised Li Si to go there as soon as possible to take refuge.

"Good job, I'll go back as soon as I go!"

Li Xiaobai smiled, golden lightning pierced the night, and went straight to the address mentioned in the letter, and it took only a quarter of an hour to reach the destination.

This is an underground cave with a very large internal space, which can accommodate many monks. The previous monks who disappeared inexplicably hid in the ground, but when he arrived, the building was still empty. The underground cave was empty, and there was no one there.


"Who is the one who is tipping off the news? Could it be that the Blood Demon Sect has been watching my movements?"

Li Xiaobai was furious, and threw a handful of Pai Daxing casually, the ground trembled, and the entire cave was razed to the ground at this moment.

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