"I have nothing to say. I didn't expect so many Heavenly Wonderlands to die. I have to say that the strength of this year's big villain is too low."

"However, you Blood Demon Sect should also reflect on it. If you hadn't set up a broken prohibition to stop there, so many monks would not think deeply about it. How good it is to be selected normally. You have to make such a moth. Who came up with this idea? , if I were the elder Gorefiend, I would definitely be the first to shoot him to death!"

Li Xiaobai said cursingly, with an innocent look on her face, the angry woman's face turned blue and white, she came up with this idea, and the response was very good, the bald man in front of him was not only pretending to be stupid, but at this moment he dared to beat him up and say It's because of her problem, obviously you killed everyone, okay?

"But those people died tragically, obviously at the hands of others, so you don't want to say anything about it?"

Elder Chen's eyes were like a falcon, staring fixedly at Li Xiaobai.


"You Blood Demon Sect eats dry food. It is a big mistake that you, an elder, are so ignorant when people are killed at the door of your house. If you followed everyone honestly and came down together, such a tragedy would not happen and delay the sect. How will you handle the responsibility of selecting outstanding disciples?"

"You actually lost the lives of countless disciples just to pretend to be a coward. As the future elder of the Blood Demon Sect, I despise you spiritually!"

Li Xiaobai said solemnly and righteously.

"What the hell am I..."

The veins on Elder Chen's neck were bulging, and the top of his head was about to smoke from anger. The bald man was also a little damaged, and his ability to put on a show was a masterpiece.

Forget it, the other party is very likely to be a master of the same level, she doesn't need to fight the other party just because of a moment of nausea, when the elder Gorefiend arrives, it is the time for this guy's death.

The monks around were completely stupefied. What did they hear? All the remaining monks who participated in the assessment were killed? Without thinking about it, I knew it must be the bald man in front of me.

I heard that the other party ran all over the world in the past two days, just to blow up the monks who escaped from the inn one by one. I thought he would restrain himself during the trial of the Blood Demon Sect, but I didn't expect that he was still acting like this. Killing people in the Blood Demon Sect in front of the Blood Demon Sect is too high-profile, isn't it afraid of being suppressed by the sect's masters?

"The sect will investigate the cause of their death. Now let's advance to the next round of assessment, follow me!"

Elder Chen didn't say much anymore, and walked with everyone into the city with a flash of his figure.

"You killed them, why did you do that?"

Meng Qi leaned forward and asked, looking at Li Xiaobai not only with doubts, but also with a trace of fear. One second before, a large number of monks were slaughtered, but the next second they were able to sit and chat with them, joking and laughing happily. It can be done, this is a real monster!

"Little girl, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately. Which of your glasses saw that I killed them? Is there any evidence?"

Li Xiaobai glanced at her and said in a neutral tone.


Meng Qi was at a loss for words for a moment, anyone with a discerning eye could see that Li Xiaobai did it, so what evidence is there?

"Young girls should be more cautious in their words and deeds when they are outside. If it is spread and people know that the chess master is a disciple, he openly slanders a good person, but it will make you little Qifeng dark. This is not a glorious thing."

Li Xiaobai said leisurely, he had already taken Meng Qi's lifeline to death, and the other party was indeed a person who respected his teacher and respected his way. Joining the Blood Demon Sect was definitely not because he wanted to get shelter or learn exercises, so simple and with a sense of justice Girls must have a purpose.

As for the purpose, he doesn't care, as long as it doesn't hinder him from saving Milkman.


Following Elder Chen into the city, there was an endless stream of monks coming and going in the first city, the voices of people were buzzing, and all kinds of cries kept coming to Li Xiaobai's ears.

"I didn't expect that an entrance could be so prosperous. It is worthy of being the leader of the Demon Dao, a super sect."

Li Xiaobai exclaimed.

The city is not big, and it will soon come to an end. There is no road here, and there are only densely packed teleportation formations, one after another, which can go to various places in the sect.

Under Elder Chen's signal, several people entered one of the teleportation formations.

The light disappeared in a flash.

When the light was restored again, a huge pool of water appeared in front of my eyes, in which countless women were playing and making a scene, Yingyingyanyan was green, fat, red and thin, and everyone who watched was red-faced.

The male monks present were all murderous madmen, fugitives who lived in exile all day long, and they didn't understand what it meant to be a gentleman. Seeing the situation in front of them, their breathing became a little short of breath.

"Thank you, Elder Chen, I didn't expect there to be such a welfare link, brothers can relieve the pressure!"

"That's right, this trip is not in vain. As the saying goes, if you die under the peony flower, you will be a ghost!"

"Yes, I want the one with the red bellyband, which one do you choose?"

"Children make choices, I want them all!"

Several rough men laughed, winked at each other, and shouted more cheerfully than anyone else, but none of them stepped forward to get into the water.

Li Xiaobai was speechless suddenly. This group of people still used the same routine. They wanted to fool some foolish people into the water first, but after the cliff just now, everyone understood that each other was a cunt. Means are useless.

"There is no need to test, the women in the water are all real, they belong to a branch of the Blood Demon Sect, and they practice the Joyous Kungfu, which can instantly suck you up to dryness. If the heart is not tempted by the outside world, it will be safe and sound, the time is one hour, and I will come to pick you up after one hour."

"Friendly reminder, the female cultivators in the water are masters in the semi-holy realm, so don't try to break the situation violently, follow the rules and stick to your heart is the kingly way."

Elder Chen said something indifferently, and then disappeared in the same place in a flash. She was going to find Elder Gorefiend. There was such a big mess, and the disciples who participated in the assessment died inexplicably and had to report it.


Li Xiaobai looked at each other in dismay, and looked at Meng Qi involuntarily. This little girl is a woman, so she will be seduced by the Hehuan Gong?

"Acacia kungfu is for men and women, come down and have fun, even if you are sucked dry, it is very refreshing. My sisters promise to make you heroes feel good until the last second of your life!"

In the water, the female nuns smiled delicately, and the silver bell-like laughter echoed in the air, making people's hearts flutter.

Several people entered the water separately, and it took an hour to pass the test, which was a huge test for others, but it was an easy task for Li Xiaobai.

This kind of bewitching technique is aimed at mental attacks, and the system automatically blocks all negative states, so it is impossible to seduce him.

"Young master, do you think I look beautiful?"

A slender and graceful female cultivator emerged from the water from bottom to top, snuggling up in front of Li Xiaobai, with sweet mouth and silky eyes, all the male cultivators swallowed wildly.

Li Xiaobai took out his terrifying mace, and said in a serious tone, "You are not only not beautiful, but also ugly, and you are far away from the female Bodhisattva in Sajia's heart, so I want to seduce you Brother Qiang, bring it here!"

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