"I sensed it, in the core area of ​​the sect, in that direction."

Fu Tiantian got out of the small wooden box, pointed in one direction and said.

Li Xiaobai took a look. It was to the west, and it was indeed in the core area of ​​the Blood Demon Sect. Wait until dawn to step on the spot to observe.

Today's 50-50 skill has been used up, so you need to be careful in your actions, and I don't know what kind of temperament the blood demon sect master is, and will try to test him.

"Boy, just now Buddha felt the boundless power of domineering, and he almost caught up with me. Who is making the move?"

Er Gouzi jumped out and paced back and forth in the cave with a suspicious look on his face.

"I was the one who made the move. The Sa family just 1-on-2. They monopolized two masters in the holy realm but did not lose the wind. Now they have won the trust of the sect's strong ones. They will go to the suzerain's hall to be promoted to elders as soon as dawn."

Li Xiaobai looked invincible and lonely with his hands behind his back.

"just you?"

Ji Wuqing expressed her disdain. He knew Li Xiaobai very well. This guy stood at the top of the Heavenly Immortal Realm even if he died.

Bragging is not a draft!

"I will go to the Suzerain Hall at dawn. There should be other elders who will go with me at that time. Er Gouzi will do something for me."

"Bend your ears over here."

Li Xiaobai greeted Er Gouzi and gave some instructions.

"Don't worry, I am good at this job!"

Er Gouzi's eyes lit up, his face was very excited, he even turned around in a circle, and jumped into the wooden box on his own initiative.

Ji Wuqing looked at it from the sidelines and was very itchy, "By the way, what are you talking about, what are you telling me, tell your master Ji Wuqing to listen!"

"Did you come out, let me go in!"

One in each hand, Li Xiaobai couldn't help but stuff Ji Wuqing into the small wooden box.

Tidy up the system properties point panel.

The two fights before and after the 50-50 opening have a total increase of 300 million attribute points.

Host Li Xiaobai.


Defensive power Heavenly Wonderland (6.3 billion, 10 billion) (Ten Thousand Years Yinghan Immortal Strain has been obtained.) (Blood Yang Sky Egg has not been obtained) Can be advanced.

There is still a lack of a blood-yang sky egg, so go back and ask the blood demon elder, as a master of the holy realm, he should know a lot about such geniuses and earth treasures.

After a few hours.

At dawn, Li Xiaobai was awakened by a knock on the door.

"Brother bald, it's okay to rest, and is it okay to live in this cave?"

The elder Gorefiend stood outside the door and said cheerfully.

"It's a good place to live in this cave, and it's quite comfortable."

"Brother Gorefiend is here to take Sa's family to the suzerain hall?"

Li Xiaobai opened the cave, looked at the blood demon in front of him and said with a smile.

"That's right, the time is approaching, and the elders of all parties are gathering in the main hall of the suzerain to wait for orders. I also want to report to the suzerain the results of recruiting disciples this time. It is most appropriate to take this opportunity to introduce the bald brother to the suzerain."

The elder Gorefiend said with a faint smile.

"That's very good, please trouble Elder Gorefiend to lead the way."

Li Xiaobai nodded, and walked out the door in a big stab.

"Is it better for the bald brother to wear clothes?"

The elder Gorefiend glanced at Li Xiaobai's upper body, with a hint of hesitation in his eyes, seeing the Sovereign's disheveled clothes was a crime of disrespect.

Li Xiaobai said lightly, "Sajia is wearing clothes."

Blood Demon "Where?"

"It's called the Emperor's New Clothes, and only smart people can see it!"


The suzerain hall and the cave where Li Xiaobai lives are on the same mountain range, but one is on the top and the other is on the bottom, so they are not far apart.

The golden chariot manifested under his feet, and followed the Gorefiend all the way up. In the sky, many huge ancient ships could be seen crossing the void and slowly heading towards the top of the mountain.


Above the top of the mountain, bells rang long, ancient and long, revealing the vicissitudes of time, one after another, the lingering sound lingered in the ears, endlessly.

"This is the ringing of the bell to summon the elders of the sect. Recently, there have been many changes in the sect, so the frequency of the ringing is also higher. On weekdays, this bell basically only rings once a month."

The elder Gorefiend explained to Li Xiaobai.

Li Xiaobai nodded. This is understandable. After all, the Blood Demon Sect lost a holy son for no reason, opened its gates to recruit disciples, and snatched the milk baby secretly. It was indeed a troubled time.

"These are all the elders of the sect. They range from holy to semi-sacred. Most of them are just accompanying and listening. There are only a few people who can really talk about it."

Elder Gorefiend looked very proud. Obviously, he was one of the few people who could speak.

"Then I would like to thank Brother Gorefiend for your kind words."

Li Xiaobai clasped his fists together, and said cheerfully, he naturally understood the other party's thoughts, from the attitude of Hehuan's lineage, it can't be seen that the holy masters in the blood demon sect are fighting on their own, the reason why the blood demon is so friendly It is to draw him into the same camp to form an alliance and become a bigger force.

"It's easy to say, it should be."

The two walked up the hill talking and laughing, and entered the main hall of the suzerain. Wherever the two passed, the elders from all sides avoided one after another. It's a mystery, but in terms of the base of the crowd, half-sages still account for 99%. The status of monks in the holy realm is respected, and they are top-notch existences in the entire Zhongyuan world, so they should be respected by others.

Among the crowd, Li Xiaobai saw Elder Chen and Meng Qi beside him. He presumably came to report the status of the disciples' recruitment.

"Those with disheveled clothes are not allowed to enter, Elder Gorefiend, your bloodfiend lineage is really getting more and more presumptuous. How dare you let such disheveled people enter the suzerain hall? ?”

There was a woman's scolding sound from behind, it was none other than Hehuan, a holy monk from the Acacia lineage wearing a fox mask.

"Sister Hehuan, it should be the luck of the sect to bring such combat power to the sect. When will it be your turn to make irresponsible remarks here?"

"He Huan's lineage has repeatedly insulted my bald brother, intending to prevent him from joining the Blood Demon Sect. I don't know what you want to do? But you want to reduce the combat power of the Blood Demon Sect!"

After several hours of recuperation, Elder Gorefiend had already prepared a complete countermeasure, and faced the woman with the fox mask again without any fear, and went back directly.

"That's right, besides, which eye of yours saw that Sajia's clothes are disheveled?"

"Sajia has no clothes at all, why is it so messy? Are you blind?"

Li Xiaobai also said cursingly, as if he was fighting against the elder Gorefiend, the angry masked woman was shaking all over.

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