Entering the mountain gate, the blood pool is not on the surface, but underground. A huge golden ancient warship with only half of its body exposed is inserted horizontally on the surface. There is a faint hole in it, which is unfathomable.

This is the passage leading to the blood pool, extending downwards all the way to the depths of the ground.

As soon as Li Xiaobai entered it, Li Xiaobai frowned, and a strong and pungent bloody smell came to his face. If he guessed right, there should be a formation at the entrance to isolate the breath, so the pungent smell did not spread.

"The smell is so disgusting, it's almost like hundreds of thousands of corpses are rotting and stinking together."

"It's a fight with Roshan!"

Li Xiaobai wrinkled his eyes and nose, and summoned the blood demon heart. A huge blood-colored heart floated in the void, and countless blood-colored tentacles danced, sucking up the bloody smell in the air.

The Gorefiend's heart feeds on blood energy, and this environment is most suitable for its growth.

Continuing along the corridor, the dark corridor gradually opened up, and the surroundings regained light. Bunches of torches were hung on the wall, illuminating the interior. Blood bubbles gushed out one after another, steaming like magma.

"Is this the blood pool?"

Li Xiaobai stared intently, the blood pool was huge, with no end in sight, at least it must be a huge lake, but with the background and courage of the Blood Demon Sect, the scope of the blood pool might be wider than imagined.

The whereabouts of Meng Qi and Nai Wa were not seen nearby, not even a single person.

"The blood pool is so big, there should be another entrance, right?"

With a thought, Li Xiaobai directed the blood demon's heart to slowly sink into the blood pool. Countless bloody tentacles sank into the blood pool and began to surge wildly, sucking the blood energy in it.

At this moment, the entire pool boiled like boiling water, and steam was bubbling away.

The aura of the heart is getting stronger in an orderly manner. This is a skill produced by the system. It is different from the one obtained from cultivation. There are no shackles or obstacles. As long as the blood energy is enough, the blood demon heart can always become stronger, and there is no so-called bottleneck period.

Moreover, the power of this skill depends entirely on blood energy, and is not linked to its own defense level. Li Xiaobai can't say how far it can grow in three days.

"Just suck it like this first."

Li Xiaobai muttered, the golden chariot manifested under his feet, entered the blood pool and began to gallop, looking for Meng Qi's figure, this disciple who entered first must know the situation in the blood pool.

The river formed by the coagulation of blood is extremely viscous, and the golden chariot running in it is like walking in the mud, the speed is much slower, and the powerful blasting force blasts the blood out of the turbulent waves, and finally it is in the center of the blood pool I saw a little black dot.

It was a leaf, emitting a green light, on which a long straight black nun sat upright, as if she was looking at something seriously.

After seeing Li Xiaobai, the face was full of surprise, "Master!"

"Well, what's the situation, have you ever found the whereabouts of the child?"

Li Xiaobai nodded and asked directly.

"Reporting to Master, this disciple speculates that the child should be hiding under the pool. The water seems to form a space of its own, which is also made of blood."

Meng Qi pointed to the bloody water and said.

Hearing this, Li Xiaobai also looked down. The water quality in the center of the blood pool is completely different from that at the edge. The blood here exudes precious light, and the whole body is as clear as Amber. It is easy to see the situation below.

Below the surface of the water is a blood-colored ocean world filled with flowers, birds, insects and fish. It looks no different from the world on the surface, except that it has been shrunk down and placed in the water.

"The power contained in the blood here is stronger than that at the edge. You should put the heart of the blood demon here to practice."

With a thought, Li Xiaobai summoned the heart of the blood demon to the center of the blood pool.

It can be easily seen from the center that the entire blood pool is graded. The closer to the center area, the stronger the energy contained in the blood, but the more dangerous it is to inhale into the heart of the blood demon, because the blood There is still a little spiritual energy left in the body, if you rashly inhale the will of the strong, you will only suffer the consequences and go crazy.

However, his Blood Demon Heart has no such restrictions. As a product of the system, it does not rely on Li Xiaobai to practice. There are no bottlenecks and shackles. All it needs is a huge amount of blood energy. For it, such an ocean world It is a real paradise.

"There is another world below, so it is very likely that Milkman is hiding in it."

Li Xiaobai touched his chin and thought to himself, after all, there is no place to hide on the surface of the blood pool, so if he wants to find the milk baby, he has no choice but to go down.

"Has Pai Daxing used it?"

"Use it, the world below is all made up of blood, and it will reorganize in the breath after it explodes."

"It seems that we have no choice but to go down, dear disciple, you wait here to be accepted as a teacher, and go on as a teacher first."

Li Xiaobai took out the mace, and the chariot under his feet turned into a streak of light, piercing the bloody Amber like a golden blade, and sinking into the bottom of the lake.

The mace was wrapped with the magic-sealing sword intent, slashing wantonly, and with the help of the brave charge of the golden chariot, the blood pool was divided into two. The feeling becomes smaller, and after diving to a certain level, Li Xiaobai feels that there is no difference between this place and the water, but his body feels a little sticky.

Dive to the bottom and look around.

The vast expanse of blood mist is completely different from the view from above. The bottom is also pavilions and pavilions, but it is not colorful, but composed of all blood and energy. It condenses like a solid body, and the patterns are densely covered and even quite delicate.

A magnificent palace is located, and Li Xiaobai stepped into it.


There are guarding skeleton soldiers in the hall, wearing heavy armor, standing neatly and holding knives, standing in front of Li Xiaobai, all composed of blood.

"Good dogs don't get in the way, those who get in the way are roadblocks!"

Li Xiaobai roared angrily, and swung the mace in his hand violently, smashing the skeleton soldier in front of him to pieces. Of course, this was only temporary. After a period of time, the blood will condense again and return to the appearance of a bloody skeleton.

With this skill, Li Xiaobai disappeared in a flash.

Walking to a corner, Li Xiaobai took off the small wooden box behind him, opened a gap and asked inside, "My dear boy, have you sensed the whereabouts of the milk baby?"

"I have sensed it, Master, go to the right, and you will find him if you keep going to the right!"

Fu Tiantian's voice seemed a little excited.

"Wang, kid, close the door quickly after asking, what the hell kind of place is this, it stinks!"

"That's right, it stinks your Lord Ji Wuqing!"

Before Li Xiaobai could speak, a chicken and a dog started chasing people away. The smell of the blood pool made them unbearable.

Li Xiaobai closed the small wooden box, held the mace, looked at the solidified wall on the right, and silently took out a handful of Pai Daxing.

"Is it on the right, understand!"

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