Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1224 Negative State, Possessed By The God Of Decline

Li Xiaobai was cursing, what time, this unlucky apprentice is still playing science, don't you know that time is precious?

The golden armored skeleton in front of the door moved slowly for some reason, and walked towards the money tree step by step, which was very close at hand.

"Master, I found it!"

"The ancient coin with the words "open and close" is on the bottom gold leaf!"

Fu Tiantian screamed suddenly, pointing at the money tree and shouting.

"Stand back, let me be the teacher!"

With the lesson learned from the past, Li Xiaobai dared not touch it with his hands again. He waved the mace in his hand, and shot out a sword energy to slash the ancient coin. At the same time, the Money Tree, which was still swaying in the wind, suddenly froze and remained motionless.

"Okay, move up, get out!"

Li Xiaobai breathed a sigh of relief, and the golden chariot under his feet directly knocked down the money tree, and he was dragged into the car and prepared to run away.

But at this moment, the golden armored skeleton flicked the spear point in his hand, and the movement was as fast as lightning, stabbing at Li Xiaobai, which was completely different from the slow movement before.

The point of the gun was pointed and his body shook, with a cold light, the powerful breath pierced Li Xiaobai's skin in an instant, and blood flowed in every thread.

"Half Holy Godzilla!"

Li Xiaobai didn't even think about it, he smashed 100 million with his backhand angrily, in exchange for a half-holy Godzilla that fell from the sky and lay in front of the golden armored skeleton.


Godzilla roared furiously, bursting with flames and thunder all over his body, sweeping across the entire hall, dangling his two short hands, fighting with the golden armored skeleton.

The air wave rolled over, sweeping the red skeleton guards across a large area.

"There's a hole down there!"

It was only at this moment that the master and apprentice could see clearly that there was a big dark hole where the money tree was uprooted just now, which really made people puzzled. How did this tree grow, and it couldn't be suspended in the air when it was stuck at the hole?

"Go down first!"

Li Xiaobai made a decisive decision, grabbed Fu Tiantian and jumped directly into it, because just now, he caught a glimpse of several gold-armored skeleton guards appearing in front of the main hall gate, obviously rushing over after sensing the movement here.

Attribute points + 10 million...

Attribute points + 12 million...

Attribute points + 15 million...

The value of the system attribute points is beating wildly. Li Xiaobai is frightened. The attribute points are rising steadily. It is not difficult to imagine that more and more golden skulls are approaching to attack Godzilla, and the attribute points are quickly approaching what he can bear. The critical value, I just hope that Godzilla can be stronger and not be killed so quickly.

With an investment of 100 million, no matter what, you have to be a real man for five minutes.

The hole was pitch black, Li Xiaobai fell to the ground, but he didn't feel the same way, there was a soft piece under his body, and he didn't know what it was.

Fu Tiantian transformed into a talisman to illuminate the surroundings. Under the money tree, there is an underground world, which is hidden deeper, and the stench suddenly becomes stronger.

Holding the money tree as a lighting device, and dangling around it, Li Xiaobai instantly turned pale with fright, surrounded by blood-colored lumps of flesh, breathing blood-colored aura, wriggling very regularly.


"There is actually a mountain of meat here!"

"This thing is really everywhere!"

Li Xiaobai took out a bag of Huazi, stuffed it to Fu Tiantian and said, "My boy, this kind of creature is called Roushan, which can release breath and enchant the mind. Putting Huazi in the mouth can clear the mind and eyesight, and keep calm."

"Thank you, Master."

Fu Tiantian skillfully took Huazi away, took out one, lit it, put it on the base of his tongue and pressed it down, if it wasn't for the white smoke that overflowed from the corner of her mouth, it would be impossible to tell that she was smoking Huazi.

The corners of Li Xiaobai's brows trembled, why did this operation seem familiar?

This talisman was taken by Er Gouzi and Ji Wuqing for a few days, and he actually learned this kind of coquettish operation.

"Hua Zi presses his tongue, who taught you this move?"

"Reporting to Master, it's Uncle Ergou!"

"Stop playing with your Uncle Ergou from now on, it's not a good product."

Li Xiaobai said lightly, walking forward with the money tree on his shoulders, the light of money illuminates the underground world, and all he can see is mountains of meat, piled up in large and small pieces, countless in number, similar to the big tomb born in the Buddha Kingdom It's even worse than it is.

This is also a hiding place for a large meat mountain, but I don't know what the purpose of the Blood Demon Sect's hiding so many bodies is. Could it be that there is something special about this thing that he hasn't noticed?

The mace slashed, opening a path in the Roshan community.

"Master, Ma Niu is talking again."

Fu Tiantian pointed to the money tree and said.

The tree trunk condensed into a line of small characters, "Master, run, there is a very evil existence here, and it is Ben's awesome enemy!"

Li Xiaobai glanced at it, automatically blocked the bragging part, and moved on. This baby boy has been highly integrated with the money tree, not only physically, but also mentally. What he expressed should be the old enemy of the money tree. , maybe the money tree was placed in that pothole to block it and suppress Roshan?

"Since you are here, please rest assured. This place must contain the secrets of the Blood Demon Sect. Let's take a look first."

Li Xiaobai said lightly, took out the picture scroll that Beichen Feng gave him, and held it in his hand, ready for any danger.

The two masters and apprentices walked towards the depths, and the vision in front of them gradually widened. The number of mountains in the center became sparser, but the size of mountains of meat became larger and larger, as if they were divided by several heroes. Great kings, no pawns are allowed to invade their territories.

In the central area, a huge blood-colored egg floats in the void, swells and moves regularly, as if it is alive.

"Is this also Roshan?"

Li Xiaobai was puzzled. It was the first time he had seen a heretical creature in the Roshan community. This egg was not simple.

"Chop it first and then talk."

Slamming the mace in his hand, the Demon Sealing Sword intent shot out, slashing straight at the egg.


The bloody eggs were shattered by the sword intent and turned into a puddle of thick water.

At the same time, a prompt popped up on the system panel.

"Drip! It has been detected that the host has acquired the blood-yang egg!"

Host Li Xiaobai!


Defensive power Heavenly Wonderland (8.3 billion, 10 billion) (Ten Thousand Years Yinghan Immortal Strain has been obtained) (Blood Yang Heavenly Egg has been obtained) can be advanced.


"That's it?"

"What is this?"

"I haven't seen it yet!"

Li Xiaobai was a little stunned, he got a blood-yang egg in a daze, thinking it was some kind of ruthless character, if he had known it was this weak chicken, he would have been more careful.

He took two steps forward and was about to check it carefully, when he suddenly felt that he stepped on something, which turned into a puddle of blood.

"Drip! It is detected that the host has killed the blood-yang egg, get the status, and possess the spirit!"

The duration of the possession of the Fading God is unknown, the continuous effect is unknown, and the removal method is unknown!

Note that this is a negative state, you have been targeted by the Blood Yang Sky Egg Clan.

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