"Are you Blood Demon Sect so easy-going?"

"It's only been three days, and four suzerains have already popped up. Who is the talker?"

Li Xiaobai squinted his eyes and asked coldly, his heart beating a little. If it is not bad, the surrounding space has been frozen, and if he wants to escape from Shengtian, the only way to go is to exit.

Moreover, the figure of the man shrouded in black mist in front of him was the same as what everyone in Jianzong said, the burly masked fighter was most likely the one who took the milk baby away!

"You are very unusual. Until now, this sect is still unable to determine who you are, and for so many years, you are the only one who can detect the secrets in my blood demon sect, even the one who stands at the top of the holy land today Being in the sect is absolutely impossible to be unaffected, your soul must be beyond ordinary people."

"This sect is very curious, where does a strong man like you come from?"

The burly man shrouded in black mist was unhurried, and said leisurely, now that he is sure of the other party, he is not in a hurry to make a move.

Li Xiaobai's face was extremely ugly. Everything should have gone smoothly. After getting the cash cow, saving the baby boy, and leaving with the Qianli Shunxing Talisman, why did it suddenly become difficult in hell?

"The Sa family is bald and strong, and they came to the blood pool only for cultivation. The Sa family feels that everything is normal, but you, the suzerain, hide your head and show your tail, and have been using a substitute to talk to the disciples of the disciples. With the existence of the fake Blood God Son, you are the one who really has ulterior motives, so what is your intention for acting like this?"

Li Xiaobai said coldly.

"This sect is the Son of the Blood God. All you see is this sect. This sect is so powerful that people can perceive it. This sect is everywhere in the world. It's just that I didn't expect that in the Zhongyuan Realm recently, out of thin air Some heresy!"

"This sect guesses that you came here for that heresy and wanted to take that child away, right?"

"Blood God Son" said.

"The Sa family doesn't understand what you're talking about, the Sa family is going out now, does the suzerain still want to kill me?"

Li Xiaobai dropped the sentence, and led Meng Qi to the outside world on his own.

"That child was abducted by this sect. To be precise, it was abducted by this sect's current body."

"You didn't say anything about it?"

"Blood God Son" continued.

"No, what do you like, the Sajia don't understand what you're talking about."

Li Xiaobai said lightly that he already knew about the situation of the Blood Demon Sect in his heart. There should be some kind of power in the sect that can lose people's souls. The suzerain of Zong has always been just an empty shell, and the real master behind the scenes has been hiding in the dark.

Earlier, the Shadow Assassin Egg Knife had already used up his once-a-day 50-50 skills. At this moment, the skills on the system panel are still in a gray state and have not yet been charged. In the underground world, I don’t know what time the outside world is now. It's too late, I can't take it easy, I have to leave as soon as possible.


Meng Qi looked very nervous, she felt that she and Li Xiaobai had been exposed, and that the suzerain of the Blood Demon Sect followed them in person, which is definitely not a good thing!

"Hehe, if you don't make it clear today, I'm afraid you won't be able to get out of the pool of blood."

The masked fighter said coldly, an obscure and terrifying aura erupted suddenly, sweeping across the audience in an instant, and just about to make the next move, the blood pool suddenly trembled, feeling the vibration under his feet, the expression of the masked fighter suddenly changed. Change.

"There is a riot below!"

"What's going on, boy, you entered the underground world, you entered that city of blood!"

The figure in the black mist was furious, and the terrifying aura became more and more dangerous, making people feel cold all over.

"That's right, the Sa family not only entered that city, but also fought a big money tree. Now countless skeleton guards are in a state of madness. If you rush over now, you might be able to suppress them."

Li Xiaobai said lightly.

"damn it!"

As soon as these words came out, the masked fighter ignored Li Xiaobai, turned into a cloud of black smoke and sank into the bottom of the blood pool, disappearing.

Li Xiaobai was overjoyed when he saw this, and dragged Meng Qi to the blood pool quickly, and returned to the surface through the aisle, but he didn't expect that the son of blood would let them go at a critical moment. I don't know whether it was luck or misfortune.

"Master, have we been discovered?"

A flash of fear flashed in Meng Qi's eyes. She never thought that her identity would be exposed within three days after entering the door, and the undercover mission was broken before it even started.

"It seems that the blood god son came in a hurry, and he didn't set up a net for the outside world. You go out of the sect first, report back to the demon sect, and lure them away for the teacher."

Li Xiaobai said lightly, and casually pasted a Thousand Miles Direction Talisman on the opponent's body, and before Meng Qi could react, there was a flash of golden light, and the whole person disappeared without a trace.

This Meng Qi is just a drag bottle by her side, and it's useless to carry it around, so she can move freely after sending it away first.

He patted his body to disperse the dust sticking to his body, and then he walked out of the cave unhurriedly with a mace in his hand. The outside world was still a familiar mountain gate, guarded by a total of three teams of patrolling disciples. When they saw Li Xiaobai, they immediately bowed salute.

"Meet the adults!"

"Well, Sajia's comprehension of the blood demon's heart has hit a bottleneck. Come back to practice in a few days. Have you ever seen an old man with a broken arm enter?"

Li Xiaobai waved his hand and asked seemingly casually.

"Reporting to my lord, I saw it. That person is a servant of the suzerain, and there is also a letter from the suzerain, allowing him to enter the blood pool to accompany the lord to practice. I don't know where that person is at the moment?"

The leading disciple said respectfully, and then looked around with some doubts in his eyes.

"I also want to ask you this, why can cats and dogs be put in, that guy has a low cultivation base and low status, and he actually insulted the Sa family in the pool of blood, and he didn't know how to repent. The Sa family has executed him, and his body is in Inside, go and clean it yourself."

"My disciple is also inside, just ask her for details."

Li Xiaobai waved his hand, with a face full of anger, and said in a serious manner.

"Ah this..."

The disciples guarding each other looked at each other, feeling a bit at a loss for a while. The suzerain's slave was beheaded by the elders of the holy realm.

Li Xiaobai said sternly and restrainedly, "Don't make Sajia angry, get out of the way quickly, Sajia is going to find the theory of Blood God Son now!"

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