Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 124 Buying A House Early Is Better Than Ten Years Of Reading

"Xiaofeng, don't make any noise here. We old fellows agree with Ou Yezi's approach."

Several old men on the side spoke.

Feng Qingyang was immediately discouraged, these were the Supreme Elders, they were the foundation of the sect, he dared not make any mistakes in front of the Supreme Elders.

However, his eyes are still full of doubts. In his opinion, these practices are completely detrimental to the interests of the sect.

"Junior Brother Feng, do you remember what Master said before he drove west?" Ou Yezi asked.

Feng Qingyang thought for a moment, "Is it better to buy a house early than to study for ten years?"

Ou Yezi "???"

All the elders "???"

"Junior Brother, if you say this in front of the stele of Master, the grave will burst..." Ou Yezi was speechless.

"Ahem, is that about Dragon Turtle?" Feng Qingyang was a little embarrassed.

"The matter of the dragon tortoise is a foregone conclusion. Cholera is bound to break out in the world. Some people in Zhongzhou are using their supernatural powers to spy a corner of the future. What I'm talking about are traitors in the sect." Ou Yezi said.

"This time, there have been quite a few traitors in my sect, all of whom have defected to evil cultivators. Elder Yue seems to be involved as well. I want to use Ye Liangchen to pull out all these people in one go, and wipe them all out!"

Feng Qingyang was puzzled, "I know about the sect traitors, and Yuan Fang is one of them, but what does this have to do with Ye Liangchen?"

"Didn't you realize that he looks familiar? You were trapped so badly in the Divine Beast Mountain Range, and now the perpetrator is swaggering in front of you, but you didn't notice?" Ou Yezi stared at him with a half-smile.

Feng Qingyang exploded in an instant, "It's that kid who cheated the old man of countless resources, yet he dared to come to the Holy Demon Sect!"

"Junior brother, let's be more careful in the future, a little monk will play you around, how will you survive the catastrophe in the future?"

Feng Qingyang "..."

"Also, how are you preparing for that matter?" Ou Yezi asked suddenly.

"Let's all work together, there are a total of ten foreign talents, brother, do we really want to do this?"

Thinking of Ou Yezi's plan, Feng Qingyang felt a little apprehensive.

"Why don't you dare, Junior Brother, do you remember Master's interpretation of Confucianism and Taoism?"

"A deviant is a monster?" Feng Qingyang said.

"That's right, the secret realm of the Great Confucian Beichenfeng is extremely dangerous. If it is true as what the master said, then this Beichenfeng is very likely to become a demon in his later years. Although the geniuses you mentioned are in the Nascent Soul stage, they still lack experience. Confucianism and Taoism, it is difficult to make a difference."

"This is our opportunity. The treasure land contaminated with demonic nature is a natural barrier. As long as we kill all the Tianjiao here, we can gather their luck in me, break through the tribulation period in one fell swoop, and achieve the cultivation base of the Mahayana period. The sect can also become a first-class sect!"


Even though he already knew the plan of the senior brother in charge, Feng Qingyang still took a deep breath, killed ten Tianjiao from different regions in one fell swoop, collected the luck from them with great supernatural powers, and forcibly broke through the realm.

If this news got out, the Holy Demon Sect would probably face disaster, but it seemed that several elders were very much in agreement.

"Xiaofeng, why are you so surprised? They have done a lot in Zhongzhou and West Desert!"

"That is, decades ago, a Living Buddha in Ximo wanted to shatter the void and ascend to the upper realm. With a single thought, he saved thousands of souls and forcibly gained a firm foothold in the upper realm with great luck."

"The sword demon in Zhongzhou is also a sword, Wan Guping, who uses the power of the sword to guide the luck of all living beings, and forcibly breaks through the space barrier."

"This kind of thing is not uncommon. In comparison, Ou Yezi's method is much more peaceful."

"Everything is for the disciples of the sect..."

Feng Qingyang "..."

Well, it's really hard to define a good person and a bad person, it's too difficult to be a human...


At the same time, a certain peak.

Yue Buqun was discussing something with Yue Fan, while Xia Jian was serving tea and water.

"Everything is clear now. Ye Liangchen is Li Xiaobai, who took away the number one target of that lord. The others don't care. This person must be captured alive. He has something belonging to the lord hidden in him." Yue Buqun said seriously.

"The disciple knows it well, so I will contact this person in the past few days."

Yue Fan was overjoyed, this man was extremely arrogant, not only wanted to touch his woman, but also offended that lord, needless to say, he would definitely die.

Ye Liangchen, Li Xiaobai, no matter who you are, if you dare to fight with me, you will only die!

"Be careful, if we can give Li Xiaobai to that lord, the benefits will be unimaginable." Yue Buqun instructed.

"Disciple knows, this disciple has arranged a comprehensive plan to capture Li Xiaobai alive!"


At this time, Li Xiaobai didn't know that he was being targeted by so many big shots, let alone that he had been exposed.

Now he is leisurely taking a bath and barbecue with some brothers and sisters on the mountain peak!

The news that he became the master of a peak has spread throughout the sect. These handyman disciples were very pleasantly surprised when they heard it. They have a peak master, and judging from their previous attitude, this is a good peak master who protects their shortcomings !

Maybe, in the future, they really don't need to pay protection fees, and they really don't need to live a humble life.

What does the peak master mean? Yuan Fang is the clearest among the handyman disciples. The peak master has the highest control over a mountain. Something that violated the sect's rules.

Not to mention the rest of the little bastards who collect protection fees, they really don't have to be bullied in the future.

But Li Xiaobai doesn't care about this, since he lives here, there will be absolutely no shady scenes.

At this time, he was discussing the list with several people.

"Senior brother, you have seen a lot, do you know what the list really means?" Liu Jinshui asked.

"The list is a certification of personal strength. Only those who are strong enough can be on the list. The list is divided into human list, local list and heaven list. The above rankings are said to be arranged by a big man from Zhongzhou."

"If you want to be on the list, you need to go through identity verification. After you make a big event that makes the boss feel that it is enough to be on the list, you will be placed on the list. The same is true for ranking promotion. As long as you can make a big event, ranking is easy.”

"The easiest thing is to challenge the top-ranked people, kill them, and we will be able to rise to the top."

Lin Yin took a sip of Huazi, and said lightly, in just a few days, he couldn't live without this thing.

"Which boss can know the movements of all monks in the world?" Li Xiaobai was a little puzzled.

"That's right. The big guy who made the rankings is called Old Man Tianji. He is a strong man in the rankings. He is best at deducing secrets. He can know the major events in the world. The rankings are very credible."

"The Fairy Daily that monks read on weekdays is the property of Old Man Tianji."

Lin Yin replied.

Li Xiaobai clicked his tongue secretly in his heart, the big boss is indeed a big boss, tracking and knowing the situation of all the geniuses in the world at the same time, how powerful this cultivation base is.

"So that's it, then we can also be on this list?" Li Xiaobai asked.

"It's natural."

"Wang, Master Ergouzi is also a genius, and Master Ergouzi also wants to make it to the list!"

"Hehe, this deity, Ji Wuqing, must be the number one powerhouse in the heaven list!"

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