Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1252 Skill: Speechless Clone

It sounds like an orthodox sect, a sect that even the Blood Demon Sect would be afraid of. If they go there, they will surely be able to seek shelter. They have decided that if they leave the Buddhist kingdom in the future, they must go to the Sword Sect to practice!

All the monks left one after another, leaving only Li Xiaobai and his party on the podium.

Er Gouzi was grinning and wanted to put the noose on Li Xiaobai's body, but he kicked him to the ground. This broken dog is a typical example of kicking his nose and face, that is, his crime value is heinous. If he is replaced by success , Let alone the little Jinlun Temple, the Big Leiyin Temple can be taken down.

The value jumps on the system panel.

Host Li Xiaobai!


Achievement tasks can be reversed (0.2% of current progress) to receive rewards!


A golden wheel city was liberated, the values ​​on the system panel jumped, and the progress of the reversed task jumped from 0.1 to 0.2, which is a small progress.

Compared with those big cities and temples in the core area, this city is still too small, and the progress has only increased by 0.1 in total. It seems that it will take some difficulty to recover all the cities.

"Boy, where do we go next?"

Xiao Laodi asked.

"Get the two of you to help collect the bill first, and set off early tomorrow morning to bomb the surrounding cities."

Li Xiaobai threw out a palm map and recorded the major monasteries in the surrounding area in detail. The map forms a circle, the outer monasteries are densely dotted, and the core area is bright and starry. There are only a few sporadic monasteries, but the area of ​​each monastery is Jinlun Temple is hundreds to thousands of times larger, and Daleiyin Temple directly occupies several continuous mountain ranges, the vastness of which can be seen.

"There are only four of us here, who will collect the bill?"

Er Gouzi asked, he is not at ease about finding a loyal and loyal person as his own in the city, let alone him, and neither are the other two. The state of being converted by Buddhism is really pitiful, but who knows what kind of temperament these people are after returning to their original colors?

You must know that they are not good men and women, they are all from outside sects, and some of them are monks from super sects. It was useless.

"Isn't this old man able to play split? Let him divide a little old man to collect the bill!"

Ji ruthlessly looked at Xiao Laodi and said.

"I look up to this old man. I can't distinguish so many incarnations outside the body. It's very hurtful to strip the spirit and soul, but I can promise that if the Great Leiyin Temple is liberated in the future, the old man can leave an incarnation to collect resources. .”

The little brother smashed his mouth and said such a sentence.

Li Xiaobai's complexion turned dark. This old man obviously thinks that Jinlun Temple's resources are too few, and wants to covet the resources of a large temple.

It's beautiful.

"Don't worry, let me see!"

Li Xiaobai said lightly, scanning the system panel with a thought, and entering the holy realm for the first time, there are a few more column boxes in the system.

They are all powerful magic weapons or skills.

Among the magic weapons, Godzilla and Dinghaishenzhen are all unlocked, and after Pai Daxing, there is an explosive named Qianzhihe.

The explosive power of the thousand paper cranes is equivalent to the full blow of a semi-saint powerhouse. (10,000 top grade fairy stones)

Note art is a thousand paper cranes, which can not only explode, but also fly!

This is good, this explosive can fly by itself, and even the force of throwing it is saved, which is very smart.

In the skill column, except for Hellfire, which requires self-advancement, the rest of the god-level skills have all reached the power of the semi-holy level, which cannot be understood by common sense, and there is a new skill added.

drop! It is detected that the host acquires new skills. I have millions of clones.

I have millions of clones, and I can summon a clone that has one-tenth of the strength of the main body and can think independently. (One million top grade fairy stones).

Note that the avatar can inherit all the status of the main body, and vice versa, please use it with caution.

That's it!

Li Xiaobai's eyes lit up, and he said that Cao Cao and Cao Cao will be here, and what he needs now is manpower, with this thing, every city can keep its own people!

Although the last comment made him feel that something was wrong, but this skill can solve the urgent need, and it can be regarded as a timely help.

When the skill was activated, one million top-quality immortal stones were instantly lost in the space ring.

At the same time, the void in front of the four of them suddenly twisted and changed, and then a black shadow walked out without warning.

This black figure was completely black, its facial features were also pitch black, and its clothes were also pitch black. From the figure, it could be seen that it was exactly the same as Li Xiaobai, just like a shadow.

As soon as this "black shadow Li Xiaobai" appeared, he started to walk around, looking at the surrounding environment and the people in front of him.

"Fuck, kid, what the hell did you make of this?"

Er Gouzi saw that the black piece could still move, and his hair stood on end in fright.

"What a fuss, this is my avatar."

Li Xiaobai said lightly that he was also observing the other party. Currently, this is his first skill that is not aimed at attacking means. It summons a clone. He is very curious about what this clone can do.


Sombra spoke, and the moment he opened his mouth, he was the quintessence of the country.

Li Xiaobai "???"

Sombra continued, "loser!"

Li Xiaobai "What the hell..."

Soi Ying said proudly, "My name is Li Xiaobai!"

"I know, you are my clone."

Li Xiaobai said dryly, this avatar is a bit talkative.

"To be precise, this seat will take care of the aftermath for you, and you are the incompetent side of this seat!"

Heiying said lightly, Li Xiaobai was furious, this avatar is a bit annoying!


"This is the manifestation of your incompetence. The more incompetent you are, the more angry you will be. And if you are really capable, why would you summon me?"

"You recognize this seat's ability, because this seat is better than you, and you subconsciously rely on this seat!"

Soi Ying spoke in the same way, which stunned Li Xiaobai.

"Hey, boy, when did you have a clone, and this clone looks so bad, it's carved out of the same mold as you!"

Ji Wuqing looked at the black shadow, her eyes widened involuntarily, and she became an incarnation outside her body, which is not something everyone can do.

Xiao Laodi's eyes are also horrified. He can see that this is not an ordinary incarnation. Ordinary incarnations need to be controlled by the body's mind. Such a self-consciousness and even arguing with the body can only be achieved with the power of the soul. Cohesion can only be done, just like the relationship between the old beggar and him.

No matter how powerful a person's soul is, it will inevitably affect his own strength if it is separated to form a single independent body, and it will even hurt the foundation in serious cases, but here Li Xiaobai casually made a clone, which is really shocking. appalled.

"Boy, it's not easy. Avatars of this level can be condensed, but this guy is covered in black. I'm afraid he won't be able to do the job of staying behind to collect money, right?"

Xiao Laodi looked at the black shadow and said slowly.

Hei Ying turned around, and seemed to turn his head towards the other party, with the same indifferent tone, "You are so old and ugly, to be honest, I sympathize with you very much!"

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