the next day.

Li Xiaobai packed his bags except for Jinlun City, where there is a shadow in charge of the overall situation. This imposter is amazing. He set up the banner of the Wicked Gang in just one night in the city. It is to give yourself a long face!

The monks in the city regain their freedom and don't care whether they are still under the leadership of the Buddhist sect. If they have milk, they are mothers. They will follow whoever can help them become stronger, provide resources, and teach Buddhism.

Although the word "Wicked People's Gang" doesn't sound like a good person, but it doesn't matter, anyway, they are not a positive figure, and they don't reject people in the devil's way. On the contrary, many of them used to be followers of the devil's way of monks.

What's more, this brother of the villain's gang sells Huazi every day. He didn't set the price on the ground, and he didn't intend to deduct it deliberately. He even launched a special discount promotion, buy ten and get one free. The business is absolutely honest and has won everyone's trust in a short time .

Outside Jinlun City.

Li Xiaobai and his group opened the map to check it out.

"The efficiency of traveling from city to city is too low. If we really do this, I'm afraid we will be discovered before we reach the core area. At that time, Wuyuzi will send a few eminent monks to snatch some resources and re-allocate them. The previous efforts But it would be in vain."

Xiao Laodi said.

"It's indeed a problem. There is ventilation and communication between the cities. Why don't we catch them all?"

Li Xiaobai flipped his wrist and took out a thousand paper cranes. This is the latest explosive produced by the system mall, and it can fly for a while.

The thousand paper cranes are small and delicate, with a whole body of snow-white. When held in the hand, wisps of sparks emerge from the tip, spontaneously igniting and spreading towards the heart. There is a disc engraved with the twelve hours and a pointer. Obviously, this The thing is still timed by remote control, and it can be timed up to twelve hours a day.

Li Xiaobai thought for a while, and moved the pointer to the position of Si time. Now it is Chen time, and it will be Si time in one hour. This time is enough for a thousand paper cranes to fly over the nearest city.

Stretching out his hand and throwing it, there was a bag of Huazi hanging from the thousand paper crane's beak, and it flew towards the distance unsteadily.

"What is this?"

"Never seen it before."

The rest of them felt that it was very novel, they were obviously made of paper, but they still flew as if they were alive.

"This object is called the Thousand Paper Crane. In the past, it was used to send blessings to people."

Li Xiaobai said cheerfully.

Ji Wuqing asked, "What about now?"

"Still send blessings!"

"Let's send blessings as we walk. The thousand paper cranes are a bit slow to fly, but they are powerful enough."

Li Xiaobai reversed his wrist, skillfully and smoothly placed Hua Zi in the mouth of the paper crane, and flew towards the distance. The thousand paper cranes flew away one by one, and he felt a little uncertain in his heart. Explosion is definitely an earth-shattering big news, a little guilty.

"It's fine to fly higher. The explosion above the sky is so violent that the monks below will only think it's a strange phenomenon from the sky."

Xiao Laodi said.

It's just a regional Huazi, and it's impossible to find it if it's too far away. If it's close, it's just a pot, and there will be no danger of leaking the wind.

Counting the nearby cities and temples on the map, there are eighteen in total, which means that the number of paper cranes will be a terrifying number, and the consumption rate of the top-grade immortal stones is also terrifying.

There was a twist in the void in front of him, and rows of black shadows walked out of it. Every city needs a shadow to guard, and the surrounding cities are only bigger. In terms of strength, they are not much stronger than Jinlun Temple, and their acting skills are enough to shock them. up.

"Boy, what do you rely on to condense your avatar?"

"I feel like you don't have to work hard at all, but what's the special secret?"

Xiao Laodi was stunned, his eyes were straight, he condensed seventeen clones in one breath, and his body was calm and relaxed, as if nothing happened. This kind of scene has never been seen before!

"Just pop it out, maybe this is a genius monk?"

Li Xiaobai said absently.

"Ontology, remember to protect yourself, and don't trouble the Holy Land!"

"That's right, you die as soon as you die, don't implicate us..."

"The southern city seems to be quite weak, I'll go there..."

"I'm going to the north..."

"Slip away!"

A group of seventeen black figures in black robes flashed away in different directions.

"It's such a high level of intelligence, it can think and communicate independently, and it has an independent personality!"

Emperor Xiaolao shouted in his heart that to make such a doppelganger, he had to separate the souls to refine it, which meant that Li Xiaobai had separated a total of eighteen souls, even if a strong man in the holy realm separated eighteen souls at one time, he would be punished. No, let alone not even taking a breath.

Is this kid's soul power too much to use up?

"I'm afraid that people will know our secret."

"I hope this wave can be resolved quickly."


Nearly an hour later, in a certain nearby city, Li Xiaobai and his party walked into it. There were 18 cities in total near Jinlun City, and the remaining one had no shadow to calm down. Li Xiaobai and others went there in person, spitting blood , Second, I want to save some money.

This city is called the Great Sage City. It is said that there once was an ape who practiced Buddhism here.

Needless to say, entering the city is still the same old way.

Er Gouzi manifested the golden merit value, and a series of golden values ​​dazzled the eyes. No identification was required. The guards in front of the gate were in awe, and the monks around saluted and bowed one after another, with expressions of extreme respect.

A dog with millions of merit points, this is a dog descended from heaven!

"May I ask why Master came here today?"

The abbots of the monastery in the city rushed over upon hearing the news and asked respectfully.

"Buddha, I'm sure that you will have auspicious blessings from heaven in your Great Sacred City today, so you will come here to sit and watch for a while, hoping for blessings."

Er Gouzi said cheerfully.

"Have an incredible fortune?"

The abbots were very puzzled, they had been cultivating in this city for decades, but they had never heard of any blessing!

"Not just when?"

"Naturally it is at this moment!"

Er Gouzi raised his paw and pointed to the sky.

At this time, there was a sudden thunderclap above the sky, rumbling loud noises continued, and the wind and clouds surged. The entire sky seemed to be split into two halves. At the same time, bursts of obscure and terrifying breaths permeated When it fell, billowing thick white smoke swept across the city, covering the whole city in the blink of an eye.

"Amitabha... this... this is..."

"Auspiciousness from heaven! This is really auspiciousness from heaven!"

"The master is really right. I have never had a chance in the Great Sacred City for hundreds of years, but now I have a fairy fate. This is the blessing of the Buddha!"

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