Er Gouzi threw out a sugar-coated cannonball without making a sound.

Bobozi's eyes narrowed slightly. He understood what the other party meant. Huazi could sell it anywhere. If he didn't want it at Tianlong Temple, he would leave and go to Bodhi Temple to sell it. Several big temples are in competition. How could he Watching the competing monasteries grow bigger but I still stand still, wouldn't the gap be widened?

But it would be too wasteful to say that it is used for disciples. This kind of treasure should be held in the hands of a few people. How can everyone have it?

"I am afraid that there are many inappropriate things about selling to the common people. The old monk thought that Huazi could be managed by Tianlong Temple on his behalf, and strictly controlled the sale to ensure that every Huazi can be implemented to maximize its effect."

"Then you mean..."

"Only sold to Buddhist monks, not ordinary people."

Bobozi said that ordinary people have low cultivation bases or even no cultivation bases at all, and it would be a waste of money to give them a treasure like Huazi.

"Then I'm afraid this business can't be negotiated. The things belong to the Buddha. The Buddha sells them in this city and sells them outside the city. I recruited you out of the friendship of fellow Buddhist monks. Just do it alone, no matter whether it is resources or merits in the future, you will have no share in Tianlong Temple!"

"I'm not afraid to tell you that I have secretly sent someone to send this thing to Master Wuyuzi, the abbot of Daleiyin Temple. When this thing is popularized in Daleiyin Temple, the position of the entire Buddhist sect will change, and it will even affect the layout. Tianlong Temple is serious. To be a stumbling block of the times?"

Er Gouzi said indifferently, put away Hua Zi, got up and left without looking back, as if he didn't leave his own place and kept his own place.

Seeing this, Li Xiaobai and the others also followed closely behind, saying that going to Tianlong Temple is considered to be in the right hands. The leader of this faction, the abbot of the temple, not only has to consider his own interests, but also the gains and losses of the entire temple. If the monastery grows bigger, his status will also rise. If the monastery becomes weaker, then his status as a strong man in the holy realm will also decrease day by day.

Sure enough, just as he was about to kick the door, Master Bobozi's voice came from behind him.

"Amitabha, everyone please stay behind!"

"Master Wuhu cares about the common people in the world. It's really admirable. But the old monk is a good figure. He only focuses on petty profits and fails to see the overall situation. Thank you Master Wuhu for your reminder. I have accepted this deal from Tianlong Temple and will repair it tonight. shop, and the shop can be opened tomorrow morning to save sentient beings."

Abbot Bobozi said.

"It's so good, then I'll wait for the good news from Master tomorrow."

Er Gouzi grinned, and walked away with a group of people, leaving only the bewildered people in the room.

After a few breaths, the monks came back to their senses, one by one couldn't help pondering, the matter was serious, the decision was too hasty, it can be said to be hasty, whether it should be considered more carefully, like a way to get the best of both worlds is not impossible.

"Amitabha, is the abbot master a little quick to respond to this matter?"

Pipizi asked from the side.

"What we want is just resources, but what Master Wuhu wants is merit plus resources. Different points of interest naturally have different considerations. According to them, it can only be realized by popularizing Huazi."

Bobozi understood clearly, shook his head and explained.

"But this thing is too miraculous after all. Even the strong in the holy realm can benefit from it. It is by no means an ordinary treasure. If everyone knows it, we may be very passive. At this moment, they are still in Tianlong Temple. Do we want to..."

Monk Lingjue gestured to cut his throat, wanting to kill Er Gouzi.

"The poor monk thinks that there are eight tribes of heaven and dragons, and combining with the big formation of the temple might not be able to keep them forever, you can give it a try."

The other monk nodded and said, with a flash of hostility in his eyes, showing awe-inspiring killing intent.

"That's right. Although there are four people on the other side, the blood elder of the Blood Demon Sect was suppressed by Wuhu. If we join forces with him, we will definitely be able to take down this group of people!"

It was the time when a few people were talking, and only heard a crisp sound of "click", the pillars of the main hall of Tianlong Temple broke at the root, and the whole hall collapsed without warning, turning into ruins.

"Amitabha, that guy did it!"

"To actually destroy my hall, this is a demonstration against my Tianlong Temple!"

Amidst the smoke and dust, a group of monks were ashamed. Who would have thought that the hall would collapse without any problems?

What's more, the hall collapsed as soon as the front foot left, it was definitely a trick played by that poor dog!

"Amitabha, who among you can see how he made a move just now?"

Master Bobozi's face was calm, and with a wave of his hand, the Buddha's light shone all over the place, and the whole hall was restored to its original state while the bricks were floating and breathing.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. To be honest, no one noticed it. Everything seemed to be due to the natural aging and collapse of the hall, but the timing was too coincidental.

"To be honest, the old monk didn't even notice it, and he didn't even feel the fluctuation of the power of the immortal. The power of the other party is higher than ours, let alone following a little brother emperor. If you want to do something, he has already It is expected, this is to remind us, who else wants to secretly engage in tricks?"

Master Bobozi's eyes were full of shadows. To be honest, if this kind of thing happened to him, he would be slaughtered if someone else killed him, but his reason told him that the team that came today was great, and he should not act rashly. The collapse without warning is the best proof.

The monks were silent, they could silently turn the hall into dust, and they could also silently kill most of them, no one dared to take this risk.

"The abbot means..."

Pipizi asked.

"Just do as Master Wuhu said. Not only do we have to do it, but we also have to make big moves to block the entire Tianlong Temple. No outsiders are allowed to enter or leave for nearly a month. Every temple is well supervised, and no one is allowed to go to the Bodhi Temple without permission. Pass on the information!"

Master Bobozi said that he wanted to block the news and let Tianlong Temple monopolize the resources.

"Understood. Immediately after returning home, the poor monk recites the six-character mantra, which will surely make all the monks in the monastery turn to Tianlong Temple!"

The eminent monks nodded with solemn expressions.

"Amitabha, I'm counting on you to take care of me."


at the same time.

the other side.

Li Xiaobai and others randomly found a temple near the gate of Tianlong Temple to live in. This temple is called Qingfeng Temple. There are not many people in the temple, and it was easily occupied by Er Gouzi.

This location was chosen for easy running, as long as Huazi successfully took a walk, they ran away, and the rest depended on the fate of Tianlong Temple.

In the wing room.

Li Xiaobai stared at the values ​​on the system panel, unknowingly, Hua Zi, Thousand Paper Cranes, and clones were all used a lot, and there were already countless times.

The avatars are really awesome. He tried his best to build his small treasury. The number of avatars has already broken through a hundred, but the achievement of the mission is also progressing rapidly.

Host Li Xiaobai!


The achievement task is reversed (the current task progress is 49%) and the reward has not been claimed!

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