"Everyone who came to my Bodhi Temple to seek refuge this time, do you also have the intention to sell Hua Zi?"

"If there is a need, my Bodhi Temple can help me at any time, and I will definitely cooperate with the work of the two families!"

The topic was almost finished, and the abbot's guardian began to bring the topic on the right track. The reason why they treated each other so enthusiastically and brought Li Xiaobai and his party into the temple was naturally a plan to earn more resources.

Huazi is a hot commodity, but there are too many things involved behind it. The reason why Bobozi from Tianlong Temple dared to do it is because they don't know the inside story. As the saying goes, those who don't know have no fear. The abbot of Daleiyin Temple, Master Wuyuzi, is involved, and he has an inseparable connection with the Blood Demon Sect. If he follows the old path of Tianlong Temple at this moment, he can only be happy for a while, and Wuyuzi will definitely settle the score afterwards.

If the situation is more serious, maybe he will be pushed out to take the blame for the Blood Demon Sect.

The three major monasteries are all in a competitive relationship, and it is precisely because of this that they must not let go of their great intentions.


"To be honest, Master, this is considered embarrassing for me. Huazi is almost sold in Tianlong Temple, and I have never thought of popularizing this product in other places. Besides, this Huazi is still in the experimental stage. Whether or not it will be beneficial to the monks is an issue, Master Abbot, there is no need to be in a hurry, right?"

Li Xiaobai said cheerfully.

He could see that all the masters in front of him were in a hurry, and the reason was unknown. There were only three temples in the core area. At present, Tianlong Temple sold a large number of Huazi. , then the only one left without knowing it is Bodhi Temple.

"Amitabha, I am surprised by this remark. The Buddhist sects of the world belong to one family. It is my Buddhist disciples' duty to test medicine for the common people in the world. As the saying goes, if I don't go to hell, who will go to hell?"

"Furthermore, life needs chance, and chance is inevitable. Since we can meet here, it is fate. Since we have the opportunity to contribute to Buddhist disciples, of course I, Bodhi Temple, will do my part!"

"Actually, I have been thinking about it all these years. I want to do something for the monks under my sect. Although I can't directly build a pagoda in the Buddhist kingdom like my ancestors to imprison the sins of the world, but I will sell Huazi for a while. The benefits can still be achieved.”

The abbot protector said cheerfully, with a kind smile on his face, Li Xiaobai's guess was correct, at the moment his heart was quite anxious, it would not be an exaggeration to say that he was burning with anxiety.

The three major temples are in competition with each other, and there are many open and secret fights on weekdays. Now the other two temples seem to have confirmed the supply of Huazi, but he Bodhi Temple has nothing. Still have to be kept in the dark about Huazi's news.

He must have what other people have, and if he lags behind, he will be beaten. This is an eternal truth.

"That's how it is. It's really admirable that the abbot master has such a heart, but the remaining stock of this Huazi is really not much. Since the abbot said it all, I will sell it all. !"

"However, my brothers settle accounts clearly. Let's talk about it beforehand. You can take 10% of the profits from the Bodhi Temple, and the remaining 90% need to be handed over. If there is no objection, it can be opened tomorrow!"

Li Xiaobai said lightly.

"No problem, 10% profit is enough!"

"On behalf of all the disciples of the Bodhi Temple, I salute the elders of the blood relationship. This action can be regarded as immeasurable merit!"

There was a look of joy in the eyes of the abbot's guard, and he invited Li Xiaobai and others into the hall to discuss this matter. Now that the matter was settled, a big stone in their hearts also fell to the ground.

"It's nothing to worry about trivial matters, it's nothing more than a little effort, but this matter still needs to be kept secret by Master Abbot, Hua Zi is a variety of secrets, and he dare not reveal it to the outside world."

Li Xiaobai reminded.

"That's right, the matter of Tianlong Temple, Lord Buddha, I don't want it to happen again."

Er Gouzi interjected at the right time.

"It's natural. Since it's a magic weapon that was refined in secret, I won't reveal a word to the public. Tonight, the old monk will arrange martial law, so that no monk in the Bodhi Temple will be allowed to leave the temple!"

The Luanyu master at the side immediately stated that it was related to the secrets of the Buddha and the Devil, and they could profit from it, and they would be satisfied if they got some benefits, and they dare not covet too much.

"That's great, then we'll see you tomorrow."

Li Xiaobai said, not staying and taking everyone away quickly.


that night.

The group randomly found a Buddhist monastery to live in.

In the middle of the night, it can be seen that countless black shadows are shaking outside.

"This is martial law!"

Li Xiaobai looked at the crowds outside. Like Tianlong Temple, Bodhi Temple began to be closed.

"Boy, how do you collect the bill tomorrow, or run away after finishing one ticket?"

"Paper can't contain the fire. The matter of Tianlong Temple and the affairs of many temples in the periphery of the Buddha Kingdom will be exposed sooner or later. We have to plan early!"

Er Gouzi said with some dissatisfaction that today's limelight belongs to Li Xiaobai, obviously he is the protagonist.

"It's really rare to be able to bluff the Bodhi Temple, but both the strength of the guardian and the strength of the Wuyuzi must be higher than that of the Bobozi. It will be difficult to get away if the truth is exposed. It's better to slip away after finishing this ticket, then Let Da Leiyin Temple go for now?"

Xiao Laodi also said that he has been walking a tightrope for the past few days, and now everyone is equivalent to being deeply trapped in the Buddhist kingdom, and if he is not careful, he will be besieged by many powerful saints. He is the only one of the four who is the real saint Cultivation, if you really fight, you will have to stop every minute.

"No, I have my own way, everything can be carried out step by step, collect the bill tomorrow, distribute Huazi to the entire temple, and then move to Daleiyin Temple, and strive to take the entire Buddhist kingdom within three days!"

Li Xiaobai shook his head and said firmly, seeing that the task was about to be completed at the door, how could he leave in a huff?

His mind sank into the system, checking the values ​​on the system panel.

He found that the clone that was sent to lure Bobozi and Pipizi away was not dead, but was still alive. He couldn't help being very curious. Logically speaking, he should be slaughtered immediately if he was discovered!

In the chat room!

Who is Li Xiaobai, have you met Bobozi? Why are you still alive?

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