
Killing Monk nodded silently, his body turned into a blood-red afterimage, which blurred for a while and then disappeared.

Wuyuzi paced back and forth in the hall, and at some point, a layer of cold sweat oozed from his vest.

Flipping his wrist, he took out a Huazi, which was just slipped away from Luanyu, and it was this object that liberated the monks of the two monasteries on a large scale in one fell swoop, and regained their freedom from the transformation of the power of faith.

With a flick of the finger, a cluster of flames shot out, landed on the cigarette butt and ignited, put it in the mouth and took a small sip, and then swallowed the clouds for a while.

After a while, Wuyuzi slowly opened his eyes, and there was a look of horror in his eyes. Just now, he clearly felt that his own understanding had improved a bit, but this is not the point, the most important thing is the The accumulated power of faith actually dissipated a little.

"This thing can really offset the power of faith!"

"It's the work of the Blood Demon Sect, that's right. Looking at the entire Zhongyuan Realm, only the mysterious Blood Demon Sect has the ability to refine this thing, and it's mass-produced!"

"The Blood Demon Sect is really going to attack, the Blood God Son is going to abandon the covenant of the past, and attack my Buddhist sect!"

Wuyuzi's eyes widened, and he walked repeatedly in the hall. After so many years, the two families of Buddha and Demon have done a lot of business. The contact has never been broken, but the fundamental thing that can connect the two is Those two in the pagoda.

As long as these two are imprisoned in the pagoda, the Blood Demon Sect will not break faces with the Buddhist sect. After all, the two can stay in the pagoda obediently because of the joint efforts of both of them. The ancestor disappeared from the pagoda out of thin air, and the blood demon sect immediately showed its ferocious fangs, trying to destroy the pure land of his Buddhism!

It's really an out-and-out method of using people to face forward instead of facing back, with only interests in their eyes!

"No, it would be too passive to keep quiet about this matter. I still have to write a book, asking which song the Blood God Son sang!"

Wuyuzi muttered to himself, took out a pen and paper and began to write on the envelope.


Nothing to say all night.

There is no place of peace in the entire Buddhist kingdom. All the major monasteries are actively displaying the six-character mantra in an attempt to reinvigorate the monks who have regained their freedom. Killing monk Wuyan led the monks in the Arhat Hall to help. The situation was a little out of control. The situation calmed down in just a few hours and gradually got on the right track.

The seven-colored Buddha light shines everywhere, and the six-character mantra of the strong man in the holy realm should suppress everything.

In each monastery, there was a man in black robe holding a small shovel in his hand, dug a hole on the spot, buried himself in it, and hid himself silently. Everything that happened so far was as expected .

Early the next morning.

Wuyuzi summoned the abbots of all the temples in the Buddha Kingdom to enter the Daleiyin Temple for a narration. The commotion in the Buddha Kingdom was temporarily suppressed for one night, and some things needed to be mentioned in person.

On the Lun Dao Peak in Daleiyin Temple, there was no empty seat, all monks in red robes and cassocks were waiting for Master Wuyuzi's words.

Killing Monk Wuyan sat down at the seat next to him, his eyes were looking back and forth among the crowd, he was observing whether there were any of these abbots and abbots who were pretending to be fake, and if he found out, he would be removed from the Buddhist team immediately!

"Amitabha, Poor Monk Wuyuzi has met all of you fellows, so let's get straight to the point without further ado. You must have known what happened yesterday. My Buddhist sect has fallen into a catastrophe for no reason. Not only the 250 monasteries on the periphery, but Even the Tianlong Temple and Bodhi Temple in the inner circle have been tricked, which almost caused a catastrophe!"

Speechless said slowly.

"Amitabha, thanks to the eminent monks of Daleiyin Temple who rushed to help in time, otherwise I would be in danger!"

"The turmoil among the disciples can be settled, thanks to Master Wuyan and everyone in the Arhat Hall. If not, the old monk may be a sinner in the Buddhist sect!"

"We should thank Master Wuyuzi. If it weren't for his old man's insight and immediate response, I'm afraid the Buddhism will suffer a lot of losses!"

Below, a group of abbots and abbots said excitedly, "I don't know what the master abbot called us today, but there are still leftovers that have not been cleaned up?"

"I don't go around in circles, this time the mastermind behind the scenes is very likely to be the work of the Blood Demon Sect. Recently, there have been frequent incidents in the Buddhist sect, and many sects of power have sensed the aura and want to take action against me. Starting today, the entire Western Continent will be closed, all forms of going out are prohibited, and outside monks are not allowed to enter, and the country will be closed and locked until the Buddhism is stable and the world is peaceful!"

"The only way to stay safe is to avoid troubled times!"

Wuyuzi said loudly with his hands behind his back.

"Blood Demon Sect!"

"It really is the Blood Demon Sect. I heard that this thing was issued by the blood elders of the Blood Demon Sect. It really looks like this!"

"I understand, and I will do my best to cooperate. Let alone the Western Continent, from today onwards, no Buddhist disciples will step out of the city or temple!"

Many abbots and abbots nodded, and they obeyed Wuyuzi's instructions 100%.

The person behind the scenes turned out to be the Blood Demon Sect, which they had never expected. The Blood Demon Sect usually had business dealings with monasteries of all sizes like them, so why did they suddenly turn their backs when they said they had turned their backs? It was too fast, and they couldn't cope without warning.

"Well, in extraordinary times, we need all of you to share the same hatred, and let's tide over the difficulties together!"

Speechless nodded.

While everyone was talking, the sky suddenly became overcast, and large swaths of shadows blocked the sun, just like dark clouds made up for it.

Wuyuzi looked up at the sky, only to see that the sky was covered with pieces of paper at some point, and each piece was folded into a beautiful paper crane, which was falling from the sky little by little.

"what is this?"

The three major monasteries had never seen the shape of this thousand paper cranes, and each of them was full of suspicion. They did not perceive any abnormal fluctuations from the thousand paper cranes, as if this was just a thousand paper cranes folded by children. Paper cranes are average, but the number is really too many, too many are not normal.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon, and there is a problem!

If they haven't seen it, it doesn't mean that others haven't seen it. At this moment, the abbots and abbots who came from the outer city saw the scene in front of them, and their eyeballs were about to burst.

This amount is outrageous, dozens of times more than the thousand paper cranes that enveloped their city in the past two days. If it explodes, the Western Continent may sink!

"No, this is the method of the Blood Demon Sect. These paper cranes are extremely powerful. Master Abbot quickly opened the mountain protection array to keep them out!"

The eyes of the monks showed horror, and they roared hoarsely, getting up and wanting to leave, but it was too late.

Among the paper cranes above, one suddenly turned from white to red, and a terrifying aura erupted from its body, exploding like a volcanic eruption.

There was a loud bang, like the first firecracker in the New Year, splashing thousands of layers of waves, and the thousand paper cranes all over the sky exploded at this moment, terrifying waves of air surged, and the sky was splitting!

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