Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1287 Look At What The Old Man Caught

Blood ties to the liver and lungs, smashing the teeth in the mouth, looking at the familiar face in front of him, wishing he could tear it into pieces.

This time, the guy who pretended to be him stirred up the situation in the Buddhist kingdom, and he was followed by Xiaolaodi. Outsiders are rumoring that the Xiaolaodi and the Blood Demon Sect formed an alliance to flatten the pure land of the Buddhist kingdom. The old man in front of him The guy must know who led this war!

In the latrine, the old beggar felt very confused. He was sent by Li Xiaobai to clean the latrine in this remote corner just because he was bragging about the name of the little guy on his head. .

"It must be the enemy of the little brother emperor who came to the door, but let the old man take the blame!"

The old beggar was indignant, and felt a little panic in his heart. The bloody guy in front of him looked very devilish, a little fierce!

"Shut up, honest!"

"I know what you want to do when you come to my sword sect. Don't beep, there was an old monk who came here before. He was so arrogant that he was also tidied up!"

At the door, Chen Yuan didn't care about anything, he just kicked his ass according to his blood relationship, he was extremely rough, at the moment he was fearless, with the suzerain and senior brothers behind him, gods blocked and killed gods, Buddhas blocked and killed Buddhas!

It doesn't matter if you are a master of the holy realm or not, you will all go into the toilet and flush it for the master!

"Chop Suey, how dare you kick me!"

Bloodline's entire face was distorted and deformed, it was angry, the terrifying power of immortality spread, the ground trembled, and the whole latrine was reduced to a pool of ashes in an instant under the surge of blood energy.

"The concubine An dares to insult me!"

The blood was agitated, his hands grabbed the void, and the blood condensed into a long knife, which slashed down, turning into a surging river and falling towards Chen Yuan.


"Dare to make a move in front of this seat, you will be bored!"

The old beggar screamed instinctively, and stretched out his palm to hit the air. In an instant, a huge gully was torn from the ground, and the ferocious blood was caught off guard and flew upside down, coughing up blood.

"Damn it, is it really useful?"

"Is this old man really invincible?"


A steady stream of power emerges, and it is that familiar feeling, which makes people fascinated and intoxicated!

The old beggar felt that his limbs were full of strength, and his condition was extremely good. He could open mountains and crack rocks with just a few gestures, and his power was unstoppable!

He was just trying it casually at first, but he didn't expect that power would really emerge from his body.

"Could it be that this old man is really an unworldly genius, and he doesn't even need to skip all the steps to reach the sky in one step?"

"Perhaps it is the sincerity of the old man who moved the gods, and the realm of cultivation has opened up a new path to return to the original?"

He muttered to himself, unable to figure out the situation, but there was no doubt that at this moment, his strength was invincible, enough to crush Bloodline.

What he didn't know was that at this moment, on the other side of the second peak of Jianzong, in a certain cave, the little laodi was rounding his eyes, and his hands were forming a compass in the void to calculate "Grandma, who is it, what the hell?" They are stealing the old man's strength again!"

Outside the latrine, the bloodline suffered a lot of trauma. Even though he had been prepared in his heart, it was still too late to resist the opponent's offensive. A face-to-face was traumatized. After swallowing the elixir to recover from the injury, a flash of light flashed in his eyes. Frightened, as the master of the holy realm who ignited two divine fires, why was he crushed, Xiao Laodi, when did he become so strong!

Chen Yuan standing in front of the gate thought he could see through everything, and he didn't show any panic about the situation. In his opinion, it was the sect's arrangement that Senior Xiaolaodi would appear here. The master came here, and specially sent his seniors to escort him, so that he could play with confidence and boldly.

"Thank you senior for escorting me!"

Chen Yuan cupped his fists and said.

"It's a trivial matter, nothing to worry about."

The old beggar clenched his fists tightly, the power of landslide and tsunami in his body hadn't subsided yet, and his state was still at its peak, his figure clung to him like a maggot attached to the bone, and he floated in front of Xue Yuan and threw his fist at him.

"Invincible Fist!"

The Immortal Glow is engraved, and the power of the six realms of reincarnation is wrapped around the fist peak to suppress everything, and the fists evolve into black and white grinding discs, holding the blood relationship in place so that they can't move, and can only watch the fist smash down.

After a few breaths.

The blood was bleeding from the seven orifices, and he was dying. The old beggar let out a long sigh of relief, and exhaled a mouthful of amethyst-colored turbid air, calming the blood around him.

Slipping the blood relationship with one hand, he walked down the mountain, muttering words in his mouth.

"The strength is gone, and it faded too quickly, and it's not enjoyable yet!"

"We have to send this guy to the suzerain before he recovers. Speaking of whether the power belongs to the old man, it is worth exploring."

The old beggar muttered to himself, and his footsteps were fast. He could clearly feel that the person who was dragging did not suffer any serious injuries, but was shocked by him for a short time. The speed quickly recovered, which was quite terrifying.

To be on the safe side, it would be better to get the person to the suzerain. He just came to clean the toilet, but he took on too much. This is not the pressure he should bear at this stage.


The first peak, in the suzerain hall.

Ying Diao and Li Xiaobai are listening to the story of a monk below. Killing Monk Wuyan has not stopped talking since he entered the hall. He tried his best to explain the serious relationship as clearly as possible. He has already thought about it, the best result It is to persuade Jianzong to fight against the Blood Demon Sect together with the decent factions in the world.

The worst result would be to keep the sword sect neutral and not help each other. In this way, the pressure on Buddhism would be reduced by one point invisibly.

"Amitabha, the two benefactors, the poor monk has already described it in detail enough, what is the opinion of the two?"

asked the killer monk.

"Well, I think what you said is very good. It's just that you can't do your work in vain. The master said so much just now, but he didn't get to the point. How about organizing the language?"

Li Xiaobai said with a faint smile.

"After the event is completed, 10% of the Blood Demon Sect's resources will be owned by Jianzong, which is enough to push Jianzong to the peak power in the Zhongyuan world!"

"In addition, my Buddhist sect will also have resources for the cultivation of the disciples of the Blood Demon Sect!"

The monk said.

"My Sword Sect is very interested in the power of faith in Buddhism recently. We want to cultivate the power of faith. If Master Wuyan is willing to share it, it is not that there is no chance of cooperation."

Li Xiaobai said.


Monk Wuyan was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect the other party to want this thing, the power of faith in Buddhism, what to say about this thing, it is a supreme treasure in Buddhism, but if it is just now, it is useless in other sects Use tasteless.

After all, the monks' martial arts and supernatural powers are all driven by the power of immortality, even with the power of faith, they cannot be used, and the effects are very different.

Just as he was so dazed, the door of the main hall was suddenly smashed, and the old beggar's voice came in.

"Boy, open the door quickly and see what the old man caught?"

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