Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1294 I, Li Xiaobai, Are Back

Ying Diao was speechless, all the passion and blood in his heart were extinguished at this moment, his disciple was too strong, he took care of everything in front of him, and in the end, the disciple regarded death as home, but for Li Xiaobai's sake, let him For a while, I wondered if I was old, and it was time to abdicate.

The speech in his hand was silently stuffed into his pocket.

"Ahem, you've done a good job. You are worthy of being the number one steward of the sect. You are very good. The purpose of my sect's coming here today is to select some elite soldiers and generals to go to the Buddhist kingdom in the Western Continent. Zong's face."

Ying Diao nodded and said.

"Don't worry, suzerain, I want to be ahead. The best soldiers and strong generals have already been selected. There are three semi-sages, one hundred monks from the Heavenly Wonderland, more than 300 monks from the Earth Wonderland, and more than 500 monks from the Human Wonderland. There are a total of 1,000 monks! "

Chen Yuan said cheerfully, not seeing Ying Diao's gradually stiff face at all.

A thousand people stepped out behind him, and shouted in unison, "The original sword sect is doing the work of dogs and horses!"

The smile on Ying Diao's face gradually disappeared, but he couldn't say anything. If he had to say it, he could only say that the butler was too perfect, and he didn't even give him a chance to pick someone.

"Why are there only a thousand people?"

"I, Jianzong, at least say that I have to send 100,000 people for this battle, otherwise why should I fight with others?"

"Reporting to the suzerain, this is all at the request of senior brother Li. Senior brother said that our Jianzong soldiers are not good enough. Even if we go to the battlefield, we are not the main force. We don't have to face the enemy head-on. We cut in from the side and circle around the enemy. back!"

Chen Yuan said.

Well, it's the housekeeper again, it's Li Xiaobai again...

"Um, what Master Li Feng said has some truths. My Sword Sect is not the main force, and the military strength is indeed not the main force. But just in case, it is better for the Sect to see it with my own eyes."

A sense of powerlessness emerged in Ying Diao's heart, and he said slowly.

"The suzerain looks casually. These disciples also want to be in front. These are backup disciples. If any suzerain is dissatisfied, immediately replace them and let these disciples play!"

Chen Yuan retreated respectfully, pointed to the monks who were waiting for orders on the other side, and said that they were also high-level disciple monks, but their breath was a little weaker.

Ying Diao closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and then said, "You guys have arranged things very well. I feel much more at ease with Jianzong having you. Since you have arranged everything in the front, you will be the abbot of the frontline affairs this time. "

Chen Yuan was in awe, "Yes!"


Ying Diao left, Chen Yuan organized the whole process, and Li Xiaobai stepped into the second peak of Jianzong leisurely. This has long been expected. The disciples of the sect are governed by Chen Yuan in an orderly manner. Already some commands are not moving.

He appeared on the second peak with an envelope, ready to activate the formation to enter the territory of the Buddha.

"Bring the disciples of the various sects into my Jianzong practice."

Li Xiaobai gave an order, all sects are jealous of the resources of Jianzong, but because of the prestige of Xiaolaodi, they dare not take action to snatch them, so they can only arrange their outstanding disciples to practice in Jianzong, hoping to improve the strength of the disciples at the same time. Because, on the one hand, he secretly contacted these disciples to find out the secret of such resources hidden in Jianzong.

He wants to gather these disciples and monks together to enter the Western Continent with the members of Jianzong. If the major sects want to suppress Jianzong at that time, he will see if the other party can still do it.


Chen Yuan once again pointed out dozens of young monks from the crowd, and lined up behind the thousand monks.

"Thank you, Peak Master!"

"We will definitely live up to everyone's expectations, and we will do our best to save the pure land of Buddhism and the common people in the world!"

A group of young talents were excited. After staying on the second peak of Jianzong for so long, they also understood that Tangneng Yipin and Liangpin Shop are the real treasures in the world and the only magic weapon to improve their strength and cultivation base.

Today, they are a little reluctant to think about Shu, and have completely forgotten their previous identities, and only regard themselves as ordinary Jianzong monks, who want to shed their blood for Jianzong.

The surrounding disciples all showed envy. Such a moment to fight side by side with Master Li Feng, and to serve Jianzong like a dog, is undoubtedly a glorious moment.

"Well, the peak master is looking forward to your performance."

Li Xiaobai nodded and said with his hands behind his back.

Open the teleportation array on the envelope, and head towards the Buddhist gate in a clean way.

Li Xiaobai took the lead, Ergouzi Ji Wuqing and the old beggar followed closely behind, and then Chen Yuan led the team. Above the second peak of Jianzong, a huge spiritual power vortex appeared in the void, illuminated by golden Buddha light, Create a space channel.

The process is similar to the space tunnel formed by the five-color altar.

"Boy, let the Buddha go to the Buddhist gate?"

"With the reputation of the Buddha, if you go to the territory of the Buddha Kingdom, you will be chased by many Buddhist monks at the first time!"

Er Gouzi said with a little lack of confidence, it's okay to do things, at least it's hiding in the dark, and it feels a little guilty to appear in front of others like this.

If that Wuyuzi sees it, I'm afraid it will be slapped to death.

"What are you afraid of? Buddhism has no power of faith. The whole continent has been liberated by us. Those old monks have no wage earners. Even if they are recognized, so what, we still have to rely on our strength."

Li Xiaobai said lightly, the golden chariot manifested under his feet, and he stepped into the space tunnel first.

"That's the reason, it's just that what are you doing with this old guy, we're going to be at a disadvantage without a strong man from the holy realm!"

Ji Wuqing looked at the old beggar beside him, and said with a look of disgust on his face.

"what are you guys saying?"

The old beggar's face was full of confusion. He didn't know exactly what they did during their trip to the Buddhist country, but he could vaguely feel that these people probably created a huge amount of hatred in the Buddhist country.

"He has his own business to do, not with us."

Li Xiaobai said that if he had the chance to re-enter the Buddhist kingdom, Emperor Xiaolao would definitely go to the graveyard to look for the crystal old man, but he didn't know if he could pass through the Tianji Tower this time.

Thousands of people from Jianzong drove into the space passage in a mighty way.

at the same time.

In the territory of the Buddha Kingdom in the Western Continent.

In the Great Leiyin Temple.

People from all walks of life are almost here, several super sects occupy the core area and station to rectify and rest, and the rest of the small and medium sects are scattered around to organize their luggage.

One after another, the golden space passages are opened, and a steady stream of monks are entering the arena. No one dares to let the Buddhist sect face the Blood Demon Sect alone. The balance is not broken.

In an inconspicuous corner, the golden passage slowly opened, and like many other sect monks, a group of people came out slowly, but the number was small.

Li Xiaobai set foot on this land again, and couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion in his heart.

"After a few days, I didn't expect Li Xiaobai to come back!"

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