Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 133: Be A Wage Earner For Me

Handed over the processing power to Li Xiaobai and others, turned and left.

Seeing Ou Yezi's disappearing back, Li Xiaobai swallowed, "Grandma, this great god is too six, pretending like the wind, he is so aggressive with his gestures!"

The most important thing is that this strength is a bit foul, and it is also in the transition period, why are you so good?

Glancing at the Liumang that had turned into blood, Li Xiaobai thought what a pity, such a good master, if he makes good use of it, he might be able to give himself a lot of attribute points.

It feels a bit wasteful to be so directly instanted now.

"Junior brother, what about these people?" Liu Jinshui asked.

"It goes without saying, of course it was killed directly. Just now the evil cultivator in the tribulation period said that he has a master. If these people are let go, what should they do if they go to the master to take revenge?"

Fourth senior brother Yang Chen's eyes flashed with killing intent.

"Heroes, spare your life, but I'm willing to swear an oath to the demons of my heart, and I will never betray these heroes in this life!" The monks became anxious when they heard this, and they all swore with Dao heart.

Dao Xin swearing is the safest way to swear, as long as there is even a little bit of violation, the backlash from the oath is small, and the most important thing is that in this life, there will be no improvement in cultivation.

Therefore, swearing with Dao heart is the easiest way to gain people's trust in the cultivation world.

"Senior Brother Li, we can't let them go. If you hadn't arrived in time, several of my sisters would have been ruined by these beasts!"

The disciples of the Immortal Feather Sect naturally did not agree, even if they swear the oath of demons, these people are still unforgivable.

Li Xiaobai pondered, people have already raised the white flag to surrender, it is not good to start killing again, it is better to take these people as coolies for the time being, just to contribute to the sect.

After discussing the thoughts in their hearts with everyone, several brothers and sisters also calmed down.

Now that the sect is suffering from trauma, it is time to employ people. If these monks in the Nascent Soul Stage and Transformation Stage can serve as coolies to serve the Immortal Yuzong, not only will the strength of the sect be stronger, but it will also be of great help to the construction and development of the sect. No harm at all.

Li Xiaobai withdrew his sword and forced Xiexiu to swear his demon one by one, to be loyal to Xianyu Sect forever, and not to defect or do anything against Xianyu Sect in this life.

The monks regained their freedom, but at this moment they dare not do anything wrong again.

Ou Yezi was too powerful before, even though he had left now, they still couldn't bring up the slightest thought of resisting, and swore their allegiance to Xianyu Sect honestly one by one.

"Okay, let's stand aside for now, and I will arrange tasks for you later."

Li Xiaobai waved his hand, and when he came in front of the head of the Xianyu Sect, he couldn't help but sigh a little. A month ago, he was still a novice, and he thought the head was very powerful. Big shot at the door.

The head of the sect and all the elders were also full of sighs, and Feng Lingzi was even more emotional.

"Little Bai, I didn't expect you to grow to this stage after only a month's absence. The old man didn't miss you. You really are a genius!"

Li Xiaobai was speechless, obviously this cheap master always said that he was a lazy slob before, and he always hated iron and swearing, his face changed really quickly.

"Master, I haven't seen you for a long time, but you still have the same demeanor. Now that the disciple is back, there will be nothing wrong with the sect!"


Half an hour later, the main peak.

The head of Xianyu Sect and all the elders gathered in the hall, as did Piao Miaofeng and Feng Wuxie.

"Xiaobai, I'm getting old, and the sudden misfortune has proved that I'm no longer suitable to be in charge of the sect. I don't know if you have any ideas about the position of the sect leader?"

"No, the disciple's goal is the stars and the sea, and he won't stop just because of the position of head. What's more, there are better candidates in the sect." Li Xiaobai said.

"who is it?"

"Of course it's Senior Brother Feng." Li Xiaobai pointed to Feng Wuxie who was a little anxious beside him.

Hearing this, Feng Wuxie was stunned. The head of the sect has always been what he wanted the most. He was very upset that Li Xiaobai had been added for no reason. The position is passed on to others.

This made Feng Wuxie very annoyed, and felt a little regretful in his heart. If he had known this, he should have been more decisive in the Divine Beast Mountain Range that day and killed Li Xiaobai directly.

Now he is not his opponent at all, and it is already impossible to kill people and seize treasures.

The relationship between the two should be enemies, but now Li Xiaobai took the initiative to speak for him, which made him feel a little strange, as if he had put his fist on the cotton.

"Junior brother, you don't need to speak for me." Feng Wuxie said.

"Wuxie, he is indeed a good seedling, and he is the great elder's beloved disciple. His cultivation has also surpassed mine. He is a good candidate to be the head!"

"From now on, I will be the Supreme Elder, assisting the head of Feng to manage the affairs of the sect, is there any problem?"

The head's eyes lit up, and he immediately made a decision, Feng Wuxie was the suzerain, it couldn't be more suitable.


Feng Wuxie felt bad, and always felt like he was on soft food, and he became the head of the family only because of his blessing, which was very unpleasant.

"What if evil cultivators come to your door again in the future?"

Ye Wushuang asked, this is the most worrying point in everyone's mind.

It is impossible for the boss to stay in charge of this small sect forever. If there is another evil cultivator like the man in coir raincoat, they will still repeat the same mistakes.

"There is no need to worry about this. I have a set of teleportation formations that can communicate with the two sects of the Holy Demon Sect and the Immortal Feather Sect. In the future, if something happens to the Immortal Feather Sect, you can directly enter the Holy Demon Sect through the teleportation formation to seek shelter."

This is what Li Xiaobai had long thought in mind.

There are many similar items in the mall.

The teleportation array method sets up a teleportation array in the two places, which can form a space channel and enter at will. (It takes one high-grade spirit stone to open the teleportation array each time) The price is 100 high-grade spirit stones.

Note the maximum transmission distance

This is a two-way teleportation array, which is perfect for use between the Holy Demon Sect and the Immortal Feather Sect.

The only troublesome part is that this formation only has a formation map, and it needs people to build it, but the coolies have already been in place. I believe that with so many evil cultivators contributing, it will be completed soon.

"Here is the array map. For specific matters, Brother Lao Feng will take care of it."

Li Xiaobai handed the formation map to Feng Wuxie who was a little dazed. It seemed that Feng Wuxie had always wanted to kill him, but he didn't realize it at all.

Not to mention resentment, Li Xiaobai even has an inexplicable admiration for this kind of person who is loyal to the sect.

If Feng Wuxie knew his true thoughts, he might be so angry that he would vomit blood.

In this world, no one believes in being a bad person...

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