Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 143 Competing For The Fire Lotus

Li Xiaobai looked at the big, stupid guy in front of him, and quickly checked the leaderboard.

list of people.

The 3,000th Yan Moquan Wang Mang.

This name is quite domineering, and it is still ranked in the 3000th place. If you get rid of it, you can rise up to thousands in an instant. This is really a huge temptation.

Wang Mang stood on the edge of the cliff at this moment, flipped his wrist, and took out a long stick.

Vajra runes are densely engraved on it, full of treasure.

"This is made by imitating the long stick in the East China Sea!"

"The shape looks very similar. The material should be made of Xuanmu refined iron. It is said that this iron is taken out of magma and is not afraid of high temperature."

"My God, the stick in Wang Mang's hand can change!"

"Really, this stick can rise against the wind, it's amazing!"

"It's exactly the same as the one in Donghai..."

Watching Wang Mang's movements, the monks were amazed. At this moment, Wang Mang activated the kung fu technique, the golden light on his body surface soared, and the huge long stick in his hand instantly rose against the wind, standing upright.

Straight into the magma below the cliff.

It was the first time for Ouyang Shuanger to see such a magic weapon, and she couldn't help but marvel, "What a powerful stick technique!"

"This stick is engraved with the teachings of Mahayana Buddhism, which can ward off evil spirits. It belongs to the most rigid and yang thing, so naturally it will not be afraid of magma."

The little monk Liao Wang also said that he could see the origin and structure of the stick at a glance.

"It's barely comparable to a feather of this deity." Ji Wuqing disdainfully.

Li Xiaobai looked weird, why does this stick look so familiar?

The Dinghaishenzhen in my shopping mall also looks like this. As a piece of Qitian suit, this artifact is extremely powerful. It seems that there are treasures like Dinghaishenzhen in this world.

The one in Wang Mang's hand should be an imitation.

At this moment, Wang Mang was holding a long stick and suddenly stirred in the magma for a while, a vortex of fiery red lava appeared, and the floating treasures of heaven and earth on it also spun.

Holding sticks in both hands, he suddenly wrestled and picked up a fiery red lotus flower abruptly.

Stretch out your hand and flick it in the void, and fix it firmly in the air. Now the lotus has just landed on the shore, and you can't touch it directly with your hands.

"This is the fire lotus flower, which absorbs the essence of fire, and it has a miraculous effect on the cultivation of fire attribute exercises!"

Ouyang Shuang'er recognized the origin of the fire lotus at a glance.

Liao Wang nodded, "It is indeed a treasure of heaven and earth."

"Don't be tempted if you forget Master?" Li Xiaobai asked.

"A young monk can't afford the title of a great master. Treasures are all outside the body. It's a chance to get them. If you can't get them, don't force them."

Hearing the name of the master, Liao Wang seemed very frightened and waved his hands repeatedly.

"You seem to want that fire lotus very much?"

Li Xiaobai turned his head to look at Ouyang Shuang'er, this is a ready-made opportunity to make a fortune, he doesn't need these treasures, but the big money is by his side, if he replaces it with Lingshi, he will definitely make a lot of money.

"That's right, although my little girl is not a fire-attribute technique, the herbs in this magma have a powerful tempering effect on the soul of a person. If they can be tempered by it, they will enter the Nascent Soul stage to condense the soul The odds will be greatly enhanced."

"And the foundation will be stronger."

"Master Li, is there a way to obtain these treasures?"

Ouyang Shuang'er said seriously, if you can really get these things, it will definitely be a great harvest. The herbs in the magma are priceless, and you can't find them on weekdays.

"It depends on the price offered by Miss Shuang'er. You know, this magma is extremely dangerous..."

Li Xiaobai rubbed his teeth, and twitched his two fingers lightly, hinting frantically.

Ouyang Shuang'er was speechless, "How about 10,000 high-grade spirit stones for one herb?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's a little hard to do. The temptation of this elixir is too great. Even if I get it, I'm afraid I will be besieged by others. Do you think there are some wound medicine fees..." Li Xiaobai Said seriously.

"One herb, 15,000 high-grade spirit stones, I can't get any more."

Ouyang Shuang'er said.

"make a deal!"

"Benefactor Li must not hurt anyone's life." Liao Wang reminded from the side.

"Hehe, this deity also wants an elixir!"

"Wang, Master Er Gouzi wants it too!"

A chicken and a dog made a noise.

"Do you have spirit stones?"


Ahead, the light of the fire lotus flower in Wang Mang's hand gradually dimmed, and the heat emitted from it was not as amazing as before.

Many monks stared enviously and greedily at the red lotus in his hand. This is definitely a treasure. If he can accept it, his strength will rise to a higher level, and his foundation will be more stable, and the road ahead will be smoother. .

"Hahaha, it really is a fire lotus, it's mine!"

Wang Mang laughed out loud, taking away a fire lotus was already his limit. Although the imitation Dinghaishenzhen could withstand high temperature, it could not withstand the scorching of magma in the world.

Just as he was about to turn around and leave, a sudden change occurred.

In the oblique stabbing, a few flashes of cold light suddenly appeared, and several daggers suddenly stabbed at Wang Mang, piercing the air with a howling sound, and the surrounding monks hurriedly retreated.

"Good boy, you are not small!"

Seeing someone ambushing him, Wang Mang was startled and angry, a thick iron rod suddenly appeared in his hand, scriptures circulated, and the supreme power burst out, knocking down all the daggers.

Several black figures entangled Wang Mang instantly like a retro body, launching a fierce offensive.

"This is a member of the Tianmen League!"

"The subordinates of Tianbang Powerhouse, the No. 1 Killer Organization, have come here to join in the fun!"

The identities of several killers were found out. Li Xiaobai looked at the list, and there were indeed many people whose prefixes were Tiansha.

However, the members of this killer organization are all masked in black, so they can't see their faces clearly, and they can't recognize them even if they know the ranking.

With these few people at the beginning, the rest of the monks are also a little ready to move at this moment. After all, the temptation of treasures is too great. profit.

Several killers surrounded Wang Mang, and their palms turned into a deep dark green color. At first glance, it contained a strong poison, which was fiercely imprinted on Wang Mang's body.

Wisps of blue smoke rose, and a dark palm print appeared on the palm of the body.


Wang Mang went berserk, the muscles of his body bulged, his body surface was full of golden light, and the golden stick in his hand turned into a golden dragon, encircling several killers.

With a loud shout, several people were thrown off the cliff and submerged in the magma without even making a sound.

"Who else!"

Wang Mang panted heavily, staring around with scarlet eyes, with a hideous face.

No monk came forward, but the way back was blocked by many monks. It was obvious that the crowd had no intention of letting Wang Mang leave.

Li Xiaobai's eyes lit up, "Er Gouzi, I have a task for you!"

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