The bronze steps are very wide and thick, exuding the breath of time, and it is full of mottled, which are the traces of being corroded in endless years.

Li Xiaobai stepped into it with the Snow Lord, and he could see it clearly when he got close. There were a lot of blood stains left on the bronze stone stairs. Thought it was rust!

"Every ancient battlefield has its own rules, and the battlefield itself will also grow, which means that every time a battlefield is opened, new rules will be born. Before actually setting foot, no one knows that the forty-ninth battlefield What are the rules in it?"

"Enter it, be careful!"

The cold woman said lightly.

This is for the newcomer disciples who have just entered the sect, they have not yet entered the ancient battlefield, so they do not understand the rules of this battlefield.

"What rules have the predecessors seen?"

Li Xiaobai asked.

"If you want to talk about the most dangerous, it must be the Eleventh Battlefield. That battlefield was covered by ice and snow for many years, and there was a layer of blood-colored insect eggs under it, which could parasitize the deceased through some mysterious means On the monk, he was reborn from the cocoon."

"That is a terrifying existence. It can perfectly inherit the strength of the monk during his lifetime, and it is endless!"

The ice-cold female cultivator said that the eleventh battlefield is already an extremely terrifying existence. There are many things in it that the academy still can't understand. Wire!

All kinds of signs indicate that there is great terror in the battlefield, but this has nothing to do with the forty-ninth battlefield.

"Don't worry, the forty-ninth battlefield is not as dangerous as Elder Xue said, but an existence where chances outweigh dangers. It should be easy to get the key. When the elder of the academy gets the key, this battlefield will be safe in the future." This is where we practice!"

A senior disciple said that he looked very comfortable with a smile on his face.


Li Xiaobai was puzzled.

"There will be core keys in each battlefield. If you get these keys, you will have the authority to open the battlefield at any time. The reason why my academy has ten battlefields is that you have these keys."

Master Xue gave a rough explanation, and glanced at Li Xiaobai. He didn't expect that the disciple of Elder Fentian didn't even know these things, but it's not incomprehensible when he thinks about Elder Fentian's usual behavior.

Apart from those few monks in the academy, there should be no other monks who can communicate with each other normally.

"Yes, the forty-ninth battlefield is already a very safe battlefield. Even if the rules are born, they are just some small rules. They won't restrict us too much, just deal with them carefully."

"What needs to be guarded against are monks from other regions. Those guys are the real enemies. There are not a few of our disciple monks who die at their hands every year!"

The rest of the senior disciples also said that the aura around them was very different from the monks Li Xiaobai had come into contact with, and they were all dressed in purple robes, so they should be the core elite disciples in the inner circle.

"I see."

Li Xiaobai nodded, and followed the crowd up the bronze stone stairs. The touch was very real, and there was a faint feeling of coldness.

There is nothing special about the entrance of the passage. As they walked, the monks just disappeared into a series of ripples.

A faint halo circulated, enveloping the crowd, and just one step out, the surrounding scene turned dizzy, and a strong smell of blood came over the face, making people's scalps tingle.

As far as the eye can see, it is a scarlet color, and the afterglow of the setting sun is full of devastation. All the disciples of the academy gather on a piece of red desolation.

Li Xiaobai looked around curiously, the environment was quite in line with the name of the ancient battlefield, desolate and full of blood.

The sky is also a dark, blood-colored sky, with a howling wind and a dangerous atmosphere.

When he first came here, he didn't feel any discomfort, but the expressions of the monks around him suddenly changed drastically.

Just stepping into this field of apprentices, the monks were horrified to find that their cultivation had been sealed, and they could not feel the power in their bodies at all, only the power of their bodies could be used, just like ordinary people.

Not only the low-level disciples panicked, but the high-level disciples and even the elders who led the team all turned pale. Their cultivation bases were sealed and could not be used.

"This forty-ninth battlefield actually confers people's cultivation base!"

"Could it be that this is the rule of the battlefield? All monks who enter are not allowed to use power, and all become mortals?"

"Damn it, the passage is closed, we can't go back, what's the use of this, a random monster will probably make me wipe out the group!"

The monks became irritable. Without strength and cultivation, they lost their greatest support. How could mortals survive in the ancient battlefield.

"This battlefield seems to be opened for the first time. No monk has given relevant information before. I didn't expect that there are such rules in it. If this is the case, I'm afraid the danger level of this battlefield will be several levels higher!"

The elders gathered together and quickly analyzed it. Fortunately, there is no danger yet, and they still have time to deal with it.

Li Xiaobai looked at the flustered appearance of the disciples, and sank into the system mall to check. All the items can be used, and the skills are all on, and have not been sealed.

It should be because he has no cultivation base, the rules of this battlefield have no effect on him, and he has never been restricted.

But other monks will be miserable. If they are not cultivated, they will be lambs waiting to be slaughtered in this ancient battlefield, and fish on the chopping board!

"Do you want to clean up all these monks in one wave?"

Li Xiaobai murmured to himself, feeling an urge to act immediately. In his opinion, these were not brothers from the same school, but golden money bags!

But in the next second, he gave up on this idea. The Immortal God Realm is not comparable to the Zhongyuan Realm. Cultivators are not physically weak. They have the blood of monsters and beasts in their bodies. Not to mention that there are many body-refining monks among these disciples. If they really do it, his cultivation level of the Transcendent Second Heaven may not necessarily have an advantage.


"Everything is going as planned!"

"The rules of the battlefield are absolute. Since we have no cultivation base, the other monks who enter must have the same experience. The rule in the battlefield should be that no cultivation base can be born, and the ancient creatures in it should be the same, all relying on physical strength. Sensing the power of your own blood, adjust your physical state to its peak!"

The ice-cold nun said loudly, after continuous analysis by the senior elders, the forty-ninth battlefield is extremely special, and the creatures born in it should not have cultivation bases, but their physical bodies are strong, which is why all the cultivation bases of foreign creatures are lost. Although this battlefield suppresses cultivation, it does not suppress the power of bloodlines. The bloodlines of the monster race in their bodies can still be activated, and their physical strength has climbed to the peak, and they still retain a certain amount of combat power.

Li Xiaobai didn't care about this, he kept his eyes on the white pigeon and the group, and the other party only panicked for a moment, then immediately recovered, calmed down and walked in an orderly manner, always with confidence and countermeasures in mind.

He was still waiting to rub against the opponent's Thunder Tribulation, and it seemed that the opponent did not give up because he could not use his cultivation base.

The large army moved forward, and a monk behind him sent an invitation to him, "This fellow Taoist is also alone, do you want to join hands with us to overcome difficulties?"

Li Xiaobai looked at that person, it was the senior disciple who spoke just now, and beside him were several monks, all of them in purple robes, all of whom were elites from the inner core area.

Looking at the battle, he understood that it was because the senior disciples were unwilling to risk their lives, so they wanted to find a batch of cannon fodder to open the way.

"But our cultivation base is lost, it's better not to act alone."

Li Xiaobai said with an honest look.

"Don't be afraid, seniors. The seniors are all inner circle core disciples, all in the realm of Xiantai. Don't worry, the seniors will protect you even if you don't have the cultivation base. The blood power in our bodies is not vegetarian!"

"Furthermore, you can't even drink soup with a large army. If you want to gain something in the ancient battlefield, you have to seek wealth and danger!"

"Junior brother, your cultivation should not be high. Have you ever been bullied by your peers? Betrayed by a woman? Scolded by your teacher? Have you been tossing and turning all night long? Now is your chance to stand up. , as long as you follow the brothers, let's make a fortune together!"

"Many people are powerful, so what are you waiting for?"

The saliva of the core disciples in the inner circle was flying all over the place, and every sentence hit Cai Kun's experience. If Cai Kun stood here, he would burst into tears immediately. Li Xiaobai secretly clicked his tongue in his heart. People are also experienced, and every sentence is poking at the monk's heart, which is well controlled in his heart.

"Okay, gods and gods don't lie to gods and gods, the younger brother believes in you!"

"Thank you, brother, for your help, I dare to ask you my name!"

Li Xiaobai's face was full of honesty and gratitude.

"In Xiajinrenchuan, junior brother, you just follow the senior brother with one hundred and eighty hearts. Senior brothers eat meat, and you will definitely have soup to drink!"

The monk laughed and said, he also looked very easy-going. At the same time, the rest of the inner disciples also brought a monk, all of whom were in the Transcendent realm. Needless to say, this group of people is definitely Cannon fodder in cannon fodder is specially used for pathfinding.

Just looking at the joy on the faces of these disciples and the excitement in their eyes, they obviously didn't realize this.

I really thought it was the senior who took care of them and wanted to make a fortune with them!

"We are all disciples of Deity Academy. We can fight any way we want in the academy, but we should unite as one when we leave the academy. No one will cheat anyone. When we encounter danger, we will bear it together!"

Jin Renchuan said righteously.

"Yes, thank you, Senior Brother Jin!"

The disciples and cultivators seemed very excited, hurriedly followed behind the disciples in the inner circle, gradually separated from the large group, and walked in another direction.

There are many similar teams. After initially grasping the situation of the ancient battlefield, no one really wants to wait with the large army. They also need to explore on their own.

Where there are elders leading the team, no matter what treasures belong to the high-level of these academies, they can't even catch a hair.

They are all here to pan for gold, not for picnics.

Li Xiaobai left with a group of monks.

There are a few senior disciples leading the way ahead, and it is much easier to walk. These disciples are veterans at first glance, very experienced, and they have a clear purpose of where to go and where to go. They should have been in and out of the major ancient battlefields before.

"Brother, why do you think the brothers brought us?"

A monk asked quietly.

"You don't need to ask, let's get rich, it's all from the same academy!"

"How is it possible, you want to eat, it's not your relatives, why should they lead us to get rich?"

"I guess it's because the strength of the brothers is not strong enough, so I want to increase some combat power, but if I invite inner circle disciples of the same level, I'm afraid it won't be able to control it, and dividing up resources will cause problems, so I invite us monks with underground cultivation to go with us. !"

"In that case, don't the brothers plan to share our resources?"

"It's natural. It depends on your character. If you're lucky, you might be able to drink some soup!"

The monks in the Transcendent Realm murmured, you glanced at me, and you said everything quite well. They were a little clever, but unfortunately they didn't say anything.

Li Xiaobai said in his heart that everyone is cannon fodder.

"Brother Jin, where are we going?"

Li Xiaobai looked at Jin Renchuan and asked.

"Junior brother should be entering the battlefield for the first time. I don't know. There is a rule in this battlefield, that is, dead powerful men will transform into a dangerous place, which is called the world of dead souls. Most of their resources will be destroyed during their lifetime." Store it in it, and this is the main purpose of our treasure hunt!"

"As long as you find this kind of treasure land, you will benefit endlessly!"

Jin Renchuan said that the world of dead souls is a special existence and in the ancient battlefield, it is transformed by the obsession of powerful monks, and the monks who can produce the world of dead souls are all people who have reached the pinnacle of cultivation.

Most of the powerhouses at this level will be taken away by the enemy after they die, but there are still quite a few monks who eventually turned into the world of dead souls, waiting for those who are destined to find them.


Li Xiaobai nodded, there are quite a lot of good things here.

"The appearance of each dead soul world is different. Search carefully. They are very special things. The tower is the most prominent. I once touched a needle for my brother. The dead soul world is hidden in the needle hole. It’s really hard to find if you don’t find it with all your heart, you must look for it with your heart!”

"Once you find something, report it immediately!"

Jin Renchuan asked again.


A group of people walked further and further away, and they were completely separated from the main force.

The scarlet soil beneath his feet turned into large swaths of dark green at some point.

Attribute points + 100 million...

Attribute points + 200 million...

Attribute points + 300 million...


The values ​​on the system panel jumped up suddenly. The dark green soil contained toxins, and as they went deeper, the power of the toxins became stronger and stronger.

"No, I got hit!"

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