Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1452 In Front Of The Sack, Everyone Is Equal

The insulator is immune to lightning damage, this physique is awesome, if this kind of lightning is forbidden, it is like entering a no-man's land.

The difference between this kind of thunder power and the Heavenly Tribulation is that it has no physical damage. The Heavenly Tribulation cuts down from the sky. Aside from the power of thunder, the terrifying power of the cut is not something ordinary monks can bear, let alone Some Heavenly Tribulations will transform into human forms to fight.

As long as there is no physical damage, he can walk through it at will.

The monks in the back were all dumbfounded. It was the first time I saw such a tough monk, shaking Thunder with his body. Is this kind of thing really possible?

"This thunder is not as powerful as you imagined, but you can walk through it boldly!"

Li Xiaobai checked that he was unharmed, and said cheerfully.

"You... who the hell are you? How could there be a master like you in Deity Academy? Who are you!"

Li Gandang's pupils constricted, his face was full of horror, he couldn't calm down anymore, this person actually walked past them in front of them, and he didn't use any means, ignoring the thunder, what is the origin of this guy.

This kind of master cannot be cultivated in the sky!

"My next Zhang San, I am kind-hearted. What I like most in my life is to help others. You are not confident in your own strength and dare not get involved. But it doesn't matter. I will help you!"

Li Xiaobai flipped his wrist, took out a long sword, slowly raised it above his head, and said with a faint smile.

"what are you going to do!"

"100% being caught empty-handed!"

The long sword swung and fell suddenly without the slightest hesitation. At this moment, all the monks present couldn't help but their knees softened, and their bodies rushed towards the thunder restraint uncontrollably. They raised their hands high, showing respect shape.

But it was only at the moment when the body touched the power of thunder, there were screams and howls, one after another, but it stopped abruptly in an instant, and the power of thunder swept across and turned the flesh into ashes in an instant.

"What's going on, my body is out of control!"

"It's Senior Zhang, he's trying to control our bodies!"

"What kind of sword technique is this, it can control the monk's body, why can he use his cultivation!"

"Quick, bite the tip of your tongue, activate the power of the blood, and maybe even have the power to resist!"

The monks were terrified, watching their bodies uncontrollably rushing towards the minefield, trying their best to regain control of their bodies, but it was in vain.

No matter how they struggled, the power of the blood in their bodies fell into dead silence as if it didn't belong to them, and it was difficult to mobilize. They could only hit the wall one by one, and were hit by thunder as bones.

Only a few people with advanced cultivation levels managed to pass through, dragging their dilapidated bodies and knelt down in front of Li Xiaobai.

They are all elders of various strengths, and a few senior disciples also managed to escape from danger and were nailed to death by Li Xiaobai's sword.

"We have no grievances or enmities with Your Excellency, why should we act like this!"

"Senior, aren't you also a monk of Deity Academy, why did you attack your fellow disciples!"

"Who the hell are you? Did you enter this battlefield with the intention of killing monks of all races!"

Everyone was terrified, it was the first time they had seen such a weird move.

And the person in front of him is not the Baihe clan who claims to be from the Deity Academy, why did he not spare the disciples of the Deity Academy?

When a powerhouse of this level appeared on the battlefield, his combat power was seriously unbalanced, so he should have some kind of plan!

"Hand over the money for your life, but I will spare you from waiting!"

Li Xiaobai said lightly, the battlefield is changing rapidly, and these people want to entrap him, so he must act first to avoid being stabbed in the back.

"How much senior wants, I will give it to you!"

The younger monk immediately said that the moment his body was baptized by the thunder, it had already become a broken and invisible shell. If he didn't treat it in time, he might be left with a hidden disease in the future, and his future practice would basically be cut off.

"You don't have to, I'll do it myself!"

Li Xiaobai stepped forward and touched the group of monks from inside to outside with one hand, took away all the large and small interspatial rings and storage bags, and then took out a handful of imprisonment pills and threw them into everyone's mouths.

"This is called automatic payment for life money!"

"All follow me, if you are lucky, you may be able to return to your respective clan forces!"

The corners of Li Xiaobai's mouth curled up. Whether he was truly invincible in the 49th battlefield remains to be verified, but as far as the current situation is concerned, it is not a problem to suppress a few monks of the ordinary elder level.

"All of my belongings are in the hands of Your Excellency, why should I be so aggressive, don't you think it's too much?"

Li Gandang dared to be angry and dare not speak out, it was the painstaking effort of half his life, and it was all gone in such a wave, and he has never suffered such a big loss since his debut!

"Cultivation is a journey where the weak prey on the strong. This is a fight where you find fault and I change hands. Keep your mouth shut and honestly sneak into the sack and still retain the dignity of the strong. Let me look at you!"

Li Xiaobai sneered, threw out a bunch of sacks, threw the monks in one by one and packed them away.

If the identities of the two parties were exchanged, this group of people would not let him go easily. To be able to cultivate to the level he is today, the routine of killing people and stealing goods has already been thoroughly familiarized.

Without wealth, this group of monks has the last bit of value left. Trading the flesh, selling people back to get a resource, this is the sustainable development strategy.

If you go to another domain in the future, maybe you can tie it again.

"How dare you do that, old man, a member of Beiliang's royal family, even the gods of war from the Tenshen Academy are treated with respect here!"

"Your Excellency acts so recklessly, you are not afraid of getting killed!"

Li Gandang yelled angrily, in his own territory, he is a high-ranking elder, anyone who sees him has to call an elder, when has he been so humiliated, wrapped in a sack like a commodity, if this matter If it spreads out, he can't get along anymore.

It's just that Li Xiaobai didn't listen to him at all, he picked it up and stuffed it directly into the sack.

"Before the sack, everyone is equal!"

"The team has grown, but I don't know what is so strange about this second floor?"

"Has anyone already made it to this level?"

Li Xiaobai dragged large and small bags onto the golden chariot, the body stretched and became larger, dragging hundreds of monks at a much slower speed.

On top of the replacement is still the corridor and corridor, accompanied by bottomless darkness.

The golden talisman bloomed and was covered by another golden awn. The structure was similar to that of the first floor. The surrounding walls were full of dormant insect eggs, so it was hard to tell where it came from.

It seemed that the sound of the rolling wheels of the golden chariot alarmed them, the dust on the wall began to fall off in large areas, and the eggs of the insects began to shake and tremble, as if they were about to wake up.

"These are all golden silkworm Gu, extremely evil Gu worms and monsters, born from devouring cultivation base, leave quickly, don't linger!"

The master inside the sack seemed to have sensed the changes in the outside world, and hurriedly spoke out to remind him.

They and Li Xiaobai are grasshoppers on the same rope, but they dare not take their lives for trifling.

"It's just a bug egg, you can break it with a flick of a finger!"

Li Xiaobai was fearless, and with a random move, a pitch-black flame appeared in the sky, engulfing the surrounding insect eggs and devouring them all. Both of them live by devouring everything, and it depends on who can swallow the other!

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