"The price is fair, no one is cheating!"

Li Xiaobai's eyes flickered brightly, this business came to him on his own initiative.

"It's a bit expensive."

The woman frowned and said, rare earth crystals and rare earth resources are not of the same order of magnitude, and the person in front of her opened her mouth to ask for a piece of crystal, so some lions would open their mouths!

"But compared with the realm of Xiantai, a mere piece of crystal is nothing. I think the fairy is quite intelligent and a person with great luck. Today is going to enter the realm of Xiantai here!"

Li Xiaobai laughed.

"This battlefield really has the effect of suppressing Thunder Tribulation?"

The woman pondered, not sure whether what the person in front of her said was true or not. The news about the forty-ninth battlefield had spread. She knew that this battlefield had the effect of suppressing the cultivator's internal cultivation, but could this thing really be able to suppress the heavens? Jie is worthy of doubt!

"Fairy can rest assured, the biggest shortcoming of me is that I can't tell lies. This battlefield does have the power to suppress Heavenly Tribulation, which has already been proven."

"But this battlefield is suppressed together with cultivation, how can I survive the catastrophe?"

"Just stay here, my little brother will take you flying!"

Li Xiaobai patted his chest with a big bag.

"This is the true disciple of Tianshu Peak, Senior Sister Gu Ling!"

"It's really her, the new true disciple of Tianshu Peak, she said that her cultivation base is advancing rapidly, and her cultivation speed is unmatched by ordinary people!"

"The alchemy ceremony is about to begin. I think Senior Sister Gu Ling is a little anxious, right?"

"That's right. In previous years, the true inheritance of the alchemy ceremonies had to deal with challenges. If she can't successfully advance to the realm of Xiantai, her true inheritance throne must not be stable enough!"

"But even so, it shouldn't be such a child's play to listen to such nonsense. How can there be someone who can help people overcome the catastrophe? Even if there is, how can it be controlled by a disciple of the extraordinary realm?"

The surrounding monks recognized the identity of this female nun, and all of them couldn't help but widen their eyes.

This one is a true disciple with extremely high aptitude, and he is the youngest true disciple of Tianshu Peak. He would actually believe in the nonsense of helping people overcome calamities. He was seriously ill and rushed to the doctor. Many people shook their heads, just like the so-called authorities. In their eyes, the nun in front of them was completely charming.

"There is no other way, where is the battlefield, take me into it!"

Gu Ling's eyes shone with splendor, but finally nodded in agreement, time waits for no one, it is indeed like what the monks around her said, her aptitude is too good, and her cultivation has improved so fast that she didn't polish her skills well, The power of the bloodline is not strong enough, and it is blocked at the level of Lei Jie at this moment.

The master also told her that because of the unstable foundation, it takes time to consolidate the foundation, and then there is spare energy to overcome the calamity, otherwise it will only be annihilated in the thunder calamity.

But after a few days, it will be the alchemy ceremony, and she will definitely be challenged in the true biography. Although it is fine to lose the battle, but it will lose the face of the master, and her self-esteem as the pride of heaven does not allow her to do so.

"Fairy has good eyesight. She is indeed a true disciple. She is really different from these ordinary people. Please!"

With a thought in Li Xiaobai's mind, the invincible species in the dantian shone brightly, and the bluestone steps above the sky manifested, reaching directly in front of the female cultivator.

"I hope what you said is true, otherwise you will be charged with murdering your fellow disciples!"

Gu Ling didn't pretend, he stepped into the forty-ninth battlefield in an instant.

The rest of the disciples looked at each other in blank dismay. This was the first time they saw the forty-ninth battlefield, but what they didn't expect was that the ancient spirit fairy went in directly without the slightest hesitation. This is the top!

"Brothers, if you are interested, you may wish to enter it and observe it together, maybe you can learn something from the thunder disaster!"

Li Xiaobai said cheerfully, and also stepped into it.

"Go, go and see!"

"Can he still eat us?"

The rest of the disciples were stunned for a second, and then followed. This is the Deity Academy at this moment, and their every move is being watched secretly by the elders of the academy, so they don't worry that Cai Kun dares to do anything wrong to them.


In the battlefield, Li Xiaobai and Gu Ling walked slowly.

"Junior Brother, where do you want to take me to overcome the tribulation?"

Gu Ling looked around, looking quite curious. This was her first time entering the 49th battlefield, and it was indeed like rumors from the outside world. Being here, she felt that she had no cultivation base, just like a mortal.

"Anywhere is fine, can the fairy see the place she likes?"

Li Xiaobai is relaxed, and he is strong enough to resist the thunder tribulation of the extraordinary third level.

"Just here, what do I need to do?"

Gu Ling asked.

"Will you lie down?"

Li Xiaobai quickly took out a long sword and dug down on the spot.

Gu Ling "???"

Li Xiaobai "Just lie down!"

With all the intent of the Sealing Demon Sword, it swept madly, and a huge hole was dug out in the ground just in a breath.

"Fairy, please lie flat and leave the rest to me!"

Li Xiaobai bowed and made a gesture of invitation.

Gu Ling's face was full of bewilderment, and he lay down in a bewildered state. He agreed to cross the calamity, why lie down, and how can he cross the calamity after lying down?


"Shh, don't talk, lie down!"

Li Xiaobai waved the long sword in his hand, and began to shovel back the excavated soil little by little.

The monks who had just arrived at the rear were all terrified when they saw the horrifying scene in front of them.

"Damn it, this guy's motives for deceiving the fairy to this point are really impure, and he actually wants to bury her!"

"This is the true disciple of Tianshu Peak. If you say you can bury it, you can bury it. How dare this guy come from!"

"It's so fucking weird, people are all robbers, this guy just bury people!"

"Quick, quickly inform the elders of Tianshu Peak, otherwise, I'm afraid it will lead to a catastrophe!"

The monks were dumbfounded at the scene in front of them. That Cai Kun was digging a hole and burying people seriously, but the ancient spirit fairy couldn't resist!

"How can a group of people sitting in a well and watching the sky know my wisdom?"

"Fairy, even if you invite thunder calamity, don't worry about the rest, just close your eyes and open them, it will pass quickly!"

Li Xiaobai said with a smile.

Gu Ling also had no idea, looking at the guy who was burying himself in front of him was also a little apprehensive, but after all, he nodded without saying anything.

The movement of burying the soil was very fast, and it took only a few breaths to completely bury the ancient spirit.

Not only that, but Li Xiaobai stepped on it twice and jumped twice, stepping on the surface soil more tightly.

Then, under the astonished eyes of everyone, he put away his sword, took off his shirt, and lay down on his back, revealing his muscular body.

"Fairy, you can start!"

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