"This is impossible!"

Feng Wuhen almost blurted out, boasting such bullshit in front of him, does he really treat him as a fool?

"Is there anything impossible? For you, this may be a height that ordinary people cannot reach, but for us, it is just commonplace!"

"I heard that the extremely evil pure land was created by a friend in the past, so I came to this heaven to inquire about the news."

Li Xiaobai said lightly, his eyes were full of disgust, as if he was saying that Feng Wuhen was a country bumpkin.

Feng Wuhen "..."

"Senior, although you say that your strength is unfathomable, this junior is not a fool. Tell me how you can trust your senior with such words. Senior's identity is mysterious, his origin is unknown, and his cultivation base is for reference. Now he is lurking in my Deity Academy , no matter what power it is, if it knows about this, it will be frightened in its heart!"

"If senior insists on not revealing any news, this junior will have no choice but to report the matter to the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. Although it is only a small part of the Heaven Realm, it is related to experts from outside the region. I believe the experts in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss will also pay attention to it!"

Feng Wuhen narrowed his eyes and said a little speechlessly.

The tone is still respectful, but the attitude is gradually becoming tougher. This guy is a master who gives both soft and hard.

The respect he showed before is probably half-true and half-false. This guy has always believed that he is backed by the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, which is why he has such confidence.

"Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss?"

"Is that the place where the Buddha's light shines?"

"I heard from the Holy Master Peach Blossom earlier that my brother realized the Tao, has profound Buddhist supernatural powers, and the mighty Tianlong, but he was labeled as an evil sect."

"Have you ever heard of it?"

Li Xiaobai raised his eyebrows, and said with a half-smile, Feng Wuhen obviously couldn't believe what he said, and asking him to show some things that could prove his identity was simply giving away a sub-question.

"Naturally, I have heard that the Tianjiao in the past used several great Buddhist supernatural powers in succession. The power is amazing, but none of them are learned from the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. They are all self-created skills, but they have left a lot of influence! "

"It's just that the eminent monks said that this kind of Buddhist supernatural power is eager for quick success and quick benefits, and the spirit of killing is too deep. If you use it all year round, you will inevitably be entangled in karma, so sealing it is listed as a forbidden technique!"

Feng Wuhen nodded and said, he naturally knew the news.

"It's easy to handle if you know it, take a look!"

Li Xiaobai flipped his wrist, took out a booklet from his arms, threw it to the other party and said.

This is an ancient book, which was brought up from Zhongyuanjie. On the cover of the book, there are four big characters written in four big characters, Dawei Tianlong!


"This is……"

Feng Wuhen's hand that took the ancient book trembled involuntarily. No one knew better than him what these four words represented. He had clearly witnessed that a promising master just because he had practiced this technique had passed away. The future is ruined, this is a hot potato, and the mysterious person in front of him just took it out!

"Dawei Tianlong, can you recognize these words?"

"Of course I recognize it, but is this something that juniors can watch for free?"

The cold sweat dripped down Feng Wuhen's forehead again.

This time it wasn't because of Li Xiaobai's pressure, but because the object in his hand really mattered too much, it didn't matter whether he opened it or not, he was a little confused for a while, and didn't know what to do it is good.

This is a forbidden book in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. If someone knows that he has read it, it will be considered an confession in this life, but if he does not read it, how will he know that what is recorded in it is true?

"It's just an ordinary Buddhist supernatural power. Why can't you read it? This is the original manuscript. It's not very powerful. You can read it with confidence."

Li Xiaobai smiled cheerfully.

This thing was brought up from the Zhongyuan Realm, so how powerful can it be? Er Gouzi's mighty Heavenly Dragon should have been improved, otherwise how would he contend with the forces of the Immortal God Realm.

"excuse me!"

The curiosity in his heart defeated the fear, and Feng Wuhen finally opened the book.

According to his knowledge and reading, this exercise is very rough. Although it can be cultivated and performed, it is more like a crude rough, which has not been refined.

But the more this happens, the more it proves its authenticity. If you spend a lot of effort on the complete Dawei Tianlong Kungfu, you may still have a chance to obtain it, but this kind of Kungfu that looks like it is the first prototype is not something you can do casually. What you get must be obtained by being intimate with the creator and kept as a souvenir.

From this point of view, doesn't it mean that everything said by the mysterious man in front of him is true!

This guy really knew the group of people back then, and they had a lot of friendship!

"How, has this ancient book ever convinced you of my identity?"

Li Xiaobai smiled cheerfully, Xiao Mian, I can’t scare you to death, as long as you don’t let him show his skills, he has a hundred ways to convince the other party, just take out any treasure in his hand, it is something that has never been owned in the fairy world This guy has to believe it too!

"Dare to ask senior's name!"

Feng Wuhen handed the ancient book back with a rather solemn expression.

"The name is just a code name. I don't know how many years no one has called my real name, and I have long forgotten it."

Li Xiaobai waved his hand and said.

"Dare to ask where those predecessors are now, could it be that they are all hiding in the extremely evil pure land?"

"That's why we need to verify, this matter is left to you!"

Li Xiaobai glanced at Feng Wuhen and said, the highest level of bluffing is to deceive yourself.

"But the juniors don't speak lightly, and their cultivation is very low, I'm afraid it will be embarrassing!"

"Senior has such a cultivation level, why don't you go directly to the extremely evil pure land and ask?"

Feng Wuhen showed embarrassment, he wanted to share a piece of the pie if it was good, but if there was difficulty, he would be the first to retreat.

He would not do such a thing as a coolie for others before reaping any benefits!

"I have my own plan. As for you, your cultivation level is indeed too low, but improving your cultivation level is the easiest thing, so you can take care of it."

Li Xiaobai's face was full of inscrutability, he picked up a few stones from the ground, kneaded them and surrounded them into a miniature bathhouse, took some water and poured them into it, under Feng Wuhen's puzzled eyes Handed over.

"Dipping your fingers in water will definitely help."

"What is this?"

Feng Wuhen's head was full of fog. He just saw that the other party squeezed a piece of mud, and then poured water into the mud. This thing can improve the cultivation level.

He submerged his fingers in it suspiciously, and the next second, his whole body trembled suddenly.

The moment the finger touches the water surface, the cultivation base in the dantian, which has not increased for many years, unexpectedly becomes more radical. Although it is very weak, it is indeed increasing!

"How does it feel?"

Li Xiaobai smiled slightly.

Feng Wuhen couldn't help but swear, "Damn it, God!"

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