Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1486: The Battlefield Of The Heavens

For several days, there was no incident.

Li Xiaobai was wandering around in the Deity Academy, and no one, whether it was the disciples of the academy or the senior elders, dared to touch him. He had been explained from top to bottom, and now he was an existence that no one dared to provoke.

"Senior, this junior has sent someone to find out the news you want!"

Peach Blossom Spring Forest.

Li Xiaobai stood with his hands folded, and Feng Wuhen said respectfully from the side.

"Tell me."

"Actually, the extremely evil pure land is just a small piece of land. It only has twelve domains, and the vassal forces are huge, but the mainland is very narrow, and very few people have visited it."

"The extremely evil pure land is located in the center of the Twelve Domains, and there are few people. About a hundred years ago, someone felt a terrifying power in it, and there is no other abnormality."

"I think this should be related to those predecessors five hundred years ago."

Feng Wuhen said.

Since the disappearance of those people, only this vision has appeared in the extremely evil pure land, and all the people watching are tight-lipped.

"It's indeed a bit strange, have you ever sent someone to investigate?"

Li Xiaobai asked with a change of expression.

"No, the extremely evil pure land is heavily guarded, and no monks like this junior can set foot in it!"

Although the Deity Academy is well-known in the Cangtian Territory, it is not worth mentioning in the face of such a giant as the extremely evil Pure Land.

"Then how does it convey instructions to you on weekdays? The people back then disappeared so quickly, and you big forces don't have the idea of ​​starting anew?"

Li Xiaobai continued to ask, for hundreds of years, even the cultivators in the Zhongyuan Realm knew to set up a separate sect, so naturally the masters of the Immortal God Realm would not willingly submit to others.

"Senior doesn't know something, the extremely evil Pure Land is extremely mysterious, and we live in peace on weekdays, but if someone thinks carefully, he will be wiped out immediately. The decree of the Pure Land must not be disobeyed!"

"I have seen with my own eyes a big hand stretched out from that piece of land to cover the sun and wipe out a master across the sky. It is a restricted area. Even if the dragons have no leader, their power is still far superior to us!"

Feng Wuhen's eyes flashed with memories, and fear was imprinted in his heart, and he shuddered.

Li Xiaobai nodded, thinking in his heart, if the extremely evil pure land is really where the brothers and sisters are, then it is normal to have this kind of strength.

"It looks like I have to go for a walk myself."

Li Xiaobai muttered to himself, after all, outsiders' inquiries were only a few words, and seeing is believing can be really reassuring.

"Senior wants to enter the extremely evil pure land, but this junior has an excellent reason!"

Feng Wuhen said tentatively.

"What reason?"

"The battlefield of the heavens!"

"That is the battlefield where the arrogance of all major domains will participate. Those who perform well will have the opportunity to be interviewed by the real strong. If the disciples of my Deity Academy perform well, they will be rewarded by entering the extremely evil pure land. In order to deceive the prohibition of the battlefield and enter it, you must win the leader!"

Feng Wuhen said.

When Li Xiaobai heard this, he heard the implication. This Feng Wuhen wanted to use his hand to seek benefits for Deity Academy!

At this moment, he is still the identity of Cai Kun. Entering the battlefield of the heavens to win glory for the academy will not only make him famous, but he must also be rewarded.

"Today is the opening of the battlefield of the heavens. As long as the senior nods, the junior will start making arrangements."

"You've got a good plan, and it's right to help you once, to end this karma, and lead the way!"

Li Xiaobai said lightly, now that his defense power of Void Spirit First Layer is not to say invincible in the battlefield of the younger generation, at least he can be regarded as a leader.

"Thank you for your success, senior!"

Feng Wuhen was overjoyed upon hearing this.


After a quarter of an hour.

In the main hall of the academy, a group of elders and several true disciples gathered here. The atmosphere seemed very dull, as if they were all waiting for something.

"The battlefield is open, you must be careful in everything!"

"This time is to rectify the name of my academy, don't try to be happy for a while, the most important thing is to come back alive!"

Elder Huang said, keeping his eyes on Bodhidharma. His disciple was frustrated one after another, his mentality was unstable, and he entered the battlefield for fear of dying for a while.

"Master, don't worry, although the cultivation level of the disciple Void Spirit Second Layer is not top-notch, it will not be easy to defeat me!"

Bodhidharma said confidently that although he did not pass the catastrophe to advance to the next stage, he was confident that he would not be easily defeated.

"To be able to have such confidence is worthy of being a true disciple of my Deity Academy, but this trip is extremely dangerous. You wait for Cai Kun to follow suit, and let him do what he wants, and you must not act without authorization!"

Feng Wuhen came from outside the hall and said indifferently.

As long as these disciples follow Li Xiaobai, there is no need to consider safety issues at all.

"Cai Kun?"

"You're here too!"

Bodhidharma's face darkened in an instant, looking at the young man who came in behind the dean, he felt as uncomfortable as eating a dead fly.

"Yes, the academy is in trouble, I'm here to save the academy from the fire!"

"When you enter the battlefield, follow me and take you flying!"

Li Xiaobai said with a smile.

"Asshole, you..."

Bodhidharma was furious, and as soon as he was about to say something, he was interrupted mercilessly by Elder Huang, "Dharma, listen to the dean's order, you are not allowed to fight on your own when you enter the battlefield, and follow the lead of little friend Cai Kun. If you disobey , will be severely punished after coming out!"

Seeing the reluctance of Li Xiaobai's true disciples, but the high-level elders' eyes were brightened. This mysterious master senior is willing to come forward to enter the battlefield of the heavens for the academy, which is really inconceivable.

However, the battlefield has a detection mechanism. If it is not for the younger generation, it is impossible to enter. Could it be that this senior is so advanced that he can even deceive the battlefield?

"Don't gossip, we are already a step behind others, go down, you can enter the battlefield, don't forget the advice just now."

Feng Wuhen frowned and said in a deep voice, the ground in the hall was cracked, and a step went down into the endless darkness.

Bodhidharma glanced at Li Xiaobai, eyes full of provocation, and jumped into it first, followed by the other true disciples.

The golden chariot manifested under Li Xiaobai's feet, and he followed silently.

"Dean, you have a way to let this senior enter the battlefield of Tianzhancha, I deserve the fame of Tianshen Academy this time!"

"Yes, with this senior's action, Deity Academy will definitely be rewarded generously. By then, recruiting a new batch of academy disciples will be another big source of nourishment!"

The surface of the earth was restored to its original appearance, and the elders looked very excited.

"Hehe, this seat has already negotiated with the senior. With him here, my Deity Academy must win the leader!"

"Even the battlefield of the heavens can deceive the past, the cultivation of this senior is unimaginable!"

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