Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1493: Crystal Old Man's Oddity

"Amitabha, benefactor, but what kind of resources have you found?"

Seeing Li Xiaobai go and return, the crying monk raised a smile and asked expectantly.

"I found it, Master, take it."

Li Xiaobai threw the stone in his hand to the opponent, and said with a smile.

"There is a benefactor..."

The crying monk hurriedly caught the stone, closed his eyes and felt it carefully, the smile on his face gradually froze. Although the stone was indeed stained with blood, no matter how he perceived it, he could not feel where it was uploaded. energy fluctuations.

This bloodstain is not divine blood, nor is it something with mysterious power. No matter how you look at it, it is just an ordinary stone.

Could it be that he was being tricked?

The monks around came up intentionally or unintentionally, and also took a close look at it. The monk who was about to make a move to snatch it suddenly lost interest.

"Amitabha, what is the meaning of the almsgiver? Why did you give a stone to the poor monk?"

The crying monk looked at Li Xiaobai, the hostility on his face was fleeting.

"a rock?"

"The Lord Buddha said the same thing when he passed by this place back then, and he became enlightened in the second year after taking the stone."

Li Xiaobai recalled the words carved on the stone tablet, and said eloquently.

"The Lord Buddha also took stones?"

"What is the relationship between the Buddha's enlightenment and this stone, and the Buddha is a figure from two thousand years ago, how can you recognize it?"

Hearing Li Xiaobai's words, the other monks just looked confused, but the crying monk raised his eyebrows. He comes from the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, where the Buddha's light shines everywhere. The Lord Buddha is their belief and their goal of enlightenment. The guy in front of him said that Lord Buddha once took this stone, isn't that just nonsense!

"Amitabha, monks don't tell lies. How do you know that my Buddha has been here, and how do you know that he also picked up a stone? Could it be that you gave him too!"

The tears in the corners of the crying monk's eyes stopped, and the muscles on his face trembled, looking a little fierce.

Play for fun, make trouble for trouble, don't make fun of me!

Li Xiaobai avoided answering, and still said with a smile, "Your Buddha said that there are three levels of realm in this world. A stone is a stone, a stone is not a stone, and a stone is still a stone. I wonder which level the master is in?"

"Back then, the Lord Buddha knew that it was not a stone the moment he got the stone, and then he realized the Tao. It seems that the master did not inherit the enlightenment of your Buddha!"

Li Xiaobai shook his head and sighed.

"This is real?"

"My Buddha came to this imperial city back then, and did he become enlightened?"

The crying monk was obviously stunned for a moment, what the other party said was the three realms of life, and the Lord Buddha reached the last stage of returning to the basics and becoming a Buddha immediately!

Is this stone in hand really useful?

But no matter how you look at it, it's just an ordinary stone!

"Only a wise person can see the inner meaning. Master, you have the root of wisdom if you can enter Buddhism and think about it. You can't just look at things on the surface."

Li Xiaobai smiled cheerfully.

"Who else wants to exchange resources, come one by one, we live in this world, we must see the essence of things clearly, see the depths of the soul."

"I'll exchange for resources, please help fellow daoists a little bit!"

"I'll change it too. Recently, my cultivation base is stuck in the realm of watching the gods in the four parts. I am suffering from being unable to break through the shackles. Please help me a little bit!"

"This is my property, thank you!"


The surrounding cultivators stepped forward one after another, taking out treasures one after another, hoping to exchange them with Li Xiaobai.

They wanted to try their luck. Although they really couldn't understand stones, what if the other party really came up with something good?

Li Xiaobai smiled from ear to ear, he stood in front of the city gate, no one dared to act rashly, everyone obediently handed over all kinds of rare resources, he didn't need it, but it was very cool.

"Something is wrong, he seems to want resources more than outside monks?"

The Judgment Pen youth frowned, quietly picked up a piece of talisman paper, activated it and turned it into flying ash and floated into the distance. In his opinion, the value of this ancient city is huge, far surpassing other treasures on the battlefield.

There were senior brothers who had entered the battlefield of the heavens before, but none of the elders or these senior brothers had disclosed information about the Banyu Emperor City!

No one has seen this imperial city, he has seen it!

It is rumored that the first battlefield leads to the ancient road to the starry sky, and the fragments of information leading to the mysterious area are hidden in the battlefield of the heavens. As long as they get it, they can step into a wider time and space!

"I thought I could monopolize the resources, but I didn't expect this city to be weirder than I imagined. You are here to keep an eye on it. I will contact the senior brother of Yuanxingyu, and we must take this place as soon as possible!"

The judge pen youth said with a cold face, and disappeared without a trace.

In the imperial city.

Li Xiaobai is full of money, and there is nothing more satisfying than letting someone take the initiative to hand over the treasure.

Received a group of space rings, and turned back to the imperial city again under the hopeful eyes of the masters.

He initially understood the rules of the imperial city, which was built for the blood of the human race, and the two bronze guards at the city gate could distinguish the power of the pure human blood from the power of other mixed and imprecise blood.

It's just that such a city was built to resist who, did the senior brothers and sisters also live in this city?

Walking in the ancient city, he wanted to find out if there were other creatures.


There were bursts of buzzing sounds, and a terrifying aura erupted from Li Xiaobai's body, which was extraordinary.

"This is……"

"There is something echoing this city, what is it?"

Li Xiaobai's mind sank into the system, rummaging through treasures one after another, and finally took out a huge amethyst, which exuded an incomparably violent aura.

This is the crystal old man brought up from the Zhongyuan Realm. It is exactly the same as the Xiaolao Emperor. His identity has always been an unsolved mystery, but there is no doubt that even in this Immortal God Realm, he has The power of the First World War has always been carried by him as a talisman.

"Is the old crystal man connected to the Human Race Imperial City?"

As he walked deeper and deeper, the aura emanating from the crystal became more and more frightening. The eyes of the old man sealed in it opened at some point, Li Xiaobai's scalp became numb, and he stopped and dared not go any further.

The surroundings are still ruins, and there is no difference, but the crystal old man next to him looks like he is about to wake up. This is an uncontrollable killer. If he recovers, it will be unpredictable.

"Bang bang bang!"

The ground was trembling, and the vibration of striding forward became more and more intense. The two bronze armored figures who had been standing motionless at the city gate unexpectedly caught up behind them and stopped three feet away from Li Xiaobai. send.

Li Xiaobai tapped the amethyst next to him, "Are you worshiping him?"

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