Li Xiaobai cupped his fists and said.

"No, no, I only have one life as a brother, which is more precious. This matter needs to be personally experienced by my junior brother."

Liu Jinshui said in a deep voice, looking very serious, Li Xiaobai was half-dead from anger.

Cooperating with our life is not precious, whoever made it is not a life, and you are not a clone, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

"Then according to the senior brother's opinion, how should the little brother operate?"

Li Xiaobai asked.

"Naturally, I used my junior brother as a bait to use your invincible seed to kill people."

Liu Jinshui stared at Li Xiaobai's dantian, and said with a smile.

"The power of the rules of the forty-ninth battlefield can indeed make the monks lose all their cultivation bases, but the power of the flesh and blood is still there. No, little brother, I may not necessarily be the opponent."

Li Xiaobai spoke out.

He has seen the methods of those monks before. They can tear the void with their hands at will. The existence with such terrifying power is not ordinary. The power of blood is definitely a powerful group, and 100% skills can deny it Still in between.

"What are you afraid of? If you don't fight for your cultivation, you will fight for your physical body. Who can be your opponent in this battlefield? Go ahead boldly, find a prosperous place, and open up the battlefield!"

Liu Jinshui snorted, his face full of disdain, that is, he didn't want to waste his cultivation on these small fish and shrimps, otherwise, it would be an instant to sweep the entire battlefield.

But with the Forty-Ninth Battlefield, it's different. He doesn't use his cultivation to fight for his physical body. His body condensed with a drop of blood is indelible.

"It seems to be the case, Brother Six is ​​right!"

Li Xiaobai's eyes lit up, thinking that the sixth senior brother was unwilling to do anything, ignoring his physical body. After being suppressed for three hundred years, his lute bone was pierced, but the moment he let it go, his physical body healed as before in a blink of an eye.

If this powerful physique is placed in the forty-ninth battlefield, it must be unstoppable.

"Follow me, Brother Wei will take you to clean them up."

"After entering the Immortal God Realm, our brothers and sisters have found a new way to earn money, which is much faster than when we were in the Zhongyuan Realm!"

"Catch the leftover daughters of the Tianjiao Holy Son of the big powers, search them clean and drag them to other big powers to dig mines. Although it is only 10%, it is also a steady stream of wealth income. In the end, if it is exposed and people find out the clues, they will sell it backhand. Return to their respective sect forces, as the old saying goes, don’t open for half a year, open for half a year!”

Liu Jinshui happily narrated that he is very keen to impart this kind of experience talk, these are all real practical experience, which cannot be touched by flowers in the greenhouse.


"Mining, who mines?"

Li Xiaobai felt that a certain string in his head was loose. He had never thought about the benefits of mining. After all, when he needed resources, he always robbed them by hand. He never thought that he could cooperate to share.

"Big forces, such as the Pure Land of Bliss, Linyuan restricted area, etc., both the restricted area and the big sect have inexhaustible ore resources. Sending disciples of the sect to dig and mine has to be credited, and the enshrined resources are given to them. Such a large amount of free labor force is what all forces covet, and it can save them a lot of expenses invisibly!"

"Others produce mines, we produce people, and we share 10% of the excavated resources. Of course, it takes hard work in the backstage to do this kind of thing. In the beginning, it was very hard for the brothers and sisters to collect the rent every day, but the big sister hammered a few times. After gaining power, everyone will be honest.”

"This thing can be done until it is fully exposed. My brothers have been working for two full years, earning the money of the entire fairy world. The net worth is so rich that even those top forces are jealous. If it is not for the last paper bag I really can't hide it from living in the fire, I really don't want to give up such a good job, this is a costless business, I just need to contribute a little effort!"

There was a hint of nostalgia in Liu Jinshui's eyes.

Those days were indeed the days of the gods, and they could get resources every day while sitting. If it weren't for the support of such a huge wealth, their cultivation would not be able to improve so rapidly.

"Hey, mining is such a trick, how did I come up with it, why didn't I pay attention before?"

Li Xiaobai's eyes lit up when he heard this, the senior brother is still a veteran, he can be typical of him in one sentence, indeed, abducting and selling a Tianjiao monk and selling it back to the sect is a big resource, and it is a one-off, easy to catch the first time, and then again It will be hard to start in the future.

However, the operation of mining is a sustainable development path. It can be said that as long as the matter is not completely revealed, there will always be some profits, and they will still make a lot of money.

A mine vein may not be able to allocate many resources, but it cannot stand up to its size. As long as enough monks are kidnapped, he will be able to do business in the entire world of immortals and gods!

"Hehe, junior brother, young people still need to hone their skills. The path of cultivation is very long. If you don't have a foothold and a background, you need to use your brain more. It's time to think about things from the perspective of high-level forces."

Liu Jinshui patted Li Xiaobai's shoulder, looking like a teachable child.

"Thank you, brother, for your advice!"

"Let's set off immediately and arrest all the monks in this battlefield of the heavens!"

The golden chariot manifested under Li Xiaobai's feet, carrying Liu Jinshui and disappeared into a stream of light.


The battlefield of the heavens.

The core area, this is the gathering place of the secret realm, and it is also the place where the monks who entered it explored the most in previous years.

The master monks of all sects and sects will record the treasures they have explored and submit them to the sect for reward. Therefore, the more powerful the sect, the more complete the map in their hands, and it is easier to judge where treasures are easy to find.

After experiencing the episode of the Imperial City, the monks began to explore the resources in this world step by step. Although they have a lot of information about the Imperial City, they can't really return empty-handed.

At this moment, many monks were at a loss for a small hill and stopped to watch.

"Fat Master, I have been trapped here for three hundred years, and I have heard some news more or less. This area is called Tianbei Secret Realm. I don't know who started it. It's really fucking ugly."

"It's true what I heard at the bottom of the lake all these years. They call this land of blessings, and they say it's rich."

Liu Jinshui whispered.

"Is there a secret treasure here?"

Li Xiaobai asked with a puzzled expression.

"This mountain is. It was refined by a certain great power in the past. It was shattered at the beginning of the war, and it ended up badly. This is a small piece of it."

"It's a pity that this is not something they can covet. Let's go to the battlefield and give it all to these guys!"

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