Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1509 I'm The Only One Out

The ground was trembling, and a vortex of spiritual power suddenly appeared in the space not far from the imperial city, like a small door.

"Brother, the battlefield has opened, we can go back!"

Li Xiaobai came alive.

"Junior brother, you have to look carefully, whether it is different from the way you came, and don't go to other forces."

Liu Jinshui reminded.

"Senior brother, don't worry, let's go to the battlefield to rest for a while, and call the senior brother out when the younger brother goes to the extremely evil pure land."

Li Xiaobai opened the forty-ninth battlefield and put Liu Jinshui away.

Although the Tianshen Academy is not big, there is no guarantee that there will be no troubles. The fewer people who know about Liu Jinshui's existence, the better.

Looking at the two bronze armors at the gate of the imperial city, with a thought, another wave of suction came from the forty-ninth battlefield, and he wanted to take these two into it, but in exchange for two destructive forces. The terrifying aura of the earth went straight into the sky, the bronze armor trembled, and the sound of sword chant shook Li Xiaobai's eardrums.

"The two seniors have offended you so much, this junior bid farewell!"

"The green mountains will not change, and the green water will flow forever. See you soon!"

Li Xiaobai shrank his neck in fright, and left immediately. These two great gods are not to be provoked, and they have obsession with the imperial city, even if he is a pure-blooded human, he cannot be taken away.

The golden chariot shot out and went straight into the vortex gate. At this moment, there was not even a hair left in the battlefield of the heavens. Only he, a monk, was able to get out successfully.

Galloping all the way, passing the familiar dark passage, the vision in front of him gradually widened.

"Come out, come out!"

"Fortunately, fortunately, my disciples from the Deity Academy have returned safely without any damage!"

There were a few pleasantly surprised old voices, and the first thing that caught my eye was a few old faces with big yellow teeth and smiling faces, all of them were elders in the Deity Academy.

Every year in the battlefield of the heavens, the younger generation of disciples will be caught in a fierce fight. He, a monk of the Deity Academy, does not have the advantage, and the market will be forcibly dragged into the battlefield, and he will suffer heavy losses in the end.

"It's little friend Cai Kun, I knew you would be safe and sound!"

"As for the others, let the old man take a look. After going through such a situation, these little guys should also grow up!"

"Yeah, they are lawless in the academy on weekdays. They don't know how vast the sky outside is, and their tails are almost up to the sky. It's great to take advantage of this opportunity to suppress them, and let them comprehend the vastness of the world by themselves!"

"It is true that there are people outside the human world..."

The elders of Tianshen Academy all smiled happily, stroked their beards and said cheerfully.

But with a smile, the laughter in the hall stopped abruptly, and the vortex gate leading to the battlefield of the heavens was slowly closed.

Closing means that all the young masters of his Deity Academy have returned.

Everyone looked at each other, blinded for a moment, looked at Li Xiaobai who was resting at the side, and said in a daze, "Just one?"

"Little friend Cai Kun, why are you alone?"

"Where are the other disciples?"

"Where's my good disciple Bodhidharma? Why doesn't he come out?"

A group of elders gathered around and looked at Li Xiaobai asking urgently, a bad premonition rose in their hearts, maybe their own apprentices were completely wiped out.

"The battlefield of the heavens is full of dangers. Even I almost fell for it. Since the disciples of the elders have never appeared, they must have been involved."

"Cultivation is all about fighting against the heavens. Birth, old age, sickness and death are very normal. You should take it easy."

Li Xiaobai said that these disciples were naturally captured by Liu Jinshui and taken into the 49th battlefield as coolies, and his senior brother was overseeing the work at the moment.


"It's folded in!"

"There are so many disciples, all of them will be lost!"

As soon as these words came out, the elders could no longer hold back, and General Yu's voice was raised several degrees. In the past, some disciples were lost in the battlefield of the heavens, but they were not completely wiped out. Something must have happened in the middle.

"Little friend Cai Kun, what happened on the battlefield, but is there an emergency?"

Feng Wuhen looked at Li Xiaobai and said, a sullen look flashed in his eyes, but he suppressed it quickly. He suspected that the other party secretly used small tricks to retaliate against Bodhidharma and others, resulting in the collective death of the disciples of Tianshen Academy.

"A human imperial city appeared in the battlefield of the heavens, which is related to the great battle hundreds of years ago."

"The secret of the first battlefield is hidden in it. It's a pity that the city gate is heavily guarded, and there are creatures in the mythical restricted zone. It is not something ordinary monks can explore."

Li Xiaobai revealed some news about the Imperial City. Anyway, what he said was the truth, and even if it was verified, he couldn't find fault with him.

"Human Emperor City? What is that, I have never heard of it before."

"Mythical forbidden creature? Is there a forbidden area in the battlefield of the heavens?"

All the elders frowned upon hearing this, the secret of the Mythical Forbidden Zone and the First Battlefield unexpectedly surfaced in the Battlefield of the Heavens.

"Mythological forbidden creatures haunted the battlefields of the heavens, and many monks were brutally murdered. The guards of the imperial city are unfathomable, and they are suspected to be creatures left over from the war five hundred years ago."

"Although a few disciples were lost, not many people know the news. You can get a lot of benefits by reporting this matter."

Li Xiaobai said that there were no outsiders present, all of them were the elders of the academy. In their eyes, he was a supreme master, and there was nothing he could not say.

"I don't believe it, you must have beheaded my disciples on the battlefield!"

General Yu was emotional, and he couldn't believe Li Xiaobai's words one hundred and twenty times.

"You and other disciples left after entering the battlefield. Their lives and whereabouts are unknown, and it has nothing to do with me."

"When to set off for the extremely evil pure land, let me tell you about the battlefield, and the Deity Academy will get a lot of rewards."

Li Xiaobai waved his hand with a threatening manner. At this moment, he still has the sixth senior brother, so he is full of confidence. If he can't do it, he will release the sixth senior brother and suppress the academy.

"We still need to wait for the notification of this matter. A total of twelve domains of young masters will participate in the Extremely Evil Pure Land. The places are limited and the competition is fierce. We will not know until the monks from each domain have discussed it."

"Little friend Cai Kun, just wait for a while, the result will be available in a few days."

Feng Wuhen said.

He needs to verify from other domains whether what this mysterious expert said is true, if he is deceiving him, he may have to ask for support from the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss.

"Everything is under the arrangement of the dean."

Li Xiaobai is very relaxed, there is not even a thread in the battlefield, as long as he does not let people go, even if the other domains wait until the sea is dry, they will not be able to wait for the day when their disciples come out.

He is the only one who can go to the extremely evil pure land!

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