The elderly monk was dragged away by Li Xiaobai. The disciple monks in the back looked at each other and closed the door of the treasury consciously. They had no right to go in to check, nor did they have the courage to go in. How could they enter the important place of the treasury.

"Mr. Cai, I don't know what kind of treasures I have selected from the treasury. I will make a record next time. If I choose the exercises, I hope that I can leave a manuscript in Hunyuan City."

The old monk looked at Li Xiaobai and always felt a little uneasy in his heart. He came out in less than a quarter of an hour with his front and rear feet. Logically speaking, it is not too much to wander around for an hour or two based on the inventory of the treasury.

"Senior, where did this come from? I just said it below. I will never take a needle or a thread. If you say you can't take it, you won't take it. You don't believe me!"

"If you don't believe me, just go to the treasury and see for yourself. In my life, I have never said a single false word, and every word is worthy of the conscience of heaven and earth. The city lord's kindness is hard to refuse, otherwise I will not enter this city!"

Li Xiaobai said lightly, the four words of having a clear conscience were almost written on his face.

"If you believe in it, you will naturally believe it."

"The city lord is waiting in the meeting hall, Mr. Cai, please!"

The monk also didn't say anything more, people have already talked about this kind of thing, and it would hurt their feelings if they continued.

Chen Yuan, father and daughter in the hall were waiting anxiously, when they saw Li Xiaobai walking in, both of them were taken aback, with deep doubts in their eyes.

"The treasures in Mr. Cai's treasury are not to your liking, why did they come out so soon?"

Chen Xiu asked first.

"I'm just looking at it in the next book. It's agreed that I won't take more if I don't take a needle and a thread. It's just a symbolic removal of a few gadgets. Don't worry, the city lord, it's nothing serious."

Li Xiaobai waved his hand and said with a smile.


The two looked at each other, both a little confused, what valuable treasure could they take away in such a short time?

Could it be that this is an upright gentleman?

"If there is no other important matter, I will leave first. The journey is tight, and it is time to get on the road."

Li Xiaobai said that he had cleaned out the treasury, so if he didn't leave, he would save it for the New Year.

"Mr. Cai wait a minute, you might as well take a short rest."

"Oh? What else is there? I understand Ling'ai's thoughts, but it's a pity that the man's ambition is everywhere. Don't mention this matter again."

Li Xiaobai frowned slightly.

Although this Chen Xiu looks good, but unfortunately she is far from the female Bodhisattva in his mind.

"No, no, it's me..."

Chen Yuan wanted to say something more, when suddenly a terrifying suffocation came over his face, even in this meeting hall, he could feel the terrifying aura so powerful that it made people tremble.

"Another strong man has come?"

The complexions of the other monks in the hall suddenly changed, their hairs stood on end, and their scalps exploded, as if they were being targeted by some kind of terrifying existence.

Chen Yuan, Chen Xiu's father and daughter's eyes were shining at this moment, their hearts couldn't conceal their excitement, here they come, finally here, the cultivators of the Heavenly Knife Sect came faster than expected!

"It's that wave of people just now?"

"There is also the backer, who exactly did you provoke, why did you insist on capturing Hunyuan City?"

Li Xiaobai didn't react at all, there was a battlefield, there were big grievances, and even six senior brothers were in charge, so what was he afraid of?

"Cultivator of Tiandaomen, my daughter and I went to negotiate with him, and please stay here for a while and don't be impatient."

Chen Yuan clasped his fists and said, then took Chen Xiufei away.

"What a good man, he is still concerned about my safety when he is in danger, go and have a look, maybe he can recruit another wave of people."

Li Xiaobai thought in his heart that everything was for the sustainable development of the Great Resentment.

Outside the city.

Dark clouds overwhelmed the environment.

A large number of monks walked in the air, standing in the sky outside Hunyuan City, with scabbards on their backs, their postures were tall and straight, and they looked like sharp swords.

"Heavenly Knife Gate High Priest has arrived, Hunyuan City Lord, come out and kowtow!"

A monk shouted loudly.

"Chen Yuan, the lord of Hunyuan City, didn't know that the high priest was coming, so he was far away to welcome him!"

Chen Yuan immediately stepped forward, bent down and kowtowed.

The scene in front of him was too shocking, he himself did not expect that such a large number of Tiandaomen troops would be attracted by a letter in the past.

I feel like I can't get better today.

"I don't need to say much about the reason why I came here. Elder Sun and Elder Wang died tragically, and hundreds of disciples disappeared without a trace. You Hunyuan City cannot escape this responsibility!"

The crowd lined up on both sides, and a sedan chair came out slowly, carrying an old man on it, lightly holding the hilt of his sword in his hand, and two terrifying auras shot straight into the sky from his old and muddy eyes.

"Reporting to the high priest, the little girl is the owner of the city. I saw the death of the chief monk recently with my own eyes. It was all done by the monk from the Jiuhuayu named Cai Kun!"

"First smashed Elder Sun with a warship, and then broke the Taotie Fist with evil methods, and wiped out hundreds of disciples and monks. Such actions are outrageous!"

"There is the shadow of Jiuhuayu behind this time, I am afraid that I will fall into a trap, this is the letter to report this to the noble sect!"

"I also hope that the high priest can clearly see that our Hunyuan City is willing to surrender to the Heavenly Sword Sect!"

Chen Xiu stood at the top of the wall and said loudly.

"If that's the case, when did Jiuhuayu have such a series of monks, and when did they become so stubborn?"

The High Priest frowned. In terms of strength, the Jiuhua Territory was not much different from his Huntian Territory, and he had little contact with him on weekdays. It belonged to the well water but not the river water. What happened today? He actually sent a master to intervene in his Huntian Territory private affairs, and there is still no sign.

"Where is that man, let him come out to meet me, I want to see who is holy!"

The high priest said coldly, the gloomy eyes made people feel hairy.


Chen Xiu turned to leave, but she didn't notice that there was a figure silently watching everything in the corner of the battlefield below.

"Damn it, I was actually sold out!"

"I said why this Hunyuan City suddenly treats me so well, the relationship is to stabilize me!"

"Made, I saved their lives!"

Li Xiaobai heard the truth from below, that woman had a heart of snakes and scorpions, she didn't care about saving her life at all, she actually sold him back to that Laoshizi Tiandaomen.

"Brother Wei said it a long time ago, that woman wanted to fuck you, it was you who misinterpreted the meaning of Brother Wei."

Liu Jinshui's voice came from his mind, a little gloating.

"Senior brother, since you know it, why didn't you say it clearly?"

Li Xiaobai's forehead was full of black lines.

"Why do you have to say clearly, Brother Wei wants you to remember me long, so as not to misunderstand my character in the future, Brother Wei, I have lived upright in my life, and what I am most afraid of is that people will not treat me as a decent person... "

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