Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1523 Extreme Evil Pure Land, Little Clay Figurines

But Li Xiaobai didn't care about these things. He was concentrating on checking the map at this moment, and he was already very close to the extremely evil pure land.

Liu Jinshui's emotions were transmitted through the Forty-Ninth Battlefield, very excited, very excited, and even a trace of anger.

He knew he had come to the right place, the physical body of the sixth senior brother was in the extremely evil pure land, not far away.

The passage of the warship went smoothly, and all those who blocked the road were thrown into the forty-ninth battlefield. The absence of enemies was the greatest convenience, unimpeded.

"Brother, our goal along the way is too obvious. After our hard work, Jiuhuayu is now famous. You can't drive the warship into the extremely evil pure land. Let's find a place to dock first."

Li Xiaobai spoke out.

"It should be so, the younger brother is very thoughtful."

"The southeast direction is the core area of ​​this area. Let the warship crash into it to make a splash to attract attention. Let's sneak away!"

Liu Jinshui said so.

Li Xiaobai nodded, turned the direction of the warship to the maximum speed, and then a stack of golden talismans flickered in his hand, and his figure disappeared in an instant.


The golden light flashed continuously, and it appeared hundreds of feet away in the blink of an eye.

The warship roared, and rushed towards a certain direction in a daze.

"Little brother, what is the origin of your talisman? I saw it when I was in the Fairy Continent, but now I can't explain it with Fat Master's eyesight."

"You're making rapid progress. Could it be that there are some experts behind your back who don't tell you that you want to eat alone?"

Liu Jinshui asked suspiciously, he was very curious why his junior brother could come up with such a thick stack of magical talismans, a level that a monk at the first level of the Void Spirit Realm would not be able to reach.

Not to mention that he possessed this kind of magical treasure as early as in the Fairy Continent.

But if there is some kind of expert help behind him, why didn't he notice the slightest clue after being together for so long?

Even he, who controls the laws of space, didn't understand the power of this forward talisman, and it passed away with just one swipe, as if he had skipped time and space, and couldn't perceive anything.

"Senior brother, what are you talking about? Our senior brothers all grew up naked, don't you know what I am like?"

"He's upright and has a clean sleeve. If he really knows someone who is an expert, why wouldn't he recommend him to his senior brother?"

Li Xiaobai made a haha, and said cheerfully.

The matter of the talisman is a system, he can't say it outside, and he can't explain it.

Anyway, it's all used to help my brothers and sisters, so there's nothing wrong with it.

"Anyway, you are weird, the fat man will figure it out."

Liu Jinshui muttered.


The surrounding scenery is changing, leaving the last domain, the sky dims for a moment, the sun has disappeared, and the wind is howling in the cold forest, as if entering a cemetery.

"Fat Master's body is hidden in such a ghostly place?"

Liu Jinshui was a little unhappy, he had lived his life upright and sat upright, who didn't know Liu Jinshui's name was upright, how could he live in such a gloomy place?

"Senior Brother Six, please be safe and don't be impatient, first find the physical body and then talk."

Li Xiaobai said.

Walking forward slowly, he walked very cautiously, every step was cautious, he had heard a lot of rumors about the extremely evil pure land, not to mention Er Gouzi, his masters alone wanted to obliterate living beings, so he had to guard against it. .

What's more, these two dogs have not been seen yet, which means that no one in the extremely evil pure land knows them, which is very dangerous.

"Who is it, what is the purpose of coming to the extremely evil pure land?"

Suddenly there was a voice coming from the foot, Li Xiaobai looked down, and saw a little clay figurine staring at him, covered in dirt, but only with bright eyes.

"Puppet, no cultivation base, no different from ordinary people, no fluctuations in cultivation base, so Fatty didn't notice it for a while."

Liu Jinshui's voice came from his mind.

"I'm Cai Kun, from Cangtian Realm, the winner of the battlefield of the heavens, and was ordered to come to the extremely evil pure land to receive the reward."

Li Xiaobai said truthfully, and handed over the token of Tianshen Academy, smiling all over his face.

"Cang Tianyu, a disciple of Deity Academy, Cai Kun."

"The winner of the battlefield of the heavens does have this rule."

The little clay figurine nodded, rolled its eyeballs, and said mechanically.

"Follow me. When you enter the extremely evil pure land, everything is subject to the arrangement, and you are not allowed to move around without authorization. Those who violate it will be executed."

"It's natural. I've longed for the legendary land for a long time."

Li Xiaobai hurriedly nodded and said in agreement.

"You are very good. This area is known as the strongest forbidden area in the world of immortals and gods. It is one of the ten dangerous forbidden areas that teenagers must know. Being able to be in awe shows that there is respect for the strong in their hearts."

"After I go back, I will ask Deity Academy to give you resources. In this era, there are not many geniuses who can be in awe without arrogance."

The little clay figurine nodded and said.

"Why do I feel that this little mud figurine is unreliable?"

"By the way, who is the manipulator behind this thing, so flirtatious?"

Liu Jinshui disdained it, if he was not in a hurry to get back his body, he wouldn't be bothered to listen to a piece of mud beeping here.

Moreover, he did not perceive the existence of any living beings within a radius of a hundred miles, unless the cultivation level surpassed it, it was absolutely impossible to happen.

Li Xiaobai felt the same way, everything was quite normal before, but at the end what the clay figurine said had a hint of familiarity.

"Senior clay figurine, I heard that the founder of the extremely evil pure land is a beast king. I wonder if I'm lucky enough to see it today?"


"How can a mere beast king be compared with my Patriarch? If we really want to talk about it, my Patriarch is not a king, but a god!"

The little clay figurine said contemptuously.

"This junior is being rude. Thank you senior clay figurine for clarifying the confusion. I don't know what kind of bloodline this Lord Beast God is. He can be on an equal footing with several restricted areas. I think he must be an expert who can participate in good fortune!"

Li Xiaobai continued, his words were full of yearning and longing for the strong.

"Hmph, boy, pay attention to your words, what is equal, my Patriarch is invincible in the world, far surpassing the other restricted areas, and the things you have done are beyond your imagination. At the level, just get the resources and go back quickly, don't talk too much!"

The little clay figurine said coldly, as if he was not impressed by Li Xiaobai's words.


Li Xiaobai was speechless, this mud really brought his self-promotion to the extreme, he really wasn't humble at all!

"It's natural. The Beast God is invincible in the world. Even if it was rumored that he was born five hundred years ago, the geniuses who smashed the heavens are not his opponents."

"Hmph, that's natural. Although those people are geniuses, in terms of strength and cultivation, I have to be... my Patriarch is even better!"

The little clay figurine nodded.

Li Xiaobai's eyes froze, it's done, the case has been solved, Er Gouzi is undoubtedly the manipulator behind this little clay figurine.

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