Thunder Tribulation is not irresistible, many powerful monks have proved this point.

And as long as the monk who opened the bronze gate completely enters the small world, the gate will automatically close and the thunder disaster will disappear.

Although somewhat dangerous, it is not impossible to enter.

In front of the bronze gate at this moment, many monks were seriously injured, but none of the monks died.

Everyone's confidence was greatly increased, and they were gearing up, waiting for the next wave of doors to open.

"Cough cough, everyone, the power of Thunder Tribulation is no small matter. I will leave first to recuperate, so you can do it yourself."

Some monks during the tribulation period handed over their hands and left this small world.

"The old man also took a step first!"

"It seems that this treasure land has nothing to do with us."


Many of the dying monks lying in front of the bronze gate slowly walked out of the small world and were seriously injured. They lost the qualification to compete with everyone for treasures.

Hearing the sighs of the surrounding monks, Li Xiaobai quickly rummaged through the small tokens.

Land list.

The 7223rd is the crane in the cloud among the thousands of flowers.

The seven hundred and thirtieth one is the enemy of ten thousand people.

The eighth thousandth...

These bigwigs are all ranked higher than Ou Yezi, but judging from the fact that they can't even enter the bronze gate, their cultivation strength is far inferior to Ou Yezi's.

Obviously, his previous guess was correct, Ou Yezi was deliberately hiding his strength, keeping a low profile.

"Oh, even Old Devil Han can't enter it, so it's even more impossible for me. I won't waste my time here, let's take a step first."

"Me too, I still have this bit of self-knowledge, so I won't waste it here."

"let's go……"

Soon, another group of monks in the crowd turned around, followed by the previous batch of seriously injured monks and left.

Li Xiaobai has seen this kind of situation many times. There is no enmity between these two groups of people, maybe they just want to kill people and seize treasures. The world of self-cultivation is extremely dangerous, as long as they are injured, they will inevitably attract a group of enemies to target them.

"Brother Ye, your name is Li Xiaobai now, right? Come talk to Hua Zi."

When a familiar voice came, Li Xiaobai turned his head to look, and it turned out to be an old acquaintance, Northwest Yu three times.

The little monk Liao Wang, who likes to chatter, also came with him. It seemed that the two knew each other.

"Brother Yu, I haven't seen you for a while, come and talk to Huazi, and Master, please come too, it's very comfortable."

Looking at Monk Wangwang, Li Xiaobai was quite helpless. This monk was dead, and he recognized that he was a murderous maniac. He must stop himself. It was really a wrong medicine.

"Yeah, I didn't expect to meet my fellow disciples in the secret realm. It's really a blessing."

Yu Sanbian took Hua Zi, took a big breath suddenly, and looked extremely refreshed.

Monk Liaowang looked at Huazi in his hand with some doubts. He had never seen Huazi before, and imitated the way of fish three whips, lit Huazi, and also took a sharp breath.

For a moment, he was shocked. This Huazi could clean the altar and internal organs with concentration. He immediately entered the state of enlightenment and insight after taking a sip. He had a deeper understanding of Buddhism. It is also easy to solve.

Gu Jing's face, which had always been impassive, was now filled with shock.

Li Xiaobai laughed secretly in his heart, he was another monk who was captured by Huazi, but it was rare for a monk to smoke Huazi, this scene was so strange no matter how you looked at it.

Ouyang Shuang'er looked envious in her heart. She had experienced this kind of baby before, and the feeling was too amazing, but she didn't dare to open her mouth to ask for it from Li Xiaobai, so she could only approach a few people silently and suck it hard. A few puffs of secondhand smoke.

His mind was also in a turmoil, and his understanding of the exercises gradually deepened.

"Heck, kid, give this deity a root!" Ji Wuqing was dissatisfied.

"Brother Li, why is the dog next to you gone? There's only one chicken left."

Yu Sanbian exhaled smoke rings, and asked a little strangely, in his impression, this chicken and dog are inseparable.

"Heck, you are the chicken, your whole family is a chicken, and this deity is the supreme existence!"

Ji ruthlessly yelled, and was about to pounce on it, but Li Xiaobai held it down.

"Ergouzi had an accident and was forcibly taken away by the monks of Huolin Cave." Li Xiaobai said.

"Fire Lin Cave?"

Yu Sanbian gasped, this is a colossal monster, and if he got involved with such an existence, it would be a catastrophe.

"Brother Yu knows?"

"This is natural. It is not an exaggeration to say that Huolin Cave is the top power in the Fairy Continent. This power has existed since ancient times, and its background is even more unfathomable today. There are rumors that in this Huo Lin Cave, there are extremely powerful people. There may be ancestors in the realm of immortals!"

"Immortal realm, isn't that the existence that has ascended to the upper realm?" Li Xiaobai asked.

"In this world, there are quite a few powerful ancestors who would not choose to ascend to the upper realm. Instead, they hibernate with great supernatural powers and secret techniques, hiding in sects. It is rumored that there is such an existence in Huolin Cave!"

"Brother Li, you are in a lot of trouble for getting involved with such a powerful force. I'm afraid Er Gouzi won't be able to come back."

Yu Sanbian explained.

"Amitabha, even a powerful force can't do evil. I am willing to go to Huolin Cave with the almsgiver to persuade them to release Er Gouzi."

Monk Liao Wang said that he still has a good impression of Er Gouzi. Although the other party always calls him bald, he can tell that Er Gouzi has a righteous heart.

Li Xiaobai was speechless, is this something that can be persuaded?

The Qilin beast has a lot to do with it, so it's not convenient to go into details here, so let's think of a way to rescue Er Gouzi later.

"These are all things to talk about later. How to enter this door now is the key."

Li Xiaobai gets down to business, if you can't enter the door, you won't have a chance with this small world.

"Master, you should be able to open this door, right?"

Liu Wang shook his head, "Benefactor, there are many treasures inside, if you go in, you will probably start killing again, the monk is here to stop you, and will not let you enter it."

"There are so many treasures in the small world, so the master won't be tempted. I can use my Dao heart to guarantee that I will not kill anyone this time."

Li Xiaobai said that he doesn't need to practice or comprehend, and Dao Xin swears that it's all casual.

Monk Wang Wang stared at Li Xiaobai suspiciously, and after a while, he still nodded, "I don't believe it."

Li Xiaobai "..."

"That... Mr. Li, you can try, my little girl."

Ouyang Shuang'er said weakly, she felt that all the people she met along the way were big bosses, and the arrogance brought out from Zhenyuan Kingdom was gone at this moment.


Li Xiaobai was a little surprised, this woman is not even in the Nascent Soul stage, it is hard to imagine that she can open the door.

"My lord forgot, the little girl is the princess of the Zhenyuan Kingdom. She is familiar with the scriptures freely and has a lot of experience in Confucianism. It is not difficult to open the door."

Li Xiaobai's eyes lit up, "Miss Shuang'er, it's up to you!"

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