"The third cup of tea, the boundless sea."

"Two please!"

The old monk Wuyun continued to pour tea, increasing his Buddha power at this time.

The first cup made Monk Jigong and Monk Wuhu a little astonished, but the two of them were already very appreciative of the second cup.

Now it is the third cup, the old monk Wuyun wants to continue to increase his Buddha power, the matter has come to this point, the old monk Wuyun has no way out at this time.

The taste of this cup of tea is now more intense, and there is a golden mark on the top of the teacup.

From this imprint, it seems that one can gradually see layers of waves, and the feeling of flickering water, as if this tea cup has an ocean.

"It seems that Wuyun old monk still has something better!"

Li Xiaobai looked at the various teacups here, and then looked at the old monk Wuyun. Li Xiaobai knew that the old monk Wuyun wanted to use his own losses to ensure the continued maintenance of the fasting pavilion.

Attribute points + 30 billion...

In this case, Li Xiaobai is of course not in a hurry, the longer the delay, the better.

Even if most of the dishes in the stir-fry book come out, as long as there is still one dish that has no ingredients, then Li Xiaobai is still not worried.

The dishes on the second floor make this fasting pavilion a bit unbearable, let alone the third floor.

What the old monk Wuyun is betting on now is not that the ingredients in Zhaijie Pavilion are completely prepared, but he doesn't want to serve the food and wants to stop the loss.

If Zhaijie Pavilion could really make a copy, the old monk Wuyun would definitely not risk himself to lose so much and give Li Xiaobai this kind of tea.

"The old monk's bet is that Jigong and I drank tea, and we can no longer cook a dish. In this way, the accounts on the second floor and the first floor can be settled privately!"

"It's a good idea, but Jigong can't pass the test here, let alone the influence of this tea on me."

Li Xiaobai didn't need to think too much about the old monk Wuyun's mind, he could already see it very clearly.

Since the old monk Wuyun wants to gamble, why should Li Xiaobai refuse...

"I've accumulated a lot over the years, let's see if these two people are really looking for trouble!"

At this time, the old monk Wuyun was actually an idiot of greed, hatred and ignorance. He thought he could control everything, but in fact he didn't have that ability.

The old monk wanted to use all kinds of tea to satisfy Wuhu monk and Jigong, or the Zhaijie Pavilion would be overwhelmed by these two people.

Compared with the loss of the Zhaijie Pavilion, the loss of the old monk Wuyun himself is actually not worth mentioning.

Originally, it was just a conflict between Zhaijie Pavilion and the guests, but what the old monk Wuyun is doing now is to escalate the conflict.

At this point, no matter whether Monk Jigong couldn't absorb it, or he was pretending that he couldn't swallow it, the old monk Wuyun could only continue pouring tea to Monk Jigong.

It is difficult for Jigong to be satisfied, let alone the Wuhu monk who drinks tea like drinking water.

This made the old monk Wuyun's face even more ugly. The Buddhist power he had practiced so hard was constantly being consumed, and the old monk Wuyun felt as uncomfortable as if his flesh had been cut by a blunt knife.


Monk Jigong had just poured out the third cup of tea, before the old monk Wuyun handed it over, he made such a comment.

The old monk Wuyun was very confident, and the third cup satisfied the Wuhu monks and Jigong monks.

After all, the Wuhu monk still looked intoxicated, and Jigong was already a little bit worse, so he couldn't drink anymore.

The disguises of Li Xiaobai and Jigong are actually two different states, which makes the old monk Wuyun even more unable to extricate himself.

If Monk Wuhu and Jigong both looked completely satisfied, or if they didn't feel anything, the old monk Wuyun must have sensed something was wrong.

However, the performance of Wuhu monk now proves that Master Wuhu can't drink too much. As for this monk Jigong, he is almost too drunk.

The old monk Wuyun became more and more powerful, and continued to increase his Buddha power in the third cup of tea.

"The third cup can make these two people leave, so there is no need to pour the fourth cup!"

The old monk Wuyun made up his mind, but at this moment he completely forgot that he poured tea for Monk Wuhu and Monk Jigong in order to delay the fasting pavilion.

Now Jigong, Wuhu monk, and Wuyun old monk are involved in the power of Buddhist tea that Wuyun old monk has studied. Of course, Wuyun old monk can't be as calm as water.

"If the old monk Wuyun was a little sober, he wouldn't be so excited!"

Li Xiaobai could tell that he was able to get these teas because the old monk Wuyun didn't affect Li Xiaobai, nor did he affect Jigong, but instead affected the old monk Wuyun's own Buddhist heart.

Letting the old monk Wuyun take out the tea, Li Xiaobai already knew how to get the old monk Wuyun into the game, Jigong is not stupid, of course it is beneficial, take advantage of it.

Old monk Wuyun is more confident now, but in fact he is getting deeper and deeper. Li Xiaobai feels to old monk Wuyun that he is harmless to humans and animals, while Jigong is not full.

When the old monk Wuyun senses something is wrong, Li Xiaobai and Jigong can just switch roles.

Attribute points +40 billion...

"The fourth cup!!"

"Cangshan Flying Snow."

The old monk Wuyun saw that the third cup seemed to be a little worse, and opened the fourth tea without waiting.

The fourth type of tea was ready soon, and the old monk Wuyun continued to pour tea for the Wuhu monk and Jigong monk in front of him.

After drinking this cup of tea, Li Xiaobai felt cold, and Jigong shivered even more.

Wuyun old monk is now regardless of the price, even if he has paid a lot of Buddha power, Wuyun old monk will continue to provide.

It is better to kill Wuhu monk and this Jigong monk than to make trouble when the two find out that the dishes are not enough later.

Attribute points +55 billion...

Hearing this voice, Li Xiaobai felt better and better. Between Monk Jigong and Monk Wuyun, Monk Jigong was the better one!

"Well, is there anything better!"

"It should be warmer, this fourth cup is too cold."

Jigong said something to the old monk Wuyun, as if he was really shivering from the cold.

The old monk Wuyun's eyes changed, his plan was still successful, finally giving Jigong a little bit of satisfaction.

What was originally a normal scene, to the old monk Wuyun, had the feeling of a Buddha appearing.

The Buddhist power that he gave this time did not reach the limit that the old monk Wuyun could bear, but this feeling of ups and downs made the old monk Wuyun feel that he was almost going crazy.

"Fifth hundred, Tianshan Huoyan."

The fifth cup of tea had a strong flame, and the third floor became very hot, as if it had reached a stove.

The old monk Wuyun is really similar to Xiaoer Dian now, being manipulated by Li Xiaobai and Monk Jigong at will.

Maybe the old monk Wuyun didn't realize this himself, but Li Xiaobai and Monk Jigong looked at each other, and at this moment, there was no need to think about whether the old monk Wuyun would wake up.

When the old monk Wuyun took out tea with such a temperature, it proved that the other party had really lost his head and was led away by the nose by Monk Jigong. This was good news for Li Xiaobai.

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