Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 160 Fire Lin Fights For Hegemony

Several Tianjiao stood in line, and Li Xiaobai exchanged a bottle of elixir that imprisoned people's cultivation from the system.

It was the same kind of elixir that was given to those evil cultivators in the Immortal Feather Sect before. A elixir can seal the cultivation base for a month. If there is no antidote, it is absolutely impossible to use a single bit of cultivation base in this week.

The few people obeyed obediently, their cultivation bases were imprisoned instantly, and their faces turned pale. In such an environment of killing people and seizing treasures, they could not display the slightest cultivation bases, and if they made a wrong step, their lives could easily be lost.

Seeing the worries of several people, Li Xiaobai smiled and said, "Don't worry, the master next to you has a high level of cultivation and will protect you well."

Monk Liao Wang chanted the Buddha's name, feeling a little depressed.

He seemed to be being treated as a nanny, but Li Xiaobai was right, if these people were in danger, he would definitely help them.

In any case, the monk Li Xiaobai did not choose to kill the monk who surrendered, which shows that the other party is not a treacherous and evil person, and there is still room for redemption.

Monk Liao Wang wants to slowly influence Li Xiaobai.

The few Tianjiao were helpless, they were already prisoners, and they dared not make demands.

The small tokens on everyone's bodies slowly glowed. Li Xiaobai checked carefully, and almost all the monks automatically retreated one place.

His ranking directly broke into the top three hundred.

list of people.

The 300th person begged to die, Li Xiaobai.

The 301st monk forgot.


Killed two waves of monks one after another, and the ranking rose steadily.

In less than a day, my ranking has rushed from 9,000 to the top 300. This speed is not bad. I think it is not difficult to break into the top 100 as long as I do a few more major things.

After a quick glance, the brothers and sisters were still ranked around six or seven thousand, which seemed relatively low-key.

The ranks of several familiar bigwigs on the local list rose again.

Land list.

The fifth thousand three hundred and thirty-three is the crane in the cloud among the thousands of flowers.

The 4742nd person is the enemy of ten thousand people.


These big bosses were monks who were seriously injured by Lei Jie before, and they automatically withdrew from the team fighting for treasures. At that time, many monks followed out for various reasons.

At this moment, those monks who chased out have already been removed from the list.

At that time, I thought it was just a simple murder to seize treasure or seek revenge, but now it seems that this may have been premeditated by the big bosses. They used the hand of Lei Jie to severely injure themselves, and then attracted a large number of monks to kill and seize treasure, and finally completed the gorgeous anti-kill.

A wave of man-made dangers, fame and fortune.

The boss deserves to be called a boss. This kind of scheming and flexible response is simply shocking. It seems that I still have a lot to learn.

Leading a few people to the inside of the small world, there are beautiful mountains and clear waters, and the place is empty, and the monks who came in before don't know where to go now.

"Do you know which faction the Holy Son is a disciple of, why are you so panicked after hearing about it?" Li Xiaobai asked Yun Kun and the others.

"That's the holy son of Zhenzong, one of the three major sects in Zhongzhou, the Tianjiao figure, no matter in terms of strength or status, we can't compare with him."

"There are three major sects in Zhongzhou, Zhenzong, Qizong and Danzong. Zhenzong studies formations, and most of the sects have them. Shang, Danzong is naturally famous for alchemy." "The three major sects support each other and fight against each other. They are the strongest forces in Zhongzhou, and the holy son selected among them is a strong candidate for the next suzerain , powerful, and the top talent in Zhongzhou."

Yun Kun explained that among several people, he was the most active, and he recognized his identity clearly, without the slightest air of genius.

Li Xiaobai nodded, "Then how do these three major sects compare to Huolin Cave?"

"This is naturally incomparable. The Huolin Cave has existed for thousands of years, and it has existed since ancient times. The accumulation of heritage is not comparable to that of the newly promoted sects that have been around for hundreds of years."

Speaking of Huolin Cave, Yun Kun's expression subconsciously became proud. I'm afraid no one can say clearly what the current strongest master in Huolin Cave is. Its ancient degree is already equivalent to half a forbidden area.

Seemingly aware of the inappropriateness of his expression, Yun Kun quickly restrained himself, and returned to his dog-legged appearance again.

"So that's how it is. Do you know about the battle for supremacy between the beasts in the Huolin Cave?"

Li Xiaobai was very satisfied with this attitude of answering all questions, and handed over a Huazi.

Yun Kun's face suddenly became pleasantly surprised, he had been coveting Hua Zi for a long time, and he saw Li Xiaobai and others pumping Hua Zi along the way, not to mention being envious.

Immediately ignite it, and take a deep breath. "The so-called beast hegemony means soaking a few Qilin beasts in the blood pool of the Qilin ancestral land, awakening the power of blood in their bodies, and awakening the memories of ancient times."

"Several Qilin beasts will walk around the world as the holy sons of Huolin Cave and compete with each other. The Qilin beasts that can survive in the end can get all the inheritance of Qilin Cave."

Yun Kun explained briefly.

Li Xiaobai felt relieved. It seemed that Er Gouzi would be fine for the time being. It is a good thing that the awakened bloodline can obtain inheritance and improve strength.

As for the hegemony of the divine beasts, it is similar to raising Gu. Several divine beasts are thrown out to kill each other, and the strongest one survives.

When the two dogs are released, they will have a chance to meet each other.


Leading everyone along the way, this secret place looked full of poetic and picturesque at first, but after staying for a long time, I felt that something was wrong, and I felt that the world here was very false.

The quietness was terrifying. After walking for a while, I didn't see a single person, and I didn't hear any other sounds except for the voices of myself and others.

Occasionally, I passed a medicine garden by the side of the road. The herbs in it had disappeared, the soil had been turned upside down, and even a single leaf could not be found.

The original huge lake was sucked clean with great magical powers, leaving only a huge bare pit.

Li Xiaobai's complexion was very dark. Although he was prepared in his heart, he felt a little pain when he saw this scene.

Others might think that these treasures were taken away by the monks who came in earlier, but I know that the goddamn master Ou Yezi did it all, and the small world was evacuated half a year ago.

It's so empty, it's like plucking geese, except for the soil, there are weeds here, and there is no trace of the baby.

"Made, this has been dug up too thoroughly, we really didn't leave even a single hair behind!"

Yu Sanbian's face turned livid. After hearing the news of the small world, he voluntarily gave up the resources of the outside world and rushed to this small world at the first time. He didn't expect that even so, he was still given the upper hand.

Judging by the agile speed and clean technique, he is definitely a habitual offender.

Suddenly, Yu Sanbian next to him narrowed his eyes slightly, "There are sounds of fighting ahead."

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