Hundreds of spirits and monsters in the mission hall are connected together, and the outside monks are dumbfounded.

"A total of 7,000 ghosts, 9,000 of the body and mind level, 9 merits, 1,000 of the mind level, 100,000 merits, a total of 190,000 merits."

The staff member's eyelids twitched when he saw this number, and he calculated it carefully, but no matter how he calculated it, this size was enough to shock him for a lifetime.

Seven thousand spirit monsters, is it really something human can accomplish?

With such a large number gathered together, why didn't there be a riot, but instead they all stayed in the chamber pot obediently?

"190,000 merits, plus the previous 20,000, a total of 210,000 merit points, give me two tickets to the ancient battlefield."

Li Xiaobai said bluntly, without thinking about it, that there was nothing valuable to him in this monastery other than rare earths. In exchange for two admission tickets, he would have a place to avoid the limelight if he caused trouble outside.

"Master, don't be impatient. This matter needs to be reported to the supervisor and the abbot. After the ghosts are counted, the two tickets for the ancient battlefield will be delivered. I will leave them in your hands."

The monk said that he couldn't restrain his shock in words. No one can accomplish such a feat in just a few days, even with the help of an expert behind him, it is absolutely impossible. This situation is really unimaginable.

You must inform the Superintendent and the abbot, otherwise even if you get a promotion and salary increase in the future, there will be endless troubles.

"It's too timid, not arrogant at all. It is an opportunity for Lingyin Temple to give the young monk an admission ticket. If the young monk enters the venue, he must be number one in the world that day, and then the temple will also be honored."

Li Xiaobai shook his head and sighed, it was easy to collect the spirit monsters, but it was very cumbersome to get supplies outside, as expected, it was the same for people in the service industry.

"Amitabha, I hope Master Wuhu can understand. This is the Creation Token, and black is the highest grade. With this token, you can enter and leave the Heavenly Pond of Good Fortune in Lingyin Temple to practice at will."

The monk also sensed something was wrong, took out a small black token, and put it into Li Xiaobai's arms silently.

"Fortune Tianchi, what is it for?"

Li Xiaobai asked.

"The creation of the sky and the earth, being in it can clearly understand the original mind, which is very helpful for visualization. Even the master of the Lingtai of the Supervisory Academy is a frequent visitor."

"good stuff!"

Li Xiaobai's eyes lit up, and he needed help in the snow. He just needed visualization to break through the Void Spiritual Realm and reach the Four Parts Peeping God Realm. The Heavenly Pond of Good Fortune could be used by him.

"Check it out and send it over."

"Amitabha, send off Master Wuhu."

Li Xiaobai got up and left, and walked slowly to the entrance of the hall, a stack of talisman paper appeared in his hand quietly, golden light shone in the talisman, and his whole body disappeared without a trace in an instant.

"Damn it, just leave!"

"What the hell is it that you suddenly slipped away with a talisman? Shouldn't I be asking for trouble for the normal development, and then I'll be tougher?"

"This person is deeply scheming, does not follow routines, and is unpredictable. He is not a simple person. Call the other brothers and let's go and visit together!"

"It's been a long time since I've seen such a shameless Buddhist eminent monk. When he entered, he was arrogant and arrogant, and he looked like he was the best in the world. When he came out, he just ran away. It's a bit wretched."

The monks had different opinions on Li Xiaobai. Li Xiaobai’s actions made them feel like they were hitting cotton with their fists.

I had no choice but to make another plan.

"What happened to the confession?"

Behind the crowd, the mourning hall looked at several people around and asked.

"Don't worry, Brother Lingtang, the news has already been spread two days ago. This guy named Wuhu won't be around for long. Even if he wins backstage, he still has to take public opinion into consideration!"

"That's right, the stronger the background, the more afraid of public opinion. Our news is very thorough and can cover the entire monastery."

Linghua and other monks said.

"It's so good. This person's heels are not clean. He's just a hillbilly monk from the East, and his cultivation is only as low as the Void Spirit Realm. If it wasn't because of someone behind him, how could he get to this point? It must have been given by the East Buddha." He has some resources, this matter is over, the temple will not be lenient to him again, let's take advantage of the trend and take back all the resources in his hands."

There was a killing intent in the eyes of the mourning hall. Among other things, the resources at the bottom of the box of many monks snatched from the stone tower were enough to make all the monks jealous. The reason why the news did not spread was because everyone wanted it. It's just a monopoly, in order to avoid complications and competitors, so they kept silent quite tacitly.

An hour later.

the other side.

Among the hilltop villas.

Li Xiaobai was at ease, he was confident that his actions in the past few days had sufficiently attracted the attention of the Lord Buddha, and the other party must have many questions, if he wanted to solve them, the only choice was to summon him.

Soon you will be able to find out about Ergouzi Daoguo.

"Bang bang bang!"

At this moment, someone knocked on the door.

Outside the door, Master Lingtai was standing with his hands folded, his face full of doubts and incomprehension.

"Amitabha, it turned out to be the master of Lingtai. After a few days, I miss him very much."

Li Xiaobai clasped his hands together and said with a smile.

"Amitabha, Master Wuhu has made great progress, and he is like a fish in water in Lingyin Temple. The old monk is also relieved."

"The recent performance of the master has been truthfully reported to the abbot master. Regarding the talent of the master Wuhu, the Buddhist sect has attracted much attention. The stone tower broke into the seventh floor, and then captured tens of thousands of spirits within a few days. What's more, to obtain 200,000 merits, there is no one before, and the old monk can also assert that there will be no one in the future."

"May I ask how the master did it? It is really unbelievable to rely on the strength of the imaginary realm. Is it because the East Buddha gave the magic weapon resources?"

Lingtai asked with a smile.

"People who practice Buddhism have a sincere heart and devote themselves to practicing Buddhism. For the little monk, the power of faith is like breathing. It has long been engraved in the blood and bone marrow. Feeling ostracized, feeling the pressure."

"In the current Lingyin Temple, hostility is rampant. Buddhist disciples do not practice Buddhism and are aggressive and aggressive. This is not a long-term solution!"

Li Xiaobai said calmly.

"Second Amitabha, the master can have such a profound understanding of Buddhism, and his future achievements will be limitless. So, all the ghosts are captured by the master alone?"

Lingtai asked tentatively again, this is the purpose of his trip, he must find out what method the other party used to subdue the spirit.


"So, I have something to ask you."

"Master Lingtai, please tell me."

"To be honest, there is an incompetent disciple under the old monk's seat. His merits and virtues have always been mediocre. His own cultivation base is helpless against spirits and monsters. I want to ask the master to accompany that incompetent guy to walk up a mountain in the 100,000 mountains. suffer!"

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