Inside Lingyin Temple, publications were flying all over the sky, and one after another astonishing news came out, full of gimmicks.

"Shocked, the Buddhist eminent monk actually met the biggest scalper in Lingyin Temple privately. What are the reasons for it?" "

"The tabloid, the thrilling top genius of Lingyin Temple broke the seven floors of the stone pagoda in one day, suspected of being envied by others!" "

"Wuhu master's personal biography, teach you to dominate Lingyin Temple in three days, and earn 210,000 merits! "

"Secrets of the Rivers and Lakes, Master Wuhu's good looks are not enough to make up for it, Buddhist monks call him a little fresh meat!" "

"According to the words of the eminent monks in the East, people who stay up late for a long time eat the following ingredients are good for physical and mental health..."

In newspapers and periodicals, news about Master Wuhu was reported one after another.

It's all Li Xiaobai's self-defeating revelations, and of course he didn't forget to bring the old monk Hongyan, who is a shameful scalper. No, this old monk is consistent with his words and deeds. He is really not afraid of these. There is no official modification at all, and he is released directly. .

All of a sudden, there was a storm in Lingyin Temple, and people eating melons were everywhere.

"Have you heard? Lingyin Temple's proud disciple Lingtang has an affair with the scalper at the gate of the mission hall!"

"That's right, and the scalper is actually Master Hongyan from Lingyin Temple. The poor monk never pays attention to the news, hasn't activated the formation, and doesn't even know about it!"

"What's this called? It's called mutual protection by officials! It's all official identities. It's easy to operate the black box. I said why the scalper guards the mission hall every day but is not expelled. There is such a layer of identity in feelings! "

"I have heard about Master Wuhu's reputation for a long time. He had already emerged at the Buddha Debate Stage, but because the catastrophe he attracted was too sensational, he was forced to stop the process. Seeing the two Arhats subduing the dragon and the tiger leave in a hurry that day, it must be Going to meet the Lord Buddha, I thought that such talents had already been recruited into the gate wall by the Lord Buddha!"

"The master Buddha's sect is so powerful, how can a mere foreign monk from the Eastern land be able to do it, but the monks from the Eastern land are really so talented?"

The monks looked at the publications in their hands and read them with great interest. This kind of gossip is rarely seen in ordinary times. People in the Buddhist sect have extremely serious factions in the world, and they are cautious in their words and deeds, and they will never offend people easily, as in the past two days. Breaking news is rare.

But the feeling of eating melon is quite good.

Above the villa on the top of the mountain, Li Xiaobai also held a newspaper in his hand, and was very satisfied. The old monk Hongyan was quite authentic, and he didn't revise a single word for him, and all the small essays were released intact.

However, in the corner, I still found a small composition that did not belong to him. The title was "On the Anecdotes of the Mourning Hall and the Taoist Sister", and the signature was impressively impressive.

Li Xiaobai was speechless, this guy really didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement.

"In this way, the monks of the mourning hall faction will have no way out, and other monks will take the opportunity to make trouble."

Li Xiaobai thought in his heart, the monopoly of a stone pagoda by the mourning hall and others will definitely make many Buddhist monks jealous, and there are many people who secretly hate the enemy. The report is just the fuse, and a bad reputation will trigger a series of chain reactions. He doesn't need to worry about it at all. .

"Boom boom boom!"

There was a knock on the door outside the house, and there was a warm and warm voice, "Amitabha, the little monk Yuan Ge has seen Master Wuhu, and today, under the order of his master Lingtai, he came to follow Master Wuhu to the Shiwan Dashan. I hope the master can take care of him." One or two."

"Come so fast?"

Li Xiaobai's expression changed, he only mentioned this matter at Lingtai yesterday, but he actually sent him here today, it seems that he had premeditated it.

Opening the door, there is a monk with a face like a crown jade standing outside the room. Even with a bare head, it is not difficult to see that he is handsome and handsome, with a smile on his front and a look of humility and respect.

"Amitabha, my little monk Wuhu, I have met Master Yuange, and I have heard Master Lingtai mention you a long time ago. I can say that you are full of praise. When I saw you today, you are indeed a dragon among men!"

Li Xiaobai laughed, and then changed the subject, "How many resources do you have with you?"


"The little monk is so shy that he only brought 30,000 yuan of top-grade rare earth resources. When he came, his teacher said that he had already paid Master Wuhu enough..."

The smile on Yuan Ge's face froze for a moment and then recovered immediately, and said with a smile.

"Well, your master is very particular about things, give me the 30,000 yuan you have, and take you up the mountain for my brother!"

Li Xiaobai nodded, and said without blushing, without any embarrassment.


After a few minutes.

The two figures left the villa on the top of the mountain one after the other, and disappeared into the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

Yuan Ge is at the back, there is no smile on his face, replaced by a gloomy look, his reputation is not obvious, only the eminent monks in the monastery are familiar with him, he is the arrogance of Buddhism Xuezang, and he has never been ripped off .

This man named Wuhu wanted to take away all his belongings when he came up. No wonder Master Lingtai asked him to hide all his belongings and only take 30,000 top-grade rare earths when he left. This is the first time I have seen the grabbing of the bill.

"Amitabha, Master Wuhu, may I ask what kind of monster we are going to capture today?"

Dove asked.

"Naturally, it's the mind level. I don't think your cultivation level is high, but the mind level is enough for you!"

Li Xiaobai said casually without looking sideways.

"The little monk is not talented, it is indeed filling the gate wall, and he has practiced so far, but he can only reach the realm of the four gods. In order to encourage the little monk, the master has given the little monk a task of capturing soul-level spirits, and I have to ask the master to help me a little bit. .”

Yuan Ge's face was so dark that it was about to drip water, but the person in front didn't even look back, and walked forward on his own.

Among the younger generation, who would dare to say that his cultivation base is low? According to the information, this Wuhu is only in the realm of the ethereal. Where is the confidence to despise his low cultivation base? , he had already slapped it into a meat paste.

"The level of mind is enough. Young people should not be too arrogant, let alone be too ambitious. The journey of practice needs to be down-to-earth. This is the experience of this master from many years of practice."

"The old spirit is also ignorant. Letting the disciples touch the Soul Nian level so early is a little bit of backfire!"

Li Xiaobai curled his lips and said disdainfully, making Yuan Ge half dead.

Call his master Lao Ling? What is your identity, what is your cultivation level, and you are worthy of being called an old spirit?

Calling you a master, do you really treat yourself as a character?

Li Xiaobai didn't care about his small thoughts, and pointed forward casually, "Xiaoyuan, look, there is a mind-level monster over there, I'll give you a breath, and get rid of him!"

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