Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 162: Su Meier, Demon Sect Demon Girl

"Brother is right, this demon girl is the best at posing. Today I will come to taste the taste of this demon girl, hehehe!"

The Taoist-like monk looked at the beauty in front of him with a mouthful of halazi.

The monk beside him also had the same wretched smile, and he kept attacking fiercely with his hands, impatient to take down the woman in the black dress.

"Hehe, the so-called upright people are just a group of people who are trying to gain fame and fame. It's really disgusting to covet grandma's beauty and pretend to be dignified."

The woman in the black dress sneered, and the bewitching smile made everyone's minds flutter again, and they couldn't wait even more.

"Hey, witch, you will know how masculine big brother is after a while!"

"My brother is a model of uprightness, and the poor will be behind later!"

"No problem hehehe..."

After the conversation of several monks, Hong Guoguo finished dividing up the woman, and the phantom of the primordial spirit behind him manifested, ready to forcibly suppress each other.

The face of the woman in the black dress changed. Although she was at the stage of transformation, the other party was not a vegetarian. It would be difficult to defend against the combined attack.

The woman is ready to fight to the death, if she loses, she will kill herself immediately, and she will never be humiliated.

At this time, a lazy voice came.

"Hehe, boy, how do you calculate it? It seems that there is a sane person."

Before Li Xiaobai could answer, Monk Liaowang rushed out suddenly, with a wave of his palms, a golden Buddha manifested, and abruptly caught up with the joint attack of several people in front.

"Girl, don't panic, the little monk is here to help you!"

Forget that his face was sinking like water, there was no other reason, he heard all the swear words just now, and there were monks from the Buddhist sect among them, he felt that he had the responsibility to stand up.

Li Xiaobai looked surprised, this little monk who has always been amiable would take the initiative to attack, he really is still a hero, sad and beautiful.

"Here comes another monk. You monks are all a group of hypocrisy to the extreme. The ugliness in your heart is a thousand times more than that of ordinary people. My aunt does not care about your rescue." The black skirt witch said lightly.

"Miss misunderstood, the reason why they are like this is because their minds were swallowed by the devil energy in the cave, so they are so mad, when the little monk wakes them up, the girl will naturally be safe." Wang Wang said.

"Little monk, you are wrong. There is indeed evil energy in this cave, but this energy only magnifies people's desires. The more evil and restless the heart is, the crazier it will be after being magnified. These people may be gentlemen on weekdays." , but in private, he definitely did something dirty!"

The woman in the black dress said disdainfully.

Li Xiaobai noticed that the emotional ups and downs of the woman's words were getting bigger and bigger, and her eyes were faintly red. It was obvious that she was not completely immune to the evil energy in the cave, and was also affected to a certain extent, but it was relatively slow.

Monk Liao Wang also noticed this, so he didn't dare to be negligent, and sent the Huazi in his mouth into the mouth of the woman in the black skirt.

The woman's face was astonished, she took a breath subconsciously, and in an instant, she showed a refreshed look, her internal organs were cleansed, her mind was completely stabilized, and even her cultivation base was slightly enhanced.

"Girl, I believe that my Buddhist disciples will never do anything out of line. This must be due to the attack of demon energy!"

Monk Liao Wang said stubbornly that he did not believe that Buddhist disciples would have such an ugly mentality.

"River of the same feather." The demon girl sneered.

Forgetting to say no more, he turned around and looked at the few people in front of him, ready to subdue them.

"Hey, it turns out that you are a fellow, do you also want to taste the taste of this witch?"

"This witch is a witch from the Hehuan Sect. She is proficient in the art of seductiveness, and she will definitely make you happy!"

"Since everyone is a Buddhist disciple, I agree, but I have to come first, how about we take turns?"

A few people uttered obscenities, and the monk frowned tightly, forgetting what he heard.

"A few of them are decent masters. Those who are famous on the list should not act like this even if they are eroded by the devil's energy. It will ruin the reputation of the sect for nothing." Wang Wang said.

As soon as this remark came out, the eyebrows of several righteous monks immediately stood up.

"Brothers, you are here to snatch women from us!"

"Damn, this monk actually wants to have the witch girl all to himself, so he did it!"

"Hand over the witch!"

"Die to the poor!"

Several people were furious, their faces were distorted, and the phantoms of primordial spirits behind them suddenly attacked Monk Wang Wang.

"Be careful, these people are all at the stage of transformation!"

The witch behind her couldn't help reminding her that the monk in front of her was very different from the righteous people she had met in the past.

"Thank you, the benefactor, for telling me, the golden body of Dharma!"

"Eighteen Bronze Man Formation!"

The phantom of the golden Buddha in the void is pinched with hands, and the golden Buddha's light shines everywhere. Eighteen golden arhats rise from the ground, occupying the wide cave, and tightly besieging several people in the middle.

Two or three Arhats formed a group, tightly imprisoning the frenzied monk.

Then Monk Liaowang took out a pack of Huazi, stepped forward and put them into everyone's mouths one by one, and lit them.

The fierce aura in the void disappeared in an instant, and the expressions of several monks became dazed, and their minds were slowly recovering.

Recalling the situation just now, the woman in the black dress turned red, the monk clearly had unused treasures, yet just now he directly put the used ones into his mouth.

Li Xiaobai stepped forward at the right time, and took away the interspatial rings of several people.

Seeing Li Xiaobai who was in the middle of no one's land, Monk Wang Wang felt helpless. Although the opponent's attack was not strong, his ability to resist attacks was abnormal, and even he couldn't do anything about it.

Several monks gradually regained their sanity, and the brilliance in their eyes glowed again.

"who are you?"

"What do you want to do here?"

Several monks looked blankly, looked around for a week, and saw a woman in a black dress not far away, their eyes lit up.

"This is the demon girl from Hehuanmen, Su Meier, brothers and sisters, hurry up and help me capture her!"

"I'm going to escort her back to the teacher's gate to return to her command!"

Seeing the looks of these people ready to move, Su Meier looked disdainful, and said with a sneer, "It's still the same virtue, hypocrite."

"No, where is my space ring?"

"Mine are gone too!"

Several people wanted to take out their magic weapons to capture Su Meier, but suddenly found that all the treasures on their bodies had disappeared, and they were a little dazed for a while.

"You guys took my ring!"

"Do you know who I am?"

Li Xiaobai frowned, "Did you misunderstand something? We won't save you for no reason. The treasures on your body have already been paid automatically as money for your life. Don't mess around anymore, leave quickly!"

"Automatic payment?"

"Money for life?"

The few people were stunned, it was the first time they had heard of this new term, but they immediately flew into a rage, "You are taking advantage of someone's danger, quickly hand over the ring!"

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