Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1615 Calling People In The Name Of Lord Buddha

Li Xiaobai's face was full of piety, he was used to this standard opening, the degree of transformation was for better control, and the Lord Buddha personally degreeized it, so what he said in the future would be more credible.


Above the golden lotus, the Lord Buddha suddenly opened his eyes. In the pale golden eyes were endless repetitions of scriptures and talismans, and the sound of the Buddha's name echoed in Li Xiaobai's ears like thunder.

The tip of his nose warmed slightly, and blood overflowed. Even though there was a system to isolate all the power of faith, Li Xiaobai was still shocked by the sound, and instinctively took out a Thunder Tribulation Rosary and wanted to throw it out.

"The heart is like still water."

The Lord Buddha murmured in a low voice, and circles of golden ripples swept across Li Xiaobai accompanied by endless Buddha light.

"Sure enough, even if you have been converted five times in a row, you still haven't been able to completely cleanse your mind. Whether it is aptitude or xinxing cultivation, it can be called the best. Dongfo is willing to send such a talent to the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. A great gift!"

"Today, the Buddha personally takes action, and in the future you will completely become a member of the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. Try to create more benefits for the Buddhist sect."

Looking at the movements of Li Xiaobai's hands, a cold look flashed in Lord Buddha's eyes, and he spoke the truth without hesitation. It didn't matter to him at the moment, anyway, the person in front of him would soon be converted by him Now, there is no need to put on airs and pretend.

After being converted, his mind and heart were completely reduced to slaves, and he became a walking corpse who only knew how to do his duty for Buddhism. He is confident that in the near future, this will be another oblivion!

"Lord Buddha, don't worry, with the little monk here, I will definitely return you a bright and beautiful Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss!"

Li Xiaobai said cheerfully.

"Very good, what do you think of this Buddha statue?"

The Lord Buddha nodded and asked, this is to test the degree of the other party's being saved.

"I think you look like a little blond girl."

Li Xiaobai said seriously.

"Huh? It's incredible that you can still have a playful smile on your face. Just now, you have heard what the Buddha said, so there is no trace of resistance?"

"With such a Buddha's heart, it's no wonder they are difficult to save you. It seems that the Buddha is going to give you a great fortune today."

Lord Buddha frowned, and a ray of colorful light appeared in the gloomy world, condensed into an eyeball, and looked at Li Xiaobai's.

Li Xiaobai felt that there was an invisible fluctuation drilling into his eyes, but they were all isolated by the system. This should be some kind of high-end operation to control people's soul.

The colorful eyeball was getting closer and closer, trying to merge with his eyes, the system blocked it from entering, but at the same time another mysterious force appeared, spreading to Li Xiaobai's body to accept the eyeball.

This is the power of the female drifter, and he immediately noticed that the other party used means other than the power of faith to swallow the eyeball.

In the eyes of Lord Buddha, the colorful eyeballs successfully merged with Li Xiaobai, and Gu Jing Wubo's face also showed a little slack.

"Amitabha, Wuhu, what are you looking at this Buddha statue now?"

Li Xiaobai: "The supreme Buddha!"

"To be serious, this Buddha is just one of the mortal beings, no different from you, everyone is born equal, you have to keep in mind, don't say too much about what you said just now."

A smile flashed in the Lord Buddha's eyes, and after being so flattered by others, his mouth began to be righteous.

"My Buddha is merciful!"

Li Xiaobai made a gesture of compassion.

"Forget, what do you think of this son?"

The Buddha on the golden lotus looked at Wang Wenwen.

"I can't see through."

Forget about dullness.

"It's right if you can't see through it. It shows that there are many variables in this child. If he doesn't die young, his achievements will be limitless. Recently, there are quite a few critics against him among the monks in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. This Buddha just takes this opportunity to arouse the hearts of the world. Envy and anger, expand desires and cut distractions, then a batch of high-quality spirits will emerge, and you personally lead the team to capture them!"


The Buddha and Wang Wang talked casually, regardless of Li Xiaobai's presence. The most powerful Buddhists were brainwashed, and no matter what they said, the other party would only follow him devoutly.

"Go back, Master Wuhu is suitable for breeding, not a canary in a cage. This Buddha is looking forward to your achievements!"

The gray between the sky and the earth gradually faded, the sound of Sanskrit scriptures came back from the ears, the golden Buddha light shone everywhere, and everything returned to its original appearance. The golden lotus and Wang Wang disappeared, as if they had never appeared before.

"It's not that the surrounding environment has recovered, it's that I have escaped from the small world."

"The Lord Buddha is conceited. If you cooperate with me a little bit, you will be hooked. In the future, the Lord Buddha will give me the green light all the way. I can run amok in this pure land of bliss."

Li Xiaobai carried the somewhat dull round pigeon, his body flickered, and he ran towards the way he came.

This place is extremely similar to what was recorded by the Blood God Son of the Zhongyuan Realm. When the Blood God Son ascended to the Immortal God Realm, he was taken into a golden area by the Buddha to read it. Knowing the vastness of the world and the truth of a drop in the ocean, he was willing to cooperate with him Provide an endless supply of "ingredients" to keep the world safe.

The method is a bit extreme, but it is undeniable that Blood God Son is a heroic figure, worthy of awe.

"Master Wuhu, just now, for a moment, the little monk seemed to see my Buddha..."

Yuan Ge was attacked by the power of faith, and his mind, which had recovered a little bit of clarity, turned into chaos again, and his eyes were a little muddled.

"I just chatted with my Buddha for a few words. The old man asked the little monk to lead the conversation. Yuan Ge crossed the 100,000 mountains alone and entered the pilgrimage at the feet of the Lord Buddha. His heart is sincere and the sun and the moon can learn from each other. It can be said that he is the first person in all ages! Therefore, from today Since then, Yuange of Lingyin Temple has been appointed as Huazi's agent, selling Huazi within the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, improving the overall quality of Buddhist monks, following the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, and seeking common development!"

Li Xiaobai stepped on the golden chariot and said leisurely with his hands behind his back.


"The Lord Buddha remembers the little monk!"

"The Lord Buddha thinks so highly of this little monk, Master Wuhu. Before this little monk misunderstood you a lot. From now on, this little monk will only follow your lead and will definitely carry Huazi forward!"

Yuan Ge showed excitement, and his eyes were filled with deep joy. What kind of concept is it to be favored by the Lord Buddha? Now that he returns to Lingyin Temple, Lingtai can turn him into calling him a master.

"Bigger and stronger, create brilliance together."

Li Xiaobai nodded, very satisfied with Yuan Ge's attitude.

With the presence of the Buddha, he suddenly felt that it was not realistic to completely pull people out of the state of brainwashing by the power of faith. It was easier to send Buddhist disciples to work for him in the name of the Buddha.

As long as he has an agent, he can stay behind the scenes to provide goods. Without his own hands, one good product store after another will open on his own. As long as Huazi spreads in Buddhism, he will be able to penetrate every corner in the shortest possible time.

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