Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1619 The Great Transformation Of Wonderful Visualization

Li Xiaobai looked at the bronze mirror in his hand in a dream, and began to build his handsome face reflected in it.

Visualizing in the dream, the female drifter stared at the side, like an old monk in meditation, just like a guardian of the way.

"It seems that I was fooled by me just now. After all, this guy saw me meeting the Lord Buddha with his own eyes, and also got colorful eyeballs, which proved that I was useful to her. I think he would treat me in this dream. Helped a lot."

Li Xiaobai thought in his heart, he didn't know anything about the technique of visualization, he could only look in the mirror and imitate his handsome and attractive appearance in his mind.

What is amazing is that the picture in my heart is sketched out bit by bit in front of the window, as if an invisible paintbrush is swaying boldly in the void.

Turning to look at Nu Piaozi, the other party still has dull eyes, but the upside-down figure turned around at some point, and the colorful eyeballs stared at him firmly, blooming with gorgeous light.

"Sure enough, it's Sister Piao, consistent with my guess, she is also helping me!"

Li Xiaobai was overjoyed. Speaking of which, this was the first time that the system had given him the need to practice independently. Without the help of the female drifter, he would still be at a loss at this moment. , but it doesn't matter if the principle is not clear, as long as it is useful.

"As expected of me, I'm really handsome, but just thinking about it like this is a bit too plain."

Contrasting myself in the mirror and constructing a simulation in my brain bit by bit, this visualization is similar to pinching the face, it is to reshape a character image, and naturally it needs to beautify some on the original basis.

"Wouldn't it be too vulgar to add a golden armor? Let's add a fairy spirit."

Li Xiaobai muttered to himself, and glanced at Sister Piao inadvertently.

As soon as the words fell, the imaginary version of Li Xiaobai on the open space in front of the bed immediately burst out with white fairy mist, which was endless, endless, and full of vitality.

There is a show!

The female drifter can realize his ideas!

Li Xiaobai felt relieved, sat down there, and stopped visualizing, pointing to the visualized object in front of him and said carelessly, "It's not enough to have immortal energy. I have seen two people in the Human Race Emperor City. A veteran with a chaotic consciousness, wearing a bronze armor with markings from the years, but still unrivaled in strength."


A five-color divine light shot out from the female Piaozi's eyes, submerged into the contemplated object, and under the billowing fairy mist, a set of bronze armor full of the breath of time appeared on the contemplated version of Li Xiaobai, matching the body of the human imperial city. The two guards are identical.

His eyes narrowed involuntarily. When he was visualizing himself, Sister Piao still needed to see what he was thinking in his heart and then outline it in his dream, but just now the other party didn't even look at him. Just a few words from the veteran of the Human Race Emperor City The armor is exactly the same, which means that the girl Piaozi has been to the Imperial City of the Human Race before her death, and she is a pure-blooded human race.

"The two hands are too empty, the left hand holds up the universe, and the right hand holds up the years, so that you can be worthy of the invincible body."

Li Xiaobai continued to point and point, gesticulating with the things he was visualizing. His style of painting was quite different from that of others. It would take a few months for ordinary people to visualize a new thing, at least to say the least, but he was different. , what I want in my heart has Piaozi to help realize it, so I don't need to worry about these problems at all, no matter how handsome I am.

Nu Piaozi didn't speak, her pupils gradually faded and disappeared, and finally only the whites of her eyes were left staring at her.

Li Xiaobai has a weird face, is he rolling his eyes at him? The thing visualized has not changed, and the female drifter can't time the request just now.

"I thought you were so powerful that you could make me stronger as soon as possible to avenge you. Such a small request can't be satisfied. The speed of upgrading will slow down, and the time limit for your revenge will have to be extended."

"Let's narrow down the scope a bit, capture the sky with the left hand, and cover the ground with the right hand!"

no response.

"Left hand day, right hand month!"

"The Fairy Continent with the left hand, and the Zhongyuan Realm with the right hand!"

"Hold the head of the Lord Buddha in the left hand, and slip a bunch of melon seeds from the head of the fairy god in the right hand!"

"How about holding the Emperor City of the Human Race?"


The five-color divine light shone, and the imagined "Li Xiaobai" raised his hands slightly, and a miniature human imperial city appeared in his hands, ups and downs in the air, exuding the quaint atmosphere of time.

This time it came true, and the female drifter is quite reliable, as long as she is within her ability, she can get what she wants.

This wave of face-squeezing is comfortable, the only dissatisfaction is that the Human Race Imperial City needs him to lift it with both hands, I always feel that one hand is enough, two hands are a bit disadvantageous.

Sister Piao seemed to have noticed that Li Xiaobai was very satisfied, a certain kind of colorful light dissipated, and the feeling of resentment returned to her eyes again.

She wanted to remind the treacherous young man in front of her that she had done her best to help, and hoped that the other party would also keep her promise.

But what she didn't expect was that this was not the end, but the beginning of the nightmare.

"Who told you to stop? The grand plan I have constructed in my heart is not over yet. This alone is not enough to show my might and arrogance. Our visualization pattern must be large, and we must step out of the country and go to the world!"

"Look, don't these eyeballs look a little empty, with some stars and sea..."

"And that, I once heard that there is a family of secret treasures in the world of immortals and gods, and it's a good place to put them here!"

"I think that since it is a living being visualized, it must not be a living thing. The internal organs in the flesh are useless. Cut them up and replace them all with gold. Crack the bones and replace them with the hardest material in the world. Don't let blood flow in your blood vessels. Blood, fill me with rare earth veins!"

Li Xiaobai's eyebrows were beaming, and the spit was flying all over the place when he said it, and the girl was dumbfounded when she heard it, the five-colored light in her eyes flickered wildly, and she kept transforming the things she imagined.

After half an hour.

The female drifter curled up at a corner, her body trembled slightly, her eyes were closed tightly, and her spirit suffered a lot of wear and tear. It could be seen that she had spent a lot of money this time.

Although her face is still dull and dull, judging from her slightly paused movements, she is also terrified. Since her debut, she has never heard of anyone's visualization being such a weird thing.

Throwing out the bronze mirror is just to show a rumor that imagining oneself is a shortcut to the road to becoming the strongest. The benefits are huge, but the risks are also huge. I have heard people say that there are strong people who visualize themselves and finally achieve unimaginable great achievement.

But I just let you imitate, I didn't let you go beyond. What the hell is it that the body of the visualized creature undergoes a major transformation? After the transformation, it can no longer be called a human being. A "Li Xiaobai".

"Well, not bad, not bad, very good, this is the strongest visualization in my heart!"

"Bring it back, you can walk sideways in Lingyin Temple."

Li Xiaobai is quite satisfied. The eyes of the imagined "Li Xiaobai" are injected with stars, the blood is replaced with the top rare earth veins, the internal organs are plated with gold, and the bones are replaced with the building materials of the human imperial city. Holding up a human imperial city, the power is terrifying!

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