"So that's the case, it's the little monk who has made a fool of himself."

"May I ask Master when this Huazi will start selling, and is there any warehouse stock?"

Yuan Ge asked, he was very impatient, and his whole heart was to help Lord Buddha solve problems.

"Put it away, and prepare another warship for me. I will go out with the Japanese master and deal with some things that the Buddha told me."

Li Xiaobai threw out a storage bag and said calmly.

He wants to put a long line to catch big fish, not only for the immediate benefit, the cost of Huazi is outrageously low, no matter how much he throws out, he doesn't feel bad. Buddhism is full of greedy people, and the more people who come to share the cake, the better. Well, the more people who sell and the wider the channel spread, the harder it is to ban.

"Worthy of Master Wuhu, there is a task assigned by the Lord Buddha alone. The little monk started to arrange it. The master has heard the news and delegated power to the little monk. From now on, the master will not be hindered in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss."

Yuan Ge opened the storage bag, glanced at it, and found a bag full of interspatial rings.

Randomly took out one and inspected it carefully, he couldn't help but gasp, the whole interspatial ring was stuffed to the brim, it was a small world of Hanako, it was hard to imagine how many rings in the entire storage bag added up!

"This amount is really worthy of my Buddha's generosity, it is truly appalling!"

"Compared with all living beings, it is just a drop in the ocean. The important thing is not Huazi, but to use Huazi as a guide to stimulate the potential of common people's practice. It is better to teach people how to fish than to teach people to fish. Master Pigeon understands."

Li Xiaobai said quietly with an inscrutable look.

"It's natural, thanks to Master Wuhu for your guidance, the little monk has realized it!"

Yuan Ge was full of admiration, and left quickly as if he had found a treasure, and prepared the boat for Li Xiaobai. Before leaving, he handed over the identity token of the Lingtai to him, with which he can travel unimpeded in the Buddhist gate, and the green light is given all the way , convenient and fast, since it is to take care of the Buddha, it is natural to take care of one or two.

Li Xiaobai accepted it with a smile. He didn't expect to run so easily and even have a divine assist.

that night.

A huge warship quietly appeared outside Lingyin Temple, with a complex pattern engraved inside, and it disappeared without a trace.

Inside the mountain gate, Lingtai and Yuange master and apprentice looked into the distance.

"My dear boy, there shouldn't be any problem, right?"

"Don't worry, Master, Master Wuhu and his disciples met the Lord Buddha together, and the Buddha personally gave him the task, it's all right!"

"Well, to be valued by the Lord Buddha, this son is definitely not a thing in the pond. He can transform into a dragon in a storm. If Master Abbot knows, he will be overjoyed!"

The two watched Li Xiaobai leave, Yuan Ge looked very excited, and he felt that he was making a contribution to the common people.

The feeling in the Lingtai is completely opposite. For some reason, there is a sense of guilt from the depths of his heart for no reason. It is obviously for the welfare of the living, so why do you feel a little bit of helping the evildoers?

At this moment, Li Xiaobai had left the scope of Lingyin Temple, and that formation pattern directly sent the boat to the Buddha Sea.

Yuan Ge is really good at handling affairs, and the service is very good.

"Look, is it that kid!"

"It's him, it's not in vain that we squatted outside Lingyin Temple for so long, and finally he came out!"

"Hehe, the poor monk said earlier that this kid will definitely come out. How can it be so easy to enter the mountain gate of Lingyin Temple?"

In Buddha Sea, in a certain water area, several monks squinted their eyes, watching every move in front of the gate of Lingyin Temple. They immediately noticed Li Xiaobai's trace, and appeared on the bow of the boat in a flash.

"Amitabha, Master Wuhu, it seems that he is doing well in Lingyin Temple. He even has a warship. Seeing how busy he is, he wants to go back to Luohan Temple?"

A young monk opened his mouth, his eyes were full of anger, his forehead was covered with white bones, and there was still a breath of thunder on it, obviously he was seriously injured in front of the Buddha debate that day.

"Young man, you are too arrogant, and many people are not happy that you are still in the world, so this old monk is waiting here to remove the evil for the common people in the world!"

An old monk headed by said in a dark voice.

Li Xiaobai recognized this voice, Master Tianxuan of Tianyin Temple, squatting on the Buddha Sea on purpose, it seems that he has a lot of resentment.

"Amitabha, I feel that I have not offended you. I don't know how many masters are waiting here. Do you have something important to tell?"

Li Xiaobai asked.

"You bastard, you openly used the Thunder Tribulation Rosary in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, with the intention of destroying many Buddhist masters. Your heart is to be punished. Master Lingtai has a kind heart, but the poor monk will not tolerate it!"

"Today you must die!"

Tianxuan was furious, because of that lightning calamity, his already stagnant cultivation retreated a lot, and his Tianyin's ranking would even drop because of this, he is the sinner of Tianyin Temple!

"The arena competition is all about going all out, the sword has no eyes, the masters cannot resist the aftermath of the monk's attack, it is their own problem, I did not expect to vent their anger on the monk, since this is the case, the monk took this opportunity to give Lei Jie to Let’s cross it, cross the tribulation in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, don’t feel bad.”

Li Xiaobai rolled his eyeballs, took out the Thunder Tribulation Rosary Bead, squeezed it, and suddenly there was lightning and thunder in the void, and the turbulent and vast Thunder Tribulation poured down.

"What the hell am I..."

"Wuhu, do you want to ignore Xianglong Arhat's warning?"

"To use the Thunder Tribulation Prayer Bead again in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. It's so harmful to the peace of heaven. I'm really not afraid of being suppressed by Buddhist eminent monks!"

Master Tianxuan's expression changed in an instant. He had watched Dragon Subduing Arhat give a warning that day, but he didn't expect that Wuhu would fall on his ears, and he didn't even want to squeeze the beads to burst.

"The little monk just walked out of the Heavenly Pond of Good Fortune, and felt something in his heart. He made a breakthrough before the battle, which caused a catastrophe. I didn't expect that several masters were aggressive and refused to leave. This is an innocent disaster. Don't worry, masters, the little monk will take care of your temple. OK."

Li Xiaobai said with a smile, and controlled the rudder to fly towards the distance.

"Retreat quickly, Lei Jie cannot gather here!"

"Don't go too far, surround this guy, no matter how talented you are, it's impossible for you to survive this tribulation again and again, and the poor monk will kill you!"

Master Tianxuan yelled angrily, and his body disappeared without a trace, only the sudden lightning and thunder in the sky not far away.

The same is true for the rest of them, the battleship is surrounded by a square formation.

Li Xiaobai was fearless, and with a thought, he called out the things he imagined in the horrified eyes of several people to cross the catastrophe together. The deluxe version "Li Xiaobai" appeared in an instant, covered in jewels and jewels, exuding the breath of ancient times, Bathed in the thunder disaster and accepted the baptism.

The things he visualized are connected with his mind, and Yu Yutian's calamity is constantly growing.

"Things to visualize, this person actually visualizes himself, and it is so powerful!"

"How long has passed since the altar of the Buddha Debate, and there is such a promotion, this son must not stay!"

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