Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1626 \"Two Or Three Things About Living With A Witch\"

What's more, now that the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss has been invaded by foreigners, the horror of cultural export is horrifying. Regardless of whether it is true or not, we must spread the news as much as possible, so that the major monasteries can take precautions.

"It's no wonder that a large number of strange monks have emerged in Buddhism recently. According to Master Wuhu, these monks all originated from the abandoned land of the Eastern Land?"

There was a thoughtful look between Hongyan's eyebrows.

"This time is a catastrophe in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. Master Hongyan should have made plans early."

"Eastern Buddha wants to fight a trade war. As long as Huazi spreads out in the Buddhist gate, everything will be fine. Master Hongyan has to speed up his actions."

Li Xiaobai said with a cheerful smile, the thunder disaster destroyed dozens of temples, Buddhist eminent monks will not let it go, they will kill this incident and seek compensation from Lingyin Temple, among which Huazi's channel is the most important.

"Amitabha, thank you Master Wuhu for telling me. I will truthfully report what happened to Lingyin Temple today."

Hongyan nodded and said in a deep voice.

The images in the void dissipated, and the swan geese left in a hurry.

"Wang, kid, tell the bald donkey about the plan, aren't you prepared?"

Er Gouzi is dissatisfied. The cultivators of the extremely evil Pure Land are all coaxed, deceived and fooled by him. In order to expand the scale of the Great Resentment in the Lake of Wraiths, he has dug up many ancestral graves. Wouldn’t it be a waste of money to blow up his family now? head.

Li Xiaobai "The painting album and exercises have already been spread in the Buddhist land. Like Huazi, the common people can't quit. I realize that it will only spread more and more widely. This is also part of the plan."


And indeed it is, at the same time.

In the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss.

In a temple.

A group of young novice monks gathered together, each holding a book of reading materials, reading with gusto.

"Two or three things about living with a witch", this kind of novel reading material is too avant-garde and novel for them who read scriptures all day long, and they are intoxicated and fascinated by it for a while.

"What are you looking at? Has the recent sermon been completed?"

The eminent monk in the monastery behind frowned, grabbed the reading material in the hands of the little novice, glanced at it casually, and immediately showed a surprised expression on his face, "Is there such a pure paradise in the world of immortals and gods today?"

Turning to the first page, the eye-catching handwriting stimulates the eyes of every monk, and even condenses the pictures in the void. This is Liu Jinshui's method, which makes the words concrete, which has made it easier for the public to enter science more intuitively.

"I'm very glad that you can read this book. This book is known as one of the top ten books that changed the world of immortals and gods. The author is Dongfo."

"This book is dedicated to science popularization and people's livelihood, rooted in the common people, spreading the correct outlook on life and values ​​to the people in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, breaking feudal superstition, and approaching science."

The pictures in the book are colorful, and the eminent Buddhist monk who was looking at it was dumbfounded.

Such remarks have never been seen in my life, and the inscription is actually Dongfo, the Buddha Lord of the abandoned land of Dongtu.

"This is a demon book from the east, where did it come from?"

"It's all nonsense. How can the Buddhism of the Eastern Land be compared with the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss? Let me know and burn the demon books immediately. The poor monk will report this to the abbot master!"

The eminent monk took away all the reading materials in the hands of the little novice, put them into his arms, hurriedly walked to a secluded place, and wanted to destroy them immediately. The records in it are too shocking, and the dogma runs counter to Buddhism. Buddhist disciples only have one statue in their hearts The gods regard the Lord Buddha as their belief, but this strange reading actually promotes atheism, and even wants the people to be their own masters.

This is a provocation to Fomen Hongguoguo.

However, the golden flame in his hand was condensed for a long time, but he was not willing to let go of it after all. The records in the book were too novel, so he couldn't help but read it again and again.

"Let's take a look first, learn more about the Eastern culture, and then tell the abbot."

The same scene happened in various regions of the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss.

Almost at the same time, a large number of monks scattered the books, threw them down and ran away, and the common people and monks in the monastery saw them as treasures and secretly stored them up.

Whether it's exercises or picture albums, they are all things that have never appeared in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss for thousands of years, and have never seen it even when traveling abroad. When new gadgets appear, it is natural to store them carefully and study them carefully.

Inside Lingyin Temple.

In the main hall, Lingtai also held a reading material in his hand, and beside him, the old monk Hongyan held his hand behind his back, his brows frowned.

"It's bad. The explanation in this book is quite different from the teachings of Buddhism. Are you sure it came from the Eastern Buddha?"

"As far as the poor monk knows, even the abandoned land of the Eastern Land has never had such a profound thought. Every single stroke in this book is dedicated to improving people's livelihood, allowing the people to rely on themselves and become their own masters. Looking at the chapter, it really doesn't look like it was fabricated out of thin air, the monks in Dongtu don't have such insight."

Lingtai's hands trembled slightly. The records in this book are too brilliant, too real, and too immersive. It's not about overthrowing Buddhist thought at the outset, but subtly changing the roots that have been rooted in the hearts of the people for thousands of years.

If the common people can realize it by themselves, I am afraid that the power of faith exerted by various monasteries will be in vain, and riots will break out at that time, and the abandoned land of the Eastern Land will definitely take advantage of the emptiness, and Buddhism will be in danger.

"This matter was told by Master Wuhu. Since he was entrusted by the Lord Buddha, there must be no need to question the authenticity of it."

"Moreover, Huazi still needs to rely on him for business. There is no reason to do such a rebellious thing."

Hongyan said softly.

"The investigation of this matter can be postponed. The most urgent thing is to kill this reading in the cradle. This is a cultural invasion, and it is more dangerous than a sword. One wrong step will lead to an abyss."

"Search for reading materials and burn them all. Foolish people are the guarantee of the endless power of Buddhist belief. They must not be enlightened. All monasteries will redefine the people in their jurisdictions to ensure that nothing will go wrong!"

"In addition, hurry up and open a market to sell Huazi. Only by letting the people truly appreciate the benefits of believing in my Buddha, can they follow them more wholeheartedly, and the work of saving money can be carried out smoothly!"

Lingtai made a decision and said immediately.

After speaking, the figure disappeared in place in a flash. This matter is too big. Someone is digging the corner of the Buddhist gate. If they want to disintegrate the Buddhist believers from the inside, they must let the master abbot come forward and report to the Lord Buddha.


Hongyan nodded, with a hint of joy in his eyes, as Li Xiaobai said, his publication would monopolize the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss market.

What they don't know is that the instigator of all this is currently lying leisurely in the extremely evil pure land, taking a bath and smoking Huazi...

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