Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1629 There Is Such A Sensible Person

Lingyin Temple, in the East Wing.

The mourning hall looked solemn, staring at the figure in front of it.

"Amitabha, this is the kalpa of the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, and it is necessary to meet the kalpa."

"Twisted melons are not sweet, just let nature take its course, the Lord Buddha has his own decision."

On the bed, an old monk in a tattered cassock said, he didn't speak, but the Sanskrit sound of the Great Dao in the void directly fell into the mind of the mourning hall.

"But now riots are about to break out in temples in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. If measures are not taken, there will be endless troubles, and there will be more foreign invasions. The abandoned land of the Eastern Land will also be eyeing. It is necessary to plan early."

The old monk in Lingtai has a look of distress on his brows. Every now and then, monasteries send letters, asking Lingyin Temple to come up with a way to deal with it. In addition, the previous incidents of the temples being destroyed by thunder disasters have not yet been resolved. Now He is already battered.

"I think this is an opportunity. The Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss has been decayed for too many years, and it's time to clean it up."

"Today's Buddhist monks are aggressive, powerful, and women, and some monasteries implement a reward system for disciples. The content of the rewards is filthy, and I can't bear to look directly at them. When I was young, I wanted to guide the monastery to make changes. Unfortunately, people are soft-spoken, but when they grow old, they just sit down. I have taken the position of abbot and abbot, but I have been restricted too much, and I can no longer do what I want, maybe today I can use external force to help my Buddhist sect pull out the evil thoughts buried in the heart of the monks and eradicate the cancer."

The ragged old monk said lightly.

Every word hit the heart of the mourning hall like a heavy hammer, and his face turned pale instantly. Master Abbot didn't want to care about this mess, and even had a faint supportive attitude. In this way, the pressure was on his side.

This is digging into the footsteps of Buddhism and destroying the inner beliefs of Buddhist disciples. If you just ignore it, the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss will collapse. How should the Lord Buddha explain it?

"Everyone in the world knows the ghost country of Rakshasa, and thinks that the demons in the place where the Buddha's light shines everywhere have nowhere to hide. They don't know that the ghost country only exists in the hearts of the people. When you think about it, you will fall into the demons. Once the desire in your heart is released, wherever you are, you will be there. Turn into a country of Rakshasa ghosts!"

"In these years, the Lord Buddha has been indulging and indulging, and even took the initiative to induce the monks in the monastery to burst into desire, and then kicked them out to capture the spirits. Earlier, the old monk was only a way to quickly get rid of the evil thoughts in the hearts of the monks, but today, people in the Buddhist sect The desire has never subsided for a moment, and the ghosts are still far away, and even the number is increasing day by day, I really want to ask the Lord Buddha face to face what his plan is."

"Mingtang, follow your heart, and get rid of the three thousand troubles."

Two rays of light shot out from the eyes of the ragged old monk, piercing through nothingness, as if he could see through the sky.

"Amitabha, I would like to follow the instructions of Master Abbot."

The mourning hall clasped its hands together, bowed and saluted, then turned and left.

"I really want to meet the Lord Buddha, but it's a pity that I can't now. The old man is consciously enlightened. Although there is a Buddha in his heart, he has already got rid of the Lord Buddha. He still needs to wait for the time."

On the bed, the slovenly old monk closed his eyes and fell into a state of samadhi again. If the Lord Buddha knew that he was completely out of the control of the power of faith, he would definitely do it himself. He didn't have the confidence to resist, and he was waiting for a change. too long.


Outside Guanghan Temple, two people, one dog and three figures appeared, sneaking among the crowd.

This is the most fringe area of ​​the Pure Land of Bliss, and the line of defense is weak. As long as you pass through here and enter the Pure Land of Bliss, the chance of being caught will be greatly reduced.

"Wang, boy, Dongfo hasn't acted yet. Only three of us have rushed into the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. Is it too hasty? There are still many grievances in the Pure Land of Evil, and we should bring them here!"

Er Gouzi looked around, fearing that some eminent Buddhist monk would notice something was wrong.

His demeanor was extremely wretched, and he was extremely domineering when he came here. After he really set foot on this land, he immediately gave up.

"The Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss is in chaos, and the Eastern Buddha Surroundings will take action soon. If the two sides contact, it will be difficult for us to intervene. We will mix in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss in advance and wait for the right time. Just wait for the cholera to break out, and then we will point our swords at the Heavenly Lake and regain the Dao Fruit !"

Li Xiaobai kicked Er Gouzi, just like this cowardly and unlucky mouse, no one looked like a normal dog.

"You little dog, just feel at ease and be taken away."

Liu Jinshui scoffed.

"Wang, if it wasn't for the Dao fruit being stolen, a seat like you could hit ten!"

Er Gouzi was furious, and immediately exploded like a cat whose tail was stepped on.

"Right now, you still have to rely on your fat master to help you get back your cultivation base. The sound is nice, otherwise you will be cheated to death at the critical moment."

Liu Jinshui picked his nostrils, expressing his disdain. If he recovers, he can come and go freely in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, and the Lord Buddha will have nothing to do with him.

"Sneaking in is the main thing. Before that, a large number of monks flooded into the Buddhist realm to create momentum and deceive people. First, go find the formation and go to Lingyin Temple."

Li Xiaobai said, wandering outside Guanghan Temple with a person and a dog. According to memory, the teleportation formation is located inside the temple, so it's not easy for monks to get in.

"Amitabha, who is here!"

A sneaky figure was wandering outside, and a monk with a long stick appeared in the temple, yelling at the two and a dog.

"Amitabha, goodness, goodness, we are good believers in Guanghan Temple. Recently, we have seen riots in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. The people are angry and faintly out of control. I wanted to seek shelter in the temple. I saw this dog on the way. I wonder which family it is from. Lost dog in riot."

Li Xiaobai hugged Er Gouzi with a look of compassion on his face.

Er Gouzi took advantage of the situation and also winked and stuck out his tongue, his face full of flattery.

"Yes, yes, we are all devout believers of Guanghan Temple, but in the face of this turmoil, we speak lightly. In order to protect ourselves, we want to ask to live in the temple for a period of time."

Liu Jinshui also said that he was running the exercises secretly, his whole body was steaming and his head was sweating profusely.

"I am a believer in Guanghan Temple?"

"Why don't you take part in the parade?"

A monk in cassock came out from behind several monks. Li Xiaobai knew him. His name was Guang Yuanzi.

Both he and Liu Jinshui wore human skin masks, so they were not worried about being recognized.

"Amitabha, I think this picture book circulating in the market is really crooked. It is someone with a heart who deliberately shakes the belief in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. They want to confuse the common people and stop worshiping my Buddha. Their hearts are damnable!"

"I tried to persuade my neighbors, but no one listened. In the end, with a broken heart, I came to Guanghan Temple to seek comfort, hoping to listen to Master's teaching again!"

Li Xiaobai was heartbroken, as if he hated iron but steel.

"Amitabha, I didn't expect that there are such enlightened people in my Guanghan Temple!"

"Please come in quickly, it really is true love in times of adversity."

Guang Yuanzi showed shock, clasped his hands together, and his face was full of gratitude. If the mob can use the Guanghan Temple scandal as an example to incite the masses, then they can do the opposite and look for sensible people among the people. Export a wave of Buddhist culture in reverse!


"Great goodness!"

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