Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1631 Yuanzi Guang, You Don't Understand Love


"The poor monk is here, who dares to make a mistake. He came here today to rectify the name of Guanghan Temple. Before that, you spread rumors to smear and try to provoke the emotions of the people, but the eyes of the people are discerning. Today there are good believers who come to my temple. We must face the common people in the world and cleanse our temple of grievances."

Two cold lights shot out from Guangyuanzi's eyes, and they approached the people in the monastery in front of them. They never took tough measures. What they cared about was the large number of people, and they were afraid that the intensification of conflicts would cause irreparable consequences.

But it’s not because he’s afraid of the power of believers. In terms of strength and cultivation, he can kill all the opponents alone, but the reaction of everyone in the ruined temple at this moment made his eyes look dangerous. You are an eminent monk, and you need to suppress and educate him.

"Evil animal, suppress!"

"The two benefactors step back for now and close your eyes. You may not be able to accept the next scene."

Guang Yuanzi reminded Li Xiaobai understandingly.

"Master, please start your performance."

Li Xiaobai took two steps back and said with a smile.

The young man with a dull expression at the head is a kind of big grievance, from the extremely evil pure land, just a look in the eyes is convenient to understand what Li Xiaobai is thinking.

Immediately, a stiff and ferocious smile appeared on his face, and he walked out from the crowd.

"Master, you are courting death."

The great resentment stepped forward, pushing his hands horizontally, a terrifying aura surged, the sky above changed color, and negative emotions descended, enveloping Guang Yuanzi.

"This, how is this possible, how can there be such a cultivator in Buddhism, this is not a Buddhist technique, who are you!"

Guang Yuanzi turned pale with fright. The oppression of the opponent's aura is far above him. This person's strength is unfathomable, and there is a burst of evil and heretic skills. It is by no means a local monk in the Pure Land of Bliss. Is this a foreign invasion?

"This is the skill in the picture book, it is a thousand times better than your Buddhist bald donkey!"

"All benefactors, please close your eyes. You may not be able to accept the next scene!"

The corner of the big resentment's mouth curled into a strange arc, and he said to more than a hundred believers behind him.

After a few minutes.

Guang Yuanzi, together with a few good believers beside him, were ruled submissively, their cultivation was suppressed, and their bodies were tied up with ropes. How miserable and miserable they looked.

"If you see it or not, blind faith will make this end."

The great resentment did not forget to educate the believers in time, and then ordered someone to fetch the picture album, and read it page by page in front of Guang Yuanzi.

"There is only one chance. Memorize all the contents of the picture album. After an hour, you will be assessed. If you pass the test, you will be released. If you fail, you will cut off a finger if you answer a wrong question!"

"Show me!"

Guang Yuanzi was miserable, if he had known it would be like this, he would not have come out, so why bother wading through such muddy waters?

Li Xiaobai and his party sat carelessly by the side, serving delicious food and drinks.

"You two benefactors, you must keep these atrocities in mind, and tell the people all over the world to expose their crimes!"

Guang Yuanzi's voice came to Li Xiaobai's ears, this is a means of forcing the sound into a line, and the sound transmission is dense.

"Amitabha, Master Guangyuanzi, just now you let me close my eyes, so I can't see anything, and I can't tell the truth."

Li Xiaobai said with a smile.

"That's right, did you see it just now?"

The big grudge came over, grinning grinningly.

"No, I closed my eyes just now, and I didn't see anything!"

Many people in the ruined temple also said the same.



Guang Yuanzi was anxious and wanted to get angry, but his body was limited, so he sat down helplessly.

"You're with them!"

Guang Yuanzi stared at her eyes and said angrily.

"Amitabha, master, Buddhism emphasizes evidence, if there is no evidence, don't dare to talk nonsense, master should recite these picture books first, and study carefully."

Li Xiaobai said cheerfully.

"Okay, the poor monk understands!"

A group of monks from Guanghan Temple stared at the album with staring eyes. They felt that they were being tricked.

Li Xiaobai walked to the big resentment, and asked softly, "What's the situation now?"

"My lord, everything is under control. The believers in Guanghan Temple have been incited. There is almost no believer in this temple. The same is true for other temples. It's just that Lingyin Temple has been unable to attack for a long time. "


"There seems to be a master over there, who is also inciting the common people to be hostile to our album."

The Great Resentment said that he was a dead thing, without emotion, and his voice was mechanical and cold.

"Don't worry about it, continue to proceed as planned, the time has come, take all the believers away, and enter my extremely evil pure land!"

Li Xiaobai said lightly, there is an old monk Hongyan in Lingyin Temple, who has been familiar with this for many years, and the newspapers and magazines are trusted by Buddhist monks, so it is naturally difficult to fool the good believers under his feet.

But as long as other believers are willing to follow to the extremely evil pure land, the loss of one Lingyin Temple is not a big problem. They have a big resentment here, and as long as the people want to leave, Buddhist masters can't stop them.


An hour later.

There was a heart-piercing howl. It was the howling of Buddhist monks whose fingers had been chopped off. They couldn't answer the questions in the album.

"Zhuzi, An dare to insult me, which one of the questions you asked is the real one?"

Guang Yuanzi yelled angrily, he was really scared, and there was a look of fear in his eyes, he clearly saw that the monk whose finger was cut off by the great resentment species was unable to regenerate with the power of blood in his body.

There are strands of black smoke around the fracture, the opponent's means and strength are really unpredictable,

"It's all questions and answers closely related to the picture book. You can't do such a simple reading comprehension. You are in vain as a great master."

"Listen, what's the central idea in "Something About Living With a Miko"?"

The Great Resentment asked with a blank face.

"Amitabha, of course, will go down to the grassroots, integrate into the common people, come from the masses to the masses, spread the correct ideas and values ​​to the masses, will break the feudal superstition, and believe in the scientific universal view to penetrate into every believer. heart."

Guang Yuanzi's face was full of light, this exam question was right in his arms, he had memorized verbatim the slogans that the mob chanted every day.

"It's a bunch of nonsense. I thought that you, as an eminent Buddhist monk, must have some high-level remarks when facing believers, but I didn't expect to say such vulgar words!"

The Great Resentment said in an eerie way.

""Two or three things about living together with a witch" clearly tells a love story that is so epic, Yuanzi Guang, you don't understand love!"


The pitch-black death energy turned into a blade, and cut down in an instant, cutting off Guangyuan's little finger, and there was another burst of hoarse screams.

Li Xiaobai said, "Let them continue to study, and you bring these people into Guanghan Temple with me."

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