Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 164 Encounter Piao Miao Peak Routine Again

Su Meier was a little dazed, the opening was different from what she had imagined.

In the past, men were always rushing to kneel and lick. In order to make the beauty smile, it is common for them to pay out of their own pockets, and some even fight violently. Does this person in front of you feel a little abnormal?

"Brother, my sister is the saint of the Hehuan Sect, can't she be worth the mortal things?"

"I still have a lot of saints here. I don't like saintesses, but mundane things. Give me your mundane things, so that you can completely evolve into a fairy."

Li Xiaobai took a sip of Hua Zi, turning a blind eye to Su Meier's charm, staring straight at the interspatial ring in her hand, it is the most attractive part of this woman.

Su Meier was furious, there are actually men in this world who are not attracted to her, and such people appear in groups.

Whether it was the monk, the person in front of her, or the man on the side who refused to open his eyes, they all turned a blind eye to her beautiful face. She couldn't help but wonder if she had become ugly and her charm had diminished?

No, it's impossible, she is Su Meier who is a thousand times more beautiful than Xiyao, so it must be the problem of these men.

Maybe the other party doesn't like women at all, but is a good comrade who likes Longyang.

He took off the interspatial ring in his hand and threw it to Li Xiaobai. The ring was full of resources, although they were precious, they were nothing.

Li Xiaobai took the ring, nodded in satisfaction, inspected it briefly, and immediately blushed and gasped, the resources inside were too rich.

The last thing is top-grade spirit stones, top-grade spirit stones and all kinds of herbs. This woman has more treasures than all the previous monks combined. It is like a treasure house in human form that can move.

Seeing the shining eyes of Li Xiaobai, Su Meier was speechless, there must be something wrong with this man.

"Little monk, what's your name? With such a cultivation level, how come my sister has never seen you?" Su Meier continued to harass Monk Wang.

"Amitabha, my little monk, Wang Wang, travels all over the world on weekdays, and the Dharma is not deep, so he is not well-known." Monk Liao Wang said.

"You can recruit the golden body of eighteen arhats. This is something that many Buddhist masters can't do. It's a bit too modest."

Su Meier kept leaning on Monk Wang Wang's body.

"Amitabha, the little monk has little practice, and dare not be compared with the great power. If a man and a woman don't know each other, don't do this to the donor."

Liao Wang kept dodging like a frightened rabbit, and kept chanting the Buddha's name in his mouth.

Li Xiaobai felt very novel, and even the monk was afraid of feelings, but it was also interesting.


Everyone continued to move forward, and the space inside the cave was terrifyingly large, which was extremely inconsistent with what the outside world saw. Su Meier guessed that there was another small world space hidden inside.

As for what exactly is inside, it is unknown.

After continuing to walk for a while, there was another sound of fighting, accompanied by some shouting. Li Xiaobai felt it was very familiar, and motioned for everyone to stop.

In front of them, five people were lying in a pool of blood, and a female monk holding a giant hammer laughed and looked crazy.

Dozens of monks gathered around, staring at the woman in front with scarlet eyes.

"Hahaha, a mere Nascent Soul cultivator dares to snatch a treasure from me. He is looking for death. The treasure can only be mine!"

After finishing speaking, the female cultivator put away the sledgehammer, picked up a stone on the ground, and made a gesture to leave.

At the same time, many monks who were besieged around surrounded them with hideous faces.

"Kill her!"

"Baby can only be mine!"

"Go away, only I can be worthy of baby!"

Looking at the crazy crowd, Li Xiaobai recognized that this female cultivator was her senior sister Su Yunbing. These senior brothers and sisters not only came in, but also entered this small world. caused by gas erosion.

Monk Wang Wang was about to go forward to save someone, but was stopped by Li Xiaobai, he felt something was wrong in his heart.

There was a wave in the void, and a monk quietly appeared behind Su Yunbing, and suddenly slapped out a palm, which was printed on his back vest.


Su Yunbing yelled and fell down slowly, unconscious.

Forget "..."

Li Xiaobai's forehead is full of black lines, is the emotional sister pretending here?

Use yourself as a bait to attract a large number of monks to kill and seize the treasure, and then pretend to be defeated, and the remaining monks will kill each other for this unwarranted treasure.

Although I don't know why a few people were not affected by the demon energy, but since I bumped into them, I accepted the interspatial rings of these monks.

Put Huazi into the mouths of everyone, and then took away the other party's interspatial ring very smoothly, it was regarded as an automatic payment.

"Senior brother and sister, stop acting now that the little brother is here."

"It turned out to be the junior brother. The senior sister managed to attract a group of masters, but it was cheap for you."

Several people climbed up from the ground, also holding a flower seed in their mouths. Obviously, they also survived by this.

"Little Junior Brother has made quite a few friends outside."

Ye Wushuang looked Su Meier up and down. In terms of beauty, the two were comparable, but Ye Wushuang had a quiet and elegant temperament, while Su Meier had a seductive and seductive style.

"What are you looking at?"

Su Meier rolled her eyes, it was the first time she saw a woman with the same appearance as her, and there were two of them at once, she was extremely upset, no wonder Li Xiaobai was indifferent to her, she was used to feelings.

He deserves to be face blind.

"Junior brother, there are masters in the tribulation period here, don't you want to be too arrogant with your lettering?"

Liu Jinshui's expression changed when he saw Li Xiaobai's actions.

"What are you afraid of? During the tribulation period, I also learned that I, Li Xiaobai, was happy to help others, but I saved their lives."

Li Xiaobai said lightly.

My defense is about to advance, and I am not as in awe of the Transcending Tribulation Period as before.

"Little brother, but you want to go deep into the cave?"

"Senior brother and sister have already been there?"

"I've been there. There's a big horror inside. I'll have to leave after a few more votes. Junior brother, I advise you to withdraw as soon as possible. We can't deal with that thing." Fourth senior brother Yang Chen said.

"What's inside?" Li Xiaobai asked curiously.

"A heart, the real heart of gods and demons."

Lin Yin, the third senior brother who had been silent all this time, said that he was extremely afraid of the things in the cave.

"Thank you, brother, for letting me know. I still want to go and have a look."

Li Xiaobai said that there is only one blood sacrifice fragment left nearby, and if there is one most likely place, it is in the depths of this cave.

And from Lin Yin's words, although that thing is scary, it's not dangerous yet, so it's not a big problem to explore it a little bit.

"It seems that the younger brother is the same as us, he is a master who will not give up until he sees the coffin. Go there if you want, but don't touch that heart. That thing is very evil. If it wakes up, it may cause a catastrophe."

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