Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1645 \"Win\" Female

The aura was too terrifying and majestic. Even after leaving the area of ​​the Pure Land of Extreme Evil, there was still a strong sense of palpitation. Liu Jinshui and Er Gouzi didn't leave any buffer time, and didn't even look at the situation of the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. Going up is just a meal, and the battle goes straight into the sky.

Just like the talisman floating in the sky, the monks in the entire fairy world could clearly see the battle between the three top masters at this moment.

Er Gouzi did not show such terrifying power, he could only see a huge fat man holding a machete from a distance, pressing down on something and beating Er Buddha, without saving any face.

Li Xiaobai drove the warship away quickly to avoid being affected, and he was relieved until the movement became smaller and smaller.

I don't know enough about the territory of the Immortal God Realm, and I don't know what the territory going south is.

After only half a day, they bid farewell to the western world and entered a desert area with few people.

Li Xiaobai crossed his legs, sorting out his thoughts on the warship, thinking about what he had gained and how to develop next.

The most important thing is the site selection. The extremely evil pure land has been quite complete. This fortress that is carried around is a big killer. Wherever it is placed, it can form a force that cannot be underestimated.

Li Xiaobai closed his eyes, and in his mind, he once again entered that quiet and strange dark space, a bed, with a hanging woman hanging beside him, her eyes fixed on him.

"Uh, sister Piao, your revenge will be avenged immediately, you can leave with peace of mind, how about my little brother erecting a monument for you?"

Li Xiaobai said with a smile on his face.

This female drifter is unpredictable, she doesn't know what the other party wants.

"Unwilling, the soul is back..."

The female Piaozi opened her lips slightly, and said in a serious tone.


Another bronze mirror fell to Li Xiaobai's hand. Li Xiaobai picked it up, his eyes touched the mirror, and his mind instantly sank into it. It was an antique world.

A piece of rolling mountains, the surrounding environment is still in the fairyland, his body is very illusory, and he can freely travel through this space, this is the memory of the female drifter, and he is witnessing this memory time.

"What is this telling me?"

Li Xiaobai frowned slightly, the woman Piaozi was just a remnant living in the world, and she could only pass on information to him in this way.

The mountains are filled with smoke, and on the top of the mountain, a little girl is having a dispute with several monks.

"My Profound Sky Holy Land doesn't need ordinary people like you. I really don't know what Elder Jin is thinking. He actually recruited ordinary people to practice in my Holy Land. It's simply insulting!"

"And it's a female doll..."

A group of disciples pushed the little girl to the ground, mocking and mocking.

"What about the daughter, isn't the first word you said when you were born called mother?"

The little girl showed anger, and said fiercely.

Several disciples were furious when they heard this, and wanted to teach her a lesson when they went up, but the little girl turned around and ran away.

Li Xiaobai witnessed everything from the sidelines. This Tianxuan Holy Land should be a holy land of an ancient sect in the Immortal God Realm. This girl is Sister Piao when she was young, and she was bullied by disciples of the sect.

The screen turned and came to a certain temple on the top of the mountain.

The female doll held a long sword in her hand and swung it vigorously, sweating profusely. An old man behind her said gently, "Ying'er, let's go here first. If you can't chew too much, it's counterproductive. The woman's body is delicate and needs to rest."

"Master, rest first. I heard that other senior brothers swing their swords a thousand times a day, and this disciple will swing their swords 10,000 times a day, and beat them hard in the Zongmen Grand Competition!"

The female doll gritted her teeth, she wanted to roll up and roll up other monks to death.

The old man shook his head and left.

The screen turned again, and a few months later, there was a martial arts competition. On the ring, the little girl swept all directions, trampling all the challengers under her feet, like a broken bamboo.

This year, she became the number one in her class. The disciple who had ridiculed her had her hands removed and her tendons broken by her. Many elders were enraged and believed that her cultivation was not good and her intention to kill was too serious. In the long run, she was afraid of causing trouble, so she was punished to enter the cliff of thinking, and the test lasted for ten years.

When he left the customs again, in just ten years, the Profound Sky Sacred Land encountered a catastrophe and was eroded by many forces. It has become a top-notch fringe pie.

In order to keep her status in the sect, the little girl was recommended as a cauldron by the group of disciples back then, and sent to the Yinguimen of the Devil sect. The elders in the sect agreed to coax the girl into sneaking into the Yinguimen under the name of an undercover agent, and sold her instead. Lose, to consolidate the deep friendship between the two.

Eager to avenge her teacher, the female baby plunged headlong into the ghost gate, completely ignorant of the interests and schemes between the sects, and sent letters to the sect foolishly every month, revealing the information she had.

And because of her extremely fast cultivation speed, she was promoted to a personal maid by the eldest son of Yin Guimen. She spends all day drinking and chatting, donating all kinds of resources, and improving her strength and cultivation as much as possible. In the eyes of Mo Dao, this is a Fat pigs are slaughtered when they are fattest, and the taste is the most delicious.

Until here, everything is normal. This is the cultivation history of a serious and progressive female cultivator.

But a few months later, everything changed. The head of the Yin Gui Sect sealed the girl's dantian with one finger, unable to use her cultivation, and instead, the young master took her into the bridal chamber. , Pain, and anger fermented in the ghost gate.

The young master was very proud, and revealed all the activities between Tianxuan Holy Land and Yin Guimen, completely breaking the psychological defense line of the girl, no one cares about her, everything is an illusion, she is just a tool, used to connect the two families It's nothing more than a bargaining chip for relationships, and at this moment, when the young master finishes using it, he is no longer qualified to be a cauldron.

"Enjoy it tonight, and tomorrow there will be more brothers and sisters doting on you. These days, they are very greedy for you. I have to say, your body is really a beauty. If you don't need to retreat and practice after harvesting, you would have been so jealous." The young master really wants to enjoy it for a few more days."

The young master laughed out loud, but soon he realized something was wrong.

The expected power did not flow into his body, but the power in his body began to surge, uncontrollably pouring into the body of the woman riding under him.

"The technique of harvesting and nourishing, the method of absorbing stars, when did you learn it!"

The young master's face changed suddenly, and he wanted to get up to break the connection between the two parties, but in the next second, a slender hand pierced his chest directly, crushing his heart, and when his eyes dimmed, he saw a pair of cold and ruthless blood. eyes.

The girl greedily absorbed the cultivation in the young master's body, and between breaths, the body of the young master of the ghost sect shriveled up quickly, and finally turned into a dry bone.

The young girl's face was dull, only the crazy killing intent was in her eyes. With her ragged and charming body, she walked in the gate of ghosts. Wherever she passed, disciples turned into corpses. Dharma practice does not reject anyone who comes, most of the martial arts in the ghost gate are proficient, and the young master in the gate is reversed, so that her cultivation can be improved to a higher level.

That night, the Yin Ghost Gate was shrouded in bloody darkness.

"From today onwards, I will no longer be called Ying, but Win!"

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