In an instant, the rocks cracked, the mountain collapsed, and the fleshy tentacles like vines twitched crazily.

"Benefactor, be careful!"

Forget about the monk pushing Su Meier next to him, the golden light suddenly appeared, and he tried to catch the huge tentacles that shot rapidly from the side.

In just a split second, the golden light on the monk's body shattered, he coughed up blood, and was thrown out.

"Little monk!"

Su Meier was startled, she stepped forward to support Wang Wang, and stuffed a lot of pills into his mouth.

"The little monk is blessed by the Buddha, and the donor does not need to waste the elixir."

Liao Wang coughed a few times, and said slowly, although he suffered internal injuries, fortunately the injuries were not serious.

These tentacles are all part of the huge Roshan's body. Everyone saw in the cave that the beating part of the heart is only a small piece. In fact, the roots of this Roshan extend into every corner of the cave.

Waking up at this moment, the rocks attached to the frame of Roshan's limbs continued to collapse.

The cold and brutal atmosphere raged, and everyone's faces were ashen.

"Brother Li, you messed up your game!"

"Donor, you shouldn't touch it."

"Why are you talking so much, run away!"

The heart of Roshan in front continued to recover, and the coercion of ancient gods and demons descended. Li Xiaobai felt that his breathing was stagnant, and his attribute points surged rapidly.

Attribute points +1000...

Attribute points +2000...

Attribute points +3000...


With the recovery of Roshan, the air gradually condensed, and the powerful coercion made people's blood surge. Li Xiaobai's face was also pale, although his attribute points were now quite refreshing.

But if he was beaten by this thing, he would either die or be injured. Roshan's power far surpassed any monk he had ever seen before, and the strength of the monks in the Transcending Tribulation Stage was like a baby in front of it.

Accidentally released a super big boss, wouldn't it cause a catastrophe?

At this time, in an inconspicuous corner, a skinny corpse was hit by a stone falling from above, and suddenly jumped three feet high.

"Not good, the big guy has recovered, hurry up and run!"

The old figure swept past like a whirlwind, running wildly all the way.

"Heck, you're cheating, an old rice dumpling ran out!"

Ji ruthlessly exploded, and a "corpse" suddenly fled in a frenzy, anyone who saw it would be shocked.

Li Xiaobai narrowed his eyes. He suspected that he had seen this old man before he entered the world inside the door. Now that he saw his face, he recognized him at a glance. This guy was the old beggar who took a bath with him in Gu Yuecheng that day.

This old beggar is really not simple, he actually ran here and pretended to be dead.

"Made, there is still an old Yinbi hiding, isn't it purposely squatting on us?"

Everyone was dumbfounded.

"Brother Li, can you unlock our cultivation base, we can't run without it!"

Yun Kun and the others were terrified in their hearts. They all came from great powers and had profound backgrounds. They had some guesses about the huge meaty heart in front of them, if it was really like those things recorded in the family.

For the Fairy Continent, it will be a catastrophe, and this matter must be reported to the family as soon as possible!

Li Xiaobai's wrist was reversed, and the Lamborghini appeared in an instant. The cool shape and iron-blooded atmosphere instantly attracted everyone's attention.

"Brother Li, this is..."

"No time to explain, get in the car!"

Li Xiaobai opened the car door and pushed everyone into it. The shape of the Lamborghini is very peculiar, and the interior space is large enough to accommodate everyone here.

I patted the chairs around me. These are all leather chairs. They are ultra-thin and transparent, soft and comfortable. I can't stop wanting to lean on them.

"What kind of horse is this mount? It has its own space inside, and it's so comfortable!"

"Since we are sitting in its body, aren't these things under its body its internal organs?"

Everyone is very curious about Lamborghini, mainly because the shape of this car is too good, and its performance is also sufficient. Although it looks weird, they just think it is very handsome and attractive.

Li Xiaobai stepped on the accelerator, and the Lamborghini roared and rushed out.

The stones falling along the road did not have the slightest impact on the hard body, and the speed of the sports car was very fast. Li Xiaobai once again saw the old figure running wildly in front of him.

The old beggar swayed three times, every time he took a step, his figure would flash tens of meters, sometimes even hundreds of meters, and runes flickered everywhere his toes touched, which was mysterious and unpredictable.

Monk Liao Wang was shocked, "This is the real art of shrinking the land into an inch, the supreme supernatural power, Haijiao Tianya!"

"What's the explanation?" Li Xiaobai asked.

"It is said that this kind of supernatural power comes from the upper realm, and requires extremely high cultivation and comprehension ability. If you step out in one step, you can reach Tianya cape in a blink of an eye. My Buddhism's shrinking to an inch is also modified with reference to this supernatural power. It's a simplified version."

Monk Liao Wang said.

Li Xiaobai casually threw two high-grade spirit stones into the mailbox again, the sports car roared and burst, the wheels rubbed against the ground, and sparks shot out, turning into a bolt of lightning and chasing the old beggar.

The old man was indeed running very fast, but his speed seemed to be unstable, sometimes over a thousand meters in a flash, and sometimes he was still standing still, Li Xiaobai couldn't understand the opponent's operation.

Drive to the side of the old beggar.

"Old man, I miss you so much after a long time no see!"

Li Xiaobai pulled down the window and said with a smile, this old guy is not kind, he hit him to death first, then turned around and ran away when he was in danger, obviously plotting something wrong.

"Boss Ye, what a coincidence!"

The old beggar looked very surprised.

"My name is Li Xiaobai now."

"Boss Li, your bathhouse is really good. After taking a bath, my waist is no longer sore, my legs are no longer painful, and everything is in place."

"Why is the old man here?" Li Xiaobai asked directly, speechless.

"Let's make a little fortune."

"Have you sent it yet?"


"What's that thing in the back?"

"Roshan, a piece of meat that has been accumulating resentment for years, was awakened by Boss Li's domineering aura. Boss Li is really a god!"

The old beggar raised his thumb, showing his big yellow teeth.

Li Xiaobai's complexion was dark, and he always felt that the old guy was beating around the bush and scolding him.

"Heck, kid, be careful, that monster is attacking again!" Ji Wuqing reminded suddenly, staring at the situation behind him.

Li Xiaobai looked in the rearview mirror, and many rock walls behind him began to squirm strangely, and the weathered meat mountain tentacles inside were slowly waking up, one by one breaking away from the mountain and spreading out.

Some monks ran slower, were directly entangled by the tentacles, and got involved in the mountain wall.

"Boss Li, the entire cave is formed by attaching to the body of the meat mountain. Only by escaping from the cave can we truly escape from its control."

"However, Boss Li is a man of God, so he will definitely not be afraid of such young people. The old beggar has no strength to restrain the chicken, so he won't cause trouble for the boss."

"The old beggar will go!"

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