Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1694 In Linyuan City, Martial Arts Contest To Recruit Relatives

"How does the world cross?"

Li Xiaobai asked, there are so many poison domains and there are so many types, if ordinary monks want to go out, it may be as difficult as climbing the sky.

"The Southern Territory has its own magic weapon refining system, mechs, and each piece of mecha is made from the body of an ancient beast, which is extremely sturdy."

"However, this mecha is also extremely precious. Only the children of rich families can control it once or twice. If ordinary monks want to walk through the poisonous fog, they can only rely on their deep cultivation and a little luck."

Wu Dazhuang said.

Li Xiaobai, who is the word for mecha, has heard it mentioned by an old and a young person before, wearing this thing can walk freely in the poisonous miasma, and the ability to resist toxins and defense is quite amazing.

"Who created this thing?"

Li Xiaobai asked.

"Who is the founder? The world keeps a secret, because this thing also flowed into the fairyland five hundred years ago. According to several powerful forces, it seems to have flowed in from the lower realm. It is shameful for the monks in the fairyland to use the treasure of the lower realm. matter."

"However, this thing is indeed magical. It is not very useful for offense and defense, but it can adapt to the surrounding environment very well. After discovering its special features, all major forces imitated and refined all kinds of mechas. The structure has infinite uses.”

Wu Dazhuang knows everything, and the fig leaf of the major forces is not worth mentioning in his eyes.

Li Xiaobai had a strange look on his face. It sounded like it was the battle armor that he lost when he was fighting the immortal gods in the Zhongyuan world.

"This is also a choice made to adapt to the environment. However, many mechas today have a considerable effect on the physique of monks, and can even make up for the gap of a level. Even the masters of the fairy realm will wear mechas. Let's fight."

There was a look of disdain in Wu Dazhuang's eyes. This is putting the cart before the horse. It is absolutely stupid to rely too much on external things and neglect one's own practice.

The mecha may be very strong, but for the truly strong, it is not impossible to destroy the mecha with bare hands.

"I didn't expect that there was such a past in the Southern Territory."

Li Xiaobai nodded, it was inconceivable that a mecha produced by the system could cause such a big disturbance in the world of immortals and gods.

"However, the excellent mechs are all made of ancient animal species, which can adapt to the surrounding environment and adjust the best posture for the wearer. It can be said to be a set of living armor. It is rumored that Qin Tian of Linyuanyu has such a set in his hand. Set mecha."

"Although it can be regarded as relying on external forces, the power should not be underestimated, and each has its own merits."

Wu Dazhuang laughed.

Wu's family wanted to assassinate Qin Tian, ​​which was as difficult as heaven.

"In this way, the cultivator's magic weapon in the south has its own system, and even the method of cultivation will undergo some changes in order to fit with the mecha."

Li Xiaobai thought in his heart, his face remained calm, the changes made by the monks here are all to better coexist with the residual toxins.

Five hundred years ago, the unparalleled fairy who left her toxins behind, no matter how he sounds, he sounds like Second Senior Sister Ye Wushuang.

Shuang Xiu of medicine and poison, peerless elegance, wearing a green skirt, a proper second senior sister.

"Senior, do you know who wanted to take Qin Tian's life, and why they made such a decision?"

Li Xiaobai continued to ask, Wu Tianlong couldn't answer this question directly, and he was very puzzled.

"Don't inquire about the matters above. Many forces in the Immortal God Realm do not have their own. You should also know that apart from the old patriarch of the family, it is impossible for another person to know the identity of the above."

"We just need to earnestly complete the targets, and the days to come will naturally be beautiful and nothing will happen."

Wu Dazhuang casually said that he didn't care about the affairs of Linyuanyu at all. Although Wu's clan is an assassination clan, they are not qualified enough to fight against the entire big domain.

In the end, it was the higher-ups who took action and silently wiped out Qin Tian, ​​and then some monks from the Wu clan showed up to remove the other minions of the Linyuan domain. This kind of thing happened once or twice in the past. The higher-ups are in charge, and they just need to take the blame for it in the end.

And the benefits that can be obtained in the end are inexhaustible.

"The Linyuan Domain is approaching. The young people are really extraordinary. They don't change their faces in the face of the poisonous fog. They are not ordinary people."

Wu Dazhuang pointed to Fang Yin's huge city hidden in the haze, and said with a smile.

"Why so fast?"

Li Xiaobai was startled, he didn't realize when his golden warship had crossed several poisonous miasmas and reached the foot of Linyuanyu.

"The old man used some small tricks to survive several poisonous miasmas together. Although the toxicity is more than ten times that of the original, it is more convenient and quick."

Wu Dazhuang said casually.

In a word, Li Xiaobai's heart was half cold. His Poison Immortal Physique is immune to toxins, and the system panel no longer shows attribute damage, so he didn't realize that if he didn't have Poison Immortal Physique, the little old man would have killed him just now.

This little old man's heart is not red, he deliberately wants to try his skills, if he can't carry it, he will directly explain it here.

"like this."

The little old man gestured with his hands in the air, and the golden warship under his feet appeared hundreds of meters away instantly as if jumping through the void, and the surrounding scenery seamlessly connected.

Different from tearing the void, it directly compresses the space to travel more in the same time. This old man is well versed in the power of space!

After a few tugs and tugs, the two arrived at the gate of Linyuan City.

"Lu Yin."

The city gate guard blocked the way and said coldly.

The battle armor on their bodies is very strange, it seems to be woven from a kind of vines, wriggling very regularly, full of life.

"Wu people also stop?"

Wu Dazhuang rolled up his sleeves, and some kind of ancient totem was outlined on his arm, which was hideous and terrifying.

The guard hurriedly gave way, bowed slightly, and said respectfully, "Two adults, please come in."

"Is there anything unusual in the city recently?"

Wu Dazhuang asked smoothly.

"The monks from the land of the dead entered Linyuan City a few days ago, and there seems to be a son of the restricted area among them."

"These days, please stay safe in the city and don't offend them."

Guard Road.

"The land of the dead, the son of the restricted area?"

"It seems that this Linyuan domain is about to change, and some unexpected things have happened."

Wu Dazhuang patted Li Xiaobai on the shoulder and walked into the city.

"The higher-ups want to get rid of Qin Tian. The emergence of a leader in the Necromancer Forbidden Zone at this juncture must have some kind of secret. I'm afraid Linyuan City is not safe."

Li Xiaobai thought about it in his heart, and always felt that there was a sense of storm coming in this matter.

Until the old and the young saw the notices all over the city wall, their expressions gradually became strange.

There are four large characters written on the notice, "Contest to recruit relatives!"

Signed, Qin Xiufang, the daughter of Qin Tian, ​​the lord of Linyuan City, Qin Xiufang!

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