Qin Shuang could faintly feel that something was wrong in the team, not because she sensed anything, but because the atmosphere in the team was very different from the mob she usually met.

There are more than ten disciples from the direct line of the Qin family, and the rest are recruited stragglers. Logically speaking, it should feel like a mess, but this team gives her the same feeling as when she followed her father. Same.

Quiet, concise, and unreasonably reassuring.

This is because there are masters in the father's team, and at the moment there are only four core members of the Qin family's disciples, and they are all juniors. She also feels the same way. Even stronger!

Li Xiaobai's group of four in the rear didn't realize it, and followed the main force through the canyon carelessly.

"This wave of cooperation is in place. The only fly in the ointment is that your actions are too sudden. You should inform me before you make a move."

Wu Tianlong said.

"If you don't even have such a little reaction, don't be the patriarch."

Li Xiaobai said lightly.

"It's amazing just now. The little old man is pleasing to the eye. What my friend is using is the law of space. If you can comprehend the power of this law, your future achievements will be limitless!"

Wu Dazhuang looked at Li Xiaobai with surprise in his eyes.

"And you can skillfully use the power of laws to refine talismans. You have profound knowledge in this way!"

Wu Tianchou also said, judging by the other party's actions, it is obvious that he is not Xiao Mengxin who has just comprehended the power of the law. No wonder Wu Tianlong has a close relationship with him, and he wants to let him join the patriarchal meeting, not an ordinary person.

Not everyone can comprehend the law of space. Recently, the gods above the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss can often be seen fighting. Although they are far apart, they have more or less heard the wind. The one from five hundred years ago has returned, and the one from What the existence comprehends is the power of the law of space.

Dacheng's spatial law is an existence that even real gods are unwilling to provoke easily.

"Little Doyle, it's not worth showing off."

Li Xiaobai smiled and said, a little ashamed, these gangsters have their own brain supplement function, but a replacement character can be associated with so many, the system produced is really a high-quality product.

The team continued to move forward and crossed the canyon. Most of the mechas were in a scrapped state, unable to resist the toxin attack. The monks fled in a hurry, but in the end they just fell to the ground without a sound.

Only a small number of them possess magic weapons, or wear mechas made of top-quality materials like Qin Shuang, so that they can continue to resist the terrifying toxins in the air.

Li Xiaobai is not afraid of this, since he obtained the Poison Immortal Physique, he is completely immune to toxins, and the value on the system panel has not even jumped at all.

"Clean up and count how many brothers we have left!"

Unlike other teams that only rushed forward, Qin Shuang was not in a hurry. She knew that even if other people found the treasure first, they would not be able to take it away. Many inside information was known only to her, the Qin family.

Do a good job of preparation, and know yourself and the enemy to be invincible.

"There are still eight people left."

Qin Bai said that the recruited casual cultivators were almost extinct, and the rest of the Qin family disciples did not survive, leaving only their four main forces, plus the group of four at the end of the team.


Qin Shuang looked back, and saw the four young men holding bronze mirrors in their hands, staring at the corpses of the Qin family disciples, and then sternly shouted, "The four behind, what are you doing!"

"This place is dangerous, so hurry up and keep up!"

"Understood, I can't bear to see these disciples of the Qin family all possessing unique skills but died tragically on the spot. On the one hand, I want to have a good mourning, and on the other hand, I also want to record their death conditions, so as to It is convenient for future research, maybe we can find the way to crack this poison."

Li Xiaobai led the three of them to trot towards Qin Shuang and the others, and said cheerfully.

"Don't do useless work. If this poisonous fog can really be broken, there won't be so many innocent people dying in vain for hundreds of years."

"It's rare luck for you to survive intact. You must follow me closely in the next road, so that you can be well protected!"

Qin Shuang stared at Li Xiaobai and said word by word.

This beauty's pretty face is full of frost, her figure is graceful, and her eyes are full of fighting spirit. She is a real explorer, and she wants to find treasures from this huge secret and dangerous place.

"Okay, okay, it feels really good to be covered by a big boss!"

Wu Tianchou crossed his hands on the back of his head, looked up at the sky, and said something strange.

For a moment, Qin Shuang suddenly seemed to remember something. Earlier, she guessed that there were experts in the team, and now she looked at the four people in front of her.

The mechas of the three of them cannot be said to be unscathed, they are simply spotless, even newer than when they were just bought, as if they just came out.

The mecha of the other white-clothed boy was damaged, which is normal. Most of the armor on his body was destroyed by the wind, leaving only two arms and two legs with a little mecha attached.

But the problem is that even if the mecha is scrapped like this, the boy is still calm and untroubled by the poisonous gas.

Cold sweat oozes from her forehead. Doesn't this make it clear that she is a big boss?

The other three pretended to be, and re-refined the mecha with unknown means. Your armor is broken into rubbish, and you are walking in the secret environment swaggeringly, at least pretend to be!

"It's good to know, let's go, we have fallen behind others for a long time."

Qin Bai said coldly at the side, except for Qin Shuang, the attention of the other three people was not on Li Xiaobai. They were judging the terrain in front of them, and corroborating with the information they knew in their minds, they had found out that the treasure might exist. s position.

"Go west!"

Qin Shuang settled down, gave instructions, and chose a direction that no monks would go.

Flip your wrist, take out a small boat, and sail across the sea of ​​sand.

The material of this warship also has a certain resistance to the poisonous fog, and she was fully prepared when she came.

"This little girl is not bad. Even though the east side is filled with jewels and jewels, she can actually see that it is a cover-up and chose the inconspicuous west side."

Wu Dazhuang was amazed at the back, this is not a flaw that the younger generation of disciples can see.

"She is from the Qin family, so she must have something to rely on if she dares to come to the secret realm. Qin Tian probably told the disciples in the clan where the treasures in the secret realm are stored, and let them experience it."

"That's good, it saves us the trouble to find it by ourselves, follow these juniors to pick up the leaks, it is best to see the corpses of the ancient times, maybe there is the thin blood I need!"

Wu Tian's dragon eyes glowed red, and he licked his lips, making no effort to hide his inner desire.

Qin Shuang at the front of the line shuddered inexplicably, and glanced behind him, but didn't notice anything unusual. The four young men looked honest and honest.

But she had a faint premonition in her heart, these are four ferocious beasts that choose people to eat!

As the ship sailed for a while, another humming sounded in my ears.

"Sister Qin Shuang, it's Lei's family, they are chasing after you!"

"Speed ​​up, get rid of them, and want to follow behind to get a bargain, how can there be such a good thing!"

"They must have planned it in advance. Even after the scourge of Feng Sha, they still have more than 20 people. They are so blatant. They want to annex us!"

Qin Bai and the others were furious. Families with a little bit of resources knew that his Qin family was well-informed and had the deepest understanding of the secret realm. At this moment, they wanted to follow up and share a piece of the pie. How could there be such a reason in the world!

Uncommonly, Qin Shuang did not make a decision, but turned his head to look at the four of Li Xiaobai and asked, "What do you guys think?"

Wu Tianchou leaned against the wall of the boat, folded his arms around his chest, and said sadly, "Bring the boat over!"

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