Xian Xianyu held a horned dragon with blue veins in her hand, grabbed her broken wrist and slammed it on the ground. Bottomless ravines criss-crossed and intertwined, everyone who watched was terrified.

At the crack, although only a small half of the head was exposed, the appearance of the creature could already be clearly seen.

It was a lion's head with lush hair, red hair all over its body, a sharp fang, shining coldly, and scarlet eyes, staring at all beings in the fairy world.

"External creature, this is an extraterritorial creature!"

"Another creature that is different from the world of immortals and gods!"

"Who on earth is going to cross the boundary to erase my Linyuan domain!"

Qin Tian was facing the lion's head, seeing the scarlet fierce light in its eyes, his heart trembled.

"Shenxiao Cross Heavenly Scripture!"

Outside the crack, the creature roared wildly, struggled like crazy, and squeezed its body desperately into the crack.

If he is really pulled out, he will die.

The cracks in the void began to heal, and the time to cross the border was limited, and the cracks could not always exist.

The lion's head was overjoyed, and he struggled even harder.

"This void is becoming xenophobic, you have no chance!"

Lion Head felt relieved and laughed loudly.

Xianxianyu Shouye felt the change in the space, and her hand movements intensified, trying to drag the opponent's body over as soon as possible.

The field is in a stalemate.

The healing speed of the space is very fast, a neat interface is drawn across, and the lion head laughs loudly.

"Fairy Ye, you have no chance. I didn't expect you to be alive. It's really gratifying."

"The news that you survived the world will be brought back by this king, and I will spread the word. I believe that everyone will be happy for you after knowing the news!"

As soon as the words fell, the bones shattered, flesh and blood flew, and the little half of the creature's head, two hands, and half of the torso that remained in the Immortal God Realm were cut off neatly.

Then the crack completely healed.

His limbs were severely injured by the space cutting, but it was better than dying here, and he would be able to recover from his injuries after spending some time.

The two bare hands paused on the sky, and then retracted into Qin Tian's body.

Enveloped by light green light, Qin Tian's cracked body slowly healed, and finally recovered, the familiar cold female voice echoed in his ears, "Destroy the formation, in a short time, don't look for me."

"In addition, I have been closely observing the movement of the land of the dead recently, and if there is any disturbance, I will put pressure on it."

"The Wu family has already handled it properly for you."

After the words fell, everyone resumed their actions. Qin Tian looked around, the monks of the Qin family were intact, and the patriarchs of the Wu clan were all lying in a pool of blood.

Wu Tianci is also devoid of vitality.

There was light in Qin Tian's eyes, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and the fear just now was swept away.

"With the death of Wu Tianci, the Wu family is no longer a threat. I never thought that this person would be so powerful. Even the people above that old guy are no match for me. This seat can also make drastic reforms. The wind of the times has begun to blow to me !"

"Clean the battlefield, clean up the corpses, and find the remnants of the Wu clan, kill them without mercy!"



at the same time.

the other side.

At the junction of Necromancer Land and Linyuan Domain, Li Xiaobai stared at the distant sky in a daze.

The scene just now is vivid in his mind, and his memory is still fresh. Those two hands and the torn sky are so similar to those in the Zhongyuan world back then.

It is the god of heaven, definitely the so-called god of heaven came again back then, tearing up the sky and invading the lower realm, unlike in the past, someone took action to resist this time.

Those slender hands, as well as the half of the sky infested with green poisonous mist, definitely belonged to Second Senior Sister Ye Wushuang.

"Second Senior Sister has connections with Qin Tian. That lion head is from the Wu clan, and that Second Senior Sister should be from Qin Tian or even from Linyuan Domain."

"Where is the power, Jiehai? Or something else?"

"Where is the underworld mentioned by the senior sister, and why are you trapped there?"

The doubts in Li Xiaobai's heart didn't decrease but increased, if only the sixth senior brother and Er Gouzi were here, this person and one dog are familiar with the events of the past, and their cultivation is already close to the peak, presumably they can easily rescue the second senior sister.

Look back and look for an opportunity to send news to the west.

The mind sank into the system, summoned the avatar, and headed towards the land of the dead.

"Go and see the situation in the restricted area."

Li Xiaobai said.

The clone spat, cursed and walked into the depths of the white bones.

After a while, Li Xiaobai received the screen from the clone.

At this moment, he was on a high cliff. At the bottom of the cliff was a mass grave, with many monuments and tombs, and there were dots of green light in the distance.

"This is a good place to go. I have long heard that the mythical forbidden area has many dead souls in the Necromancer. The more graves, the more corpses. The more corpses, the more great grievances the Lake of Wraiths will produce. It can be regarded as a blessing and a curse."

The golden chariot appeared under Li Xiaobai's feet, turned into a flash of light and rushed to the bottom of the cliff.

With a thought, the extremely evil pure land unfolded, and all the graves were thrown into the lake of wraiths, and by the way, observe the refining situation of the giant spirit god.

Only the head has not been completely refined, and the resentment in the lake is more intense and fierce. The head is the most difficult part to refine. It contains a trace of the remnant soul and wisdom of the giant spirit god before he was alive. It is estimated that it will take a few days time.

"Look for someone to smoke."

Li Xiaobai drove towards the direction of the green light, galloping all the way, there were no people on the road, only grave mounds, all private.

Without exception, he accepted everything as ordered, and he suddenly realized that this place was pretty good. There were corpses everywhere, excellent materials for the Great Resentment, and he was one step closer to completing his plan to complete the Great Resentment army.

"There are living creatures ahead."

Approaching the green light zone, the avatar said.

"Is it human?"

"Not quite."

"My shoelaces are untied, why don't you go and have a look first?"

"Isn't it a coincidence, my shoelaces are also untied."


The four eyes looked at each other for a while, and the two figures went together.


As they approached, the source of the green light was the bonfire. The flame was dark green, and there were bones burning inside. Occasionally, the green fireworks could condense to form a crying woman's face, which was terrifying.

"Fleeing from famine, the Linyuan domain is fighting, and my lord is raising your hands high."

Li Xiaobai clasped his fists and said with a miserable look.

The creature in front of him was not a human being, but a tree turned into a demon. The roots under his feet squirmed, and a frightened face appeared on the tree trunk. Two branches stopped Li Xiaobai, one on the left and the other on the right.

"Trespassing the restricted area, die!"

The tree demon's roots trembled, and the ground suddenly sank, followed by the tree sinking into the ground and disappearing, and all the surrounding vegetation was like this, burrowing into the ground and disappearing.

Then the tentacles broke through the ground one by one, wrapped around the ankles of Li Xiaobai and the avatar, and pulled downward.

The dark green toxin spread, but it was useless to the Poison Immortal Physique.

The value jumps on the system panel.

Attribute points + one million...

The avatar stared at Li Xiaobai for a second, then yelled, "Made, you are so weak, beat him up!"

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