Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 171 Race Against Thunder And Lightning

The sports car is extremely dusty, and the roads are all remote paths, deep in the dense forest.

I tried to use these trees to block Lei Jie's pursuit, but unfortunately this is not an ordinary thunder and lightning. The human-shaped lightning, like a sports car, will not be blocked by these obstacles at all. .

"Master, the mount is out of fuel, we are about to be overtaken." Li Xiaobai said dryly.

"The mount still needs fuel?" The old beggar felt amazing.

"You need spirit stones to run, and items with huge spiritual power are also fine. Do you have any, old man?"

Li Xiaobai asked superficially, but his eyes were fixed on the jug hanging on his waist. This wine is still a good thing for him even now. The last time he took a sip, he directly added 10,000 attribute points.

Absolute gem.

If this jug of wine is drunk, the attribute points will start at least 100,000.

The old beggar sensed Li Xiaobai's intentions, felt a little bit reluctant, and asked tentatively, "If the old beggar doesn't have one, what should I do?"

"Hey, in order to ensure the safety of other people, I can only ask the old man to get out of the car." Li Xiaobai shook his head and sighed, his face full of regret.

The old beggar scolded his mother in his heart, this guy is not a thing, he actually wanted to use him to attract Lei Jie's attention and buy time for him to escape.

On the back seat, Monk Liao Wang couldn't bear it, he groped all over his body, trying to find some spiritual stones, but he had nothing on him except a few scriptures.

Su Meier quietly stopped his actions and shook her head. Everyone has recognized the old man's appearance. Now what they have to do is to get out alive and report the matter to the family.

"How about a sip of wine?" The old beggar took down the jug reluctantly.

"Ten." Li Xiaobai blinked and said.

"Impossible, you can drink ten mouthfuls to the bottom, at most one and a half mouthfuls!" The old beggar flatly refused.

This is the first time for Li Xiaobai to hear the saying of 1.5 mouth, which is quite unconventional.

"I'll give you a call, let's say five. After all, this is to escape from birth. It's worth the price."

"Eight to one o'clock, no more concessions!"

The old beggar insisted that a thousand pieces of top-quality spirit stones in one sip of this wine would not compare, but his heart ached.

After some wrangling and fighting, the deal was finally settled at the price of two bites. Li Xiaobai had learned the old man's stinginess.

Live to be old, learn to be old, and raise your posture.

As a result, the gourd was poured down two gulps.

Attribute points +10000...

Attribute points +10000...

118000 attribute points.

All defensive.

The physical sanctification of defense power (1200001000000) can be advanced.

After staying in the secret realm for less than a day, he increased his attribute points by 120,000. This growth rate is very good. Going out to practice is indeed a boon for the system.

"Boss, isn't it a mount..."

The old beggar quickly snatched back the gourd and rolled his eyes.

"It's only when I'm full of energy that I have the energy to cheer it on."

Li Xiaobai said lightly, and threw a few top-quality spirit stones into the fuel tank.

The old beggar "..."

Why don't you pretend to be so blatant?

The human-shaped lightning in the rear moved a little slower, as if it had noticed that its own strength had weakened, it began to change its strategy and no longer chased all the way, but started to attack.

A long gun made of electric light came out of his hand, piercing the sky and blasting towards Lamborghini.

Li Xiaobai didn't dare to challenge his strength head-on. After all, it was a thunderbolt. Cars like Lamborghini cost a lot of money. It would be bad if it was damaged.

He slammed the steering wheel and made a sharp turn to avoid the attack of the lightning spear.

Attribute points +1000...

Attribute points +2000...

Even being hit by Lei Mang can increase a large amount of attribute points.

Everyone in the car was unprepared, and their bodies lost their center of gravity and fell to the side unexpectedly.

"Heck, kid, drive hard and drive safely, your skills are better than Er Gouzi's!"

Ji Wuqing rolled in the car, dizzy and dissatisfied.

Everyone in the car had different thoughts, the old beggar leaned on Yu Sanbian beside him with his hands up and down, and silently walked away from the other party's Huazi. He had been fond of this thing for a long time.

Su Meier let out a coquettish cry, and fell into Monk Wangwang's arms, hugging him tightly and not letting go, Monk Wangwang blushed.

Ouyang Shuang'er was the least present among the people present, she huddled silently, shivering with a few Tianjiao captives, the captives' cultivation base was sealed, they had no ability to resist such a thunder disaster, they could only pray silently It disappears quickly.

The vaguely destructive aura broke their hearts, and they weighed on their hearts like a huge boulder.

The humanoid Lightning lost his spear and weapon, and only a steed under his crotch was chasing wildly. Li Xiaobai gradually got used to this speed. The power of the lightning was declining, and its speed and strength were weakening. It should dissipate after a while.


Along the way, the mountain birds and beasts retreated, and many monks who were fighting bloody battles suddenly lost their pressure. Before they could realize what happened, the ferocious monsters all ran away like frightened rabbits.

In the Tianluan Mountains, several young men and women were covered in blood, and they had reached the stage of exhaustion.

"Junior Sister, I didn't expect that I still didn't break out after all. Now I can't give Master an explanation."

"It's okay, brother, we've killed so many monsters, it's enough for us, let's die if we die!"

"It's just a pity that there are so many monster materials. Junior sister, don't worry, even if you die, the seniors will ensure that you are the last one to die!"

"Keep killing, kill one and earn one!"

The young men and women looked ferocious, preparing for the final desperate fight. At this time, the large group of monsters surrounded suddenly stopped their movements and pricked up their ears, as if they were quietly listening to something.

The air condensed for a few seconds, and then all the monsters ran away in unison.


A terrifying roar sounded, trembling with fear, as if to remind the monsters in the forest to run quickly.

Several monks were all taken aback, looking around, they didn't find anything special.

"What's going on, how did they escape?"

"There should be more powerful creatures approaching, and the feeling of monsters is much stronger than humans."

"This is a monster from the Nascent Soul stage, and there are also monsters from the Dzogchen Stage in the Nascent Soul stage. How could they be so scared? Could it be that the person who came was a strong man from the Transformation Stage?"

"Anyway, we are saved, take this opportunity and get out!"

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