"Under the cliff?"

Li Xiaobai looked surprised. He went down the cliff and dug up a pile of shit left by Er Gouzi.

The bottom of the cliff is indeed an unfathomable abyss. When he realized the crisis, he retreated resolutely. He didn't expect that it was actually the closest he was to the second senior sister.

"Yes, there are many secrets in the Human Race Emperor City. Since you are sitting on an ancient battlefield, you must also know the extraordinary things in it."

"An ancient battlefield with profound core strength can accommodate the sea of ​​stars."

"The imperial city was deliberately built on top of the underworld. I didn't expect that the two would still be connected after being turned into battlefield fragments."

Yang Chen looked at Li Xiaobai, and with just one glance, he could tell that there was an ancient battlefield in the opponent's body, and the power of rules at the core of the battlefield was quite good.

"Brother, there is also an ancient battlefield under our feet, should we solve the immediate crisis first?"

"My little brother has been observing this ancient battlefield for a long time, and it is definitely fat."

Li Xiaobai urged Yang Chen to make a move, if the fourth senior brother could make a move, all monsters and goblins would be easily dealt with in the future.

"This place is a little familiar."

"It seems to be the dojo of the Dou Zhanshen before he was alive. Brother Wei remembers that there is a Dou Zhan Temple here."

Yang Chen looked around. He had been trapped for too long, and he didn't even know which world the tree trunk was in, and it was even more difficult to distinguish this place.

"The Temple of Fighting God has been taken away by my younger brother."

Li Xiaobai said that the battlefields are also divided into levels. The level of the Lake of Wraiths is obviously higher than this battlefield, and it can easily recover the Dou Shen Temple, but there is nothing that can be done when facing the tree trunk. He can only attribute it to the Fourth Senior Brother reason.

Yang Chen: "..."

"Can you take away the temple of God of War? What is the rule of the core of the ancient battlefield in your body?"

Yang Chen asked, the rank of God of War is not low, and the buildings in his dojo can be included in the bag, and at the very least they have to be of the same rank.

"Entering the battlefield, all monks lose their cultivation and can only win with their bodies."

"There is a corpse of a giant spirit god in the secret environment outside the ancient battlefield, and I also took it away."

Li Xiaobai said honestly.

"Can the giant spirit god also accept it?"

"There are such ancient battlefield fragments?"

Yang Chen was dumbfounded, this was the first time he was shocked since he got out of trouble, this little junior brother of his was galloping all the way when he was in the Fairy Continent and Zhongyuan Realm, his speed was enough to rival their senior brothers.

I thought that if the road between the two realms was cut off, the other party would stop in the lower realm in this life.

Unexpectedly, not only did he appear in front of him intact, but he even possessed an incredible ability.

"It's just luck."

"However, senior brother can recognize this place as the dojo of God of War at a glance, so he must be familiar with it?"

Li Xiaobai waved his hand and said with a haha.

"It's natural. When I broke into the dojo of God of War, it took me a whole day to kill him. This is a master."

Yang Chen nodded, with nostalgia in his eyes, there are not many "old friends" who were killed by their seniors back then, and the remaining old monsters don't know if they can live to this day.

Li Xiaobai was speechless. He killed Dou ZhanShen in the Dou ZhanShen's dojo, but he thought it took too long. What kind of brain circuit is this?

"As long as an ancient battlefield is formed, there must be a core."

"The power of law that Dou Zhanshen comprehended during his lifetime is called bravery. The power of law is very weak, but it continues to strengthen his heart, and even finally loses his fear."

"I don't know what kind of rules will evolve into the core of this battlefield."

Yang Chen got up and patted Li Xiaobai on the shoulder, and the two appeared in the core area of ​​the ancient battlefield in an instant.

To master the core is to control the battlefield, there is no need to search for these treasures at all, and he can do it in one step.

Li Xiaobai appeared at the foot of an ancient city.

This ancient city is very strange, the foundation is very small, surrounded by a small hill, it does not spread around, but it is a spiral structure.

The roads are intertwined, and if a mortal goes deep into it, he may never be able to find the bottom layer.


"It looks chaotic, but it is actually divided into nine layers. According to the strength of the monks, all the monks in it will fight at least once every hour. If they are lazy, they will be forced to arrange opponents."

"It's all the old almanac in the past. There are no living people here now. The core should be on the top of the mountain."

Yang Chen took out a fan out of nowhere, the feather fan swayed lightly, with a personable demeanor, this senior never left his fan.

"I see the golden light shining in Dou City, which is the same as in Dou Shen Temple. It must pass the test to reach the top."

Li Xiaobai looked at the winding mountain roads and said.

The test here is not as easy to exploit loopholes as in the Temple of Fighting God.

"If the younger brother is alone, he naturally needs to follow these rules, but now that there is a brother around, all the rules are in vain."

"This city will make its own way."

Yang Chen stomped lightly, and a huge crack spread towards the top of the mountain. The entire Doucheng was neatly divided into two along the crack, and the cut was quite smooth.

A series of stone steps protrude from the smooth cut surfaces at both ends, forming a road leading to the top of the mountain.

Li Xiaobai looked dumbfounded, is this the strength of the fourth senior brother? Even Qin Tian needed to send cannon fodder to investigate the ancient battlefield, but he was able to take it down so easily.

This power is so strong that it defies the sky.

Following behind Yang Chen, the golden light was scattered by fluctuations visible to the naked eye. The mountain was resisting, trying to clear away the uninvited guest, but it couldn't shake the two of them at all.

Just like this all the way to the top of the mountain, it is easy and enjoyable.

"Sometimes it is a joy to skip the scenery along the way and directly arrive at success."

"It's a pity that I didn't get to see the test left by God of War, but we still have the task of saving the second senior sister, so we don't have time to spend here."

"That ray of obsession is the core of the battlefield, and you can control it by sticking to your heart in the face of obsession."

Li Xiaobai looked in the direction of Yang Chen's finger, and there was indeed a ray of golden remnant soul wandering on the top of the mountain. It looked somewhat similar to Sister Piao, but it was not solid enough compared to Sister Piao, it was just rootless duckweed floating in the air. It's unreal.

Obsession found the intruder and floated towards the two of them.

"Brother, how do you fight this obsession?"

Li Xiaobai humbly asked for advice.

"Entering the memories of Obsessed Nian's life, and facing the test of the God of War, the younger brother does not need to worry, and the Brotherhood won the core in an instant."

Yang Chen waved his fan lightly and watched the remnant soul float towards them, enveloping the two of them.

At this moment, Li Xiaobai finally saw the true appearance of God of War.

The surroundings turned into a cosmic galaxy, and a figure in front of him sat cross-legged, towering above the sky, his face was too far away, only a dark silhouette could be seen, only two golden lights shot out from his eyes, like two bright lights.

The limbs are like pillars reaching to the sky, and scriptures are engraved on them.

Facing Li Xiaobai, Dou Zhanshen didn't leave any ink marks, stood up and pointed at the center of his eyebrows, the pressure suddenly fell, and he roared, "To live, or to die!"

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