Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1739 The Plan Of The Fourth Senior Brother

"What kind of machine?"

Li Xiaobai was stunned, he didn't understand what kind of medicine the fourth senior brother was selling in the gourd.

There are no more treasures that can catch his eyes in this kind of small auction, and even if they are all auctioned off, it will be of little use.

Compared with the Western Paradise and the Southern Territory, this Celestial Clan is just a novice village.

"Brother, stay calm and don't be impatient, just enjoy watching."

Yang Chen shook his feather fan and ordered his servants to pour wine.

In order to forge a VIP status, he also spent a lot of thought.

On the lower floor, the auction was packed.

A young woman on the stage bowed slightly, and the servant took out the first treasure.

"Thank you for coming to my gods today to join us. My daughter, Yang Yangxianzhi, is hosting the auction today."

"Fairy Yang, I heard that today's auction has some good stuff. It was consigned by a mysterious person. Can you tell me something?"

A monk asked.

"Brother Wang, it is difficult to disclose the name of the employer, but one thing can be guaranteed, this big man is from the Southern Region, and the treasures he brought are of high quality, far exceeding those of previous auctions."

Yang Xianzhi smiled lightly, she was confident that the auction this time would hit a record high.

"Not much gossip, the first lot, the lightning strike wood, the wood that was hit by the catastrophe and left a trace of thunder power, the starting price is 3 million high-grade rare earths."

"Lightning wood?"

"The starting price for the first lot is 3 million?"

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words. In the past, this number would only appear in the last few lots that were about to be finalized. Today's auction really came at the right time.

No one here is clear about what the wood that can retain a trace of the power of the catastrophe means to the monks. If you can understand the breath of the thunder catastrophe, it will be of great benefit to the future practice.

"I offer three million."

"I offer four million."

"five million……"


Quotations came one after another, and even the VIPs on the second floor were eager to move. In many rooms, monks left the venue in a hurry. The first lot was such a fetish, and they didn't have enough resources.

Need to go back to the family for help.

"Brother, this thing is not yours, is it?"

In the private room, Li Xiaobai looked at Yang Chen suspiciously. He sounded like the fourth senior brother Yang Chen after Yang Xianzhi's introduction just now.

Who else could bring back the rare treasures from the Southern Territory besides them?

"That's right. When Brother Wei was sealed, all his possessions were taken away by some creature. He made some gadgets on the way here."

"The tree trunk was picked up from the side of the road casually, and it was struck by lightning. It's just that this group of people can't see the difference between the brother's thunder and the sky."

Yang Chen nodded and said lightly.

"Brother, do you want to make money?"

"I didn't expect that after hundreds of years, you and my brothers have become so identifiable. If you want resources, you can just ask. Why do you have to beat around the bush?"

Li Xiaobai stomped his feet and beat his chest as if you don't think of me as a brother.

This is nothing more than the situational words spoken by the situation, if the fourth senior brother really speaks, he will not get a penny if he is killed.

"I didn't expect that after hundreds of years, the friendship between our brothers has not faded, but has become deeper. I really didn't misunderstand you, little brother."

"However, what I want is not resources. I want to take pictures of all the collections today, so that the gods can take the initiative to invite us into the ancient battlefield."

Yang Chen said meaningfully.

"Buy your own stuff?"

"This wave of blood loss."

Li Xiaobai was puzzled. He always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell for a while.

It doesn't matter, anyway, the auction item belongs to the fourth senior brother, and the purchase is also quoted by the fourth senior brother, so it should not have much to do with me.

The competition below has reached a feverish stage.

The price of lightning strike wood has reached an astonishing eight million, and the price increase has gradually slowed down.

Just when everyone was hesitating whether to continue, a voice on the second floor spread throughout the auction house.

"I'll pay 10 million."

"Ten million!"

"The VIPs on the second floor bid tens of millions. Our auction house has never had the first collection of rare earth resources that can reach tens of millions of top-grade rare earth resources. This young man is really proud!"

Yang Xianzhi's breathing was also a little short, and his eyes scanned the field to see if there was anyone who would continue to increase the price.

Regrettably, not at all. To raise the price from 8 million to 10 million in one go, even a big family has to weigh it carefully, and this is only the first lot. It is very unsatisfactory to consume all the wealth in the previous auction. Be wise.

"Congratulations to the distinguished guests on the second floor, and happy mention of Lightning Strike Wood."

The monks were discussing and whispering, guessing about the voice of the young man on the second floor, racking their brains, but they couldn't figure out which rich young man it was, and it was too prodigal to spend 10 million.

"The second collection, please."

"Corpse slave!"

"Different from ordinary treasures, this second treasure is a living creature. It is said that the corpse was trained into a slave by the mysterious method of sacrifice in the southern region. Once the master recognizes the master with a drop of blood, he will complete all the master's orders."

"Both the sensitivity and the strength of the physical body are far superior to the puppet, but if these alone are not up to the level of this auction, it is commendable that the cultivation base of this corpse slave is in the four parts of the god-watching state!"

Yang Xianzhi lifted the black cloth, revealing a huge iron cage, inside was a dark green corpse, the muscles bulged like a rock, just standing there gave people an extremely dangerous feeling.

"Really or not, the four-part God-watching Realm?"

"I've heard that there are corpses everywhere in the Southern Territory, and the manipulation of corpses is also very famous, but is it too much to say that a corpse slave can have such a state?"

"You know, this is equivalent to the power of an elder!"

The monks were shocked, and the elders in their clan only had a glimpse of the gods. If they could get this corpse, wouldn't it mean that their clan had added a backbone?

What's more, it is also the power of fearless death, which is much more useful than ordinary elders, and the status of the family can also be improved by this.

"The Celestial Clan has conducted a comprehensive test on the strength of the corpse, and it is absolutely true."

"If it wasn't for the request of that mysterious person, our clan would really not be willing to auction off this corpse slave."

"The starting price for corpse slaves in the Southern Region is also three million top-grade rare earth resources."

Yang Xianzhi smiled slightly, she was very satisfied with everyone's reaction, she had the same reaction when she saw the corpse for the first time.

A lower initial price is sometimes more conducive to bidding among monks.

In the second floor box.

Li Xiaobai looked at Yang Chen.

Yang Chen said casually, "When I came out of Linyuan Domain, I picked it up at the grave."

"This kind of corpse slave is not a rare item in the local area, but it is definitely a priceless commodity here."

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