There was a smile on the corner of Yang Chen's mouth, he didn't expect the other party to give him such face, allowing him to have such a chance to show off his wealth.

As soon as this remark came out, all the monks in the audience were extremely shocked.

What did they hear?

One hundred million!

The old man of the Wang family is still playing in the range of 20 to 30 million, but the mysterious young man on the second floor has directly raised 100 million, how can this be played?

This wealth is already equivalent to the entire assets of a medium-sized family, or even more.

"Young man, what did you say?"

In the box of the Wang family, the old man showed a look of astonishment. In his opinion, this number is simply a joke.

100 million top-grade rare earth resources are equivalent to 10 million top-grade rare earths. Who can get them out?

Even if the Wang family wanted to spend so much in one go, they had to sell some assets in advance.

"I said, I will offer 100 million."

"Should there be no one bidding with me?"

"I'm a guy who likes quick wins."

Yang Chen said lightly.

"Little brother, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately. This is an auction house, not a show, and you can't quote any price."

"Do you have the strength to report 100 million?"

"Fairy Wang, should capital verification be done in this situation?"

On the second floor, someone from another box said that no one thought that Yang Chen paid 100 million yuan. This joking figure is a contempt for the auction house.

On the stage, Wang Xianzhi's face was also slightly stiff. He thought this young man was a wealthy man, but now it seems that not only is he suspicious of 100 million, the price of 10 million for the first lot earlier seems not so safe up.

It is true that a capital verification is required. If you deliberately disrupt the auction, you will have to be thrown out.

She unobtrusively glanced at a certain box on the second floor behind, and got a nod from one of the beautiful figures, and said, "Please be patient, everyone, this is indeed not a small sum, to ensure the authenticity of this auction , to protect the rights and interests of fellow daoists, the auction house decided to verify the capital."

"To save you a little time, let me wait to get in touch with this second-floor VIP."

Wang Xianzhi smiled and waved his hands. Behind him, a group of monks went up to the second floor aggressively. As long as the young man couldn't produce resources or objects worth 100 million yuan, they would have to resort to tricks.

Inside the box.

Li Xiaobai looked at Yang Chen nervously, "Brother, is there really 100 million?"

"What are you afraid of? Is 100 million a lot? I have traveled all these years as a brother, and I have never spent any money. This time I can give 100 million, which is already very face-saving."

Yang Chen's expression was indifferent, facing the cold wave and hot sarcasm of other VIPs, he was not in vain.

Quietly watching Wang Xianzhi bring a few deep-breathing old men into the wing room, and before the other party could speak, he lightly raised a finger. In an instant, all the monks in the wing room except Li Xiaobai softened their knees and knelt on the ground. on the ground.

There was fear in Wang Xianzhi's eyes, and horror was written on the faces of the old men behind him. Their cultivation base is not low. As the strong ones watching the auction of the Celestial Clan, they are all elders of the clan.

The cultivation base was in the four god-seeing realms for the last time, and the leading old man even had a cultivation base of half a step in the realm of immortal gods, but such a lineup had no strength to resist the pressure conveyed by the young man in front of him.

This person's strength is definitely above the Immortal God Realm!

Suppress them perfectly!

This is not some powerful nobleman who is rich or young at all, this is a proper immortal cultivator who walks the world in the appearance of a young man.

"How, do you still question our family's financial resources?"

Yang Chen looked at Wang Xianzhi and the others with an indifferent expression.

The terrifying aura surged and approached several people.

"Don't dare, I didn't expect that it was the senior who was here, and we were the ones who didn't know Taishan. The senior's achievements are so great, so naturally he wouldn't do anything that is not honest."

"The auction continues, please don't worry about it, senior."

Wang Xianzhi was sweating profusely, and said hastily.

"This is my son, he doesn't care about you, and I won't make things difficult for you."

"Haosheng hosts the auction, you don't need to worry about money."

Yang Chen tapped Li Xiaobai and said coldly.

"Yes Yes Yes."


Several people bowed their bodies and hurriedly left the box.

"Young master's aptitude is fine. The auction will continue. I have to say that this young master is the richest monk I have seen in recent years."

"I hope this auction can form a good relationship, and there will be opportunities for cooperation in the future."

Wang Xianzhi said loudly, giving Li Xiaobai and Yang Chen enough face.

After her words, not only did it show that it was easy for the other party to spend 100 million, but it also raised her worth to an unprecedented height.

There is no way, it is hard to exaggerate for a master who surpasses the fairyland to sit in charge.

This is a strong man who can be compared with the patriarch of the gods, and he is willing to accompany him as a nanny. What background does this have?

It's definitely not that they, the small tribes in the Eastern Region, can guess, I'm afraid they are foreign monks.


"It's okay!"

"Which clan is it that fell to the ground, and where did it come from!"

The old man of the Wang family was dripping water with a gloomy expression. The staff of the auction house just went in for a few breaths and then came out in a hurry. It is very likely that there is a big person sitting in that box.

And his words just now offended him to death.

"Go back and let the great elder come over and apologize to the young man in the box on behalf of the old man."

"The old man just said too harshly, it is inconvenient to come forward, tell the Great Elder, we must form a good relationship!"

The old man firmly said that he was in a high position, and he was indeed used to being arrogant and domineering on weekdays, but he could still clearly distinguish between right and wrong.


Off-site, the auction will continue with the third collection.

The atmosphere became very strange. Not only did everyone place their bids cautiously, but even the atmosphere of the bidding became extremely calm, completely lacking in the enthusiasm it had at the beginning.

In the box on the second floor, Li Xiaobai always felt that the fourth senior brother was going to cheat him.

This feeling became stronger after he called himself a son, and it was obvious that he had a plan to promote himself without any reason.

The fourth senior brother in my impression is personable, gentleman and unrestrained, and he probably won't cheat people.

"I want this thing, ten million."

Yang Chen opened his mouth and once again quoted a high price of tens of millions.

For a moment, there was silence in the field, no one continued to bid, and everyone stopped the bidding cards in their hands tacitly.

After that, all the auction items were swept into cysts by Yang Chen alone.

Only the young man's voice can be heard in the auction house

"I'll pay 10 million."

"I want 20 million."

"Thirty million, wrap it up."

"What, you pay 40 million, that's good, I will pay 100 million."

Occasionally, someone came across something they wanted and wanted to bid, but the demon's whisper made them terrified.

This master would give 100 million at every turn. She was too frightening to bid for.

Turning around, the other party should think that they deliberately drove up the price, and put this account on their heads, so they can't afford to walk around.

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