It is said that the Xianling Daily was created by the top master Tianji in Zhongzhou. The old man Tianji can spy on the secrets, knows astronomy from the top and geography from the bottom, and is the most intelligent person on the mainland.

He has special means, he can learn about most of the things that happened on the mainland, and he will record these things every day, and compile them into a fairy daily for publication.

Over time, the Fairy Daily has become an important channel publication for monks to know the affairs of the world.

After all, it was created by the second best master in the Tianbang, so its authority and fairness are unquestionable.

Now Li Xiaobai has such a newspaper in his hand, so many things have happened recently, and he is considered famous, so he has to see if there is any important information.

Today's headline "Cholera reappears in the Northern Territory, Roshan fully recovers, catastrophe is approaching!" "

This is news from the Tianbei Secret Realm. According to the old man Tianji, the heart-shaped Roshan did not die that day, but escaped with a secret method, and at the same time, all the suppressed Roshan on the Fairy Continent woke up. Signs to remind the monks not to go to these outer border areas.

I didn't expect Roshan to be so strong. The Heavenly Tribulation in the Mahayana period didn't kill him directly, but it seems that his vitality was hurt, and he probably won't come out in a short time.

Continuing to browse, Li Xiaobai found a lot of information about himself.

"One sword fixes the body, the sword of evil spirits, the Tianjiao of the Northern Territory was born out of nowhere, beheaded a thousand Tianjiao in one day, and the list soared by 9,000 places!" "

"Demon Sword Li Xiaobai captures the arrogance of all ethnic groups in Zhongzhou, several major forces shout from the air, release them within three days, otherwise the Northern Territory will be flattened!" "

"Ou Yezi, a strange man from the Northern Territory, sacrificed blood to hundreds of strong men in a day, broke through the Mahayana cultivation base with great luck, and the Holy Demon Sect is no longer ordinary! "


The report is well written, vivid, delicate, touching and in-depth.

It's just that this content made Li Xiaobai frown, such secret things in this secret realm couldn't be hidden from the old man Tianji, and all of them were exposed.

Even Ou Yezi's breakthrough in killing the genius blood sacrifice was found out. There is no privacy at all. The forces behind this fairy daily are really terrifying.

The reports in the future are all trivial things, basically it is that the little fresh meat of a certain sect started to live broadcast with goods, hoping that everyone will give him a show and so on.

At the end of the Fairy Daily, Li Xiaobai discovered a miniature formation, with a line of small characters below it.

Strange news in the world, welcome to contribute.

This is a sound-transmitting formation, which can be used by injecting a little spiritual power. Li Xiaobai took out a piece of spiritual stone, crushed it and put it on, and strands of spiritual power penetrated into it, and the miniature formation radiated light. An old man with a white beard A projection appeared in front of Li Xiaobai.

This should be the old man of Tianji. It is very avant-garde to be able to meet the masses of the people in this form.

"Anecdote from the world, welcome to contribute, my old man Tianjizi, sincerely serve you."

This is a ray of primordial power from old man Tianji, who is responsible for collecting manuscripts and letters.

Li Xiaobai didn't even think about it, "I'm Li Xiaobai. I want to tell the major powers in Zhongzhou that their disciples and sons are in my hands. If I want them to live, I will use Lingshi to redeem them. One million per person." High-grade spirit stone."

This is the price after consideration, and it should be within the tolerance of these forces. Top-grade spirit stones are not as scarce as top-grade spirit stones.

The old man in front of him regained his energy instantly and nodded again and again. Obviously he knew that Li Xiaobai was blatantly blackmailing the Zhongzhou forces. This is definitely big news.

"Good, good, is there anything else to say?"

"Uh, that's all for now, please don't add oil and vinegar."

Li Xiaobai felt that the old man didn't think it was a big deal because he watched the excitement, so he reminded him a little worriedly that he could be so stubborn because one reason was that Ou Yezi was in the Mahayana period, and the other was that the old beggar was on the mountain. At that time, those who come to make trouble will be tied up and sold for money.

"Okay, welcome to the next article, ten consecutive big news, you can become a high-quality member of my fairy daily, and there will be free benefits at that time."

Tian Jizi nodded, and his figure slowly dissipated.


at the same time.

Inside the latrine of Misty Peak.

The faces of the Tianjiao captives were ugly. The monks who were cleaning the latrine here were working hard, their whole bodies were covered with stains, but their faces were full of smiles. The scene was a bit weird.

"You can rest these two days, and this batch of newcomers will be handed over to you. They are newcomers who don't understand anything, so please teach them well." Yuan Fang said lightly.

"No problem, Senior Brother Yuan. I've worked hard these days, and I've saved up 100 points. See if I can..." The cultivator cleaning the latrine had a flattering face.

"Go, go, the premise is to bring the newcomers first."

Yuan Fang waved his hand impatiently and left.

"Don't worry, I promise to complete the task!"

Several people looked excited, and when they turned their eyes, a few Tianjiao appeared in large numbers. They were dressed luxuriously, and their gestures and gestures were extraordinary. They seemed to be people with ID cards.

They should be the disciples of a certain big force, and they like to treat them the most. It is their duty as coolies to let these rebellious geniuses understand the reality.

"How many of you are new here?"

"Yes, yes, elder brothers, younger brothers, disciples of the Huolin Cave in Zhongzhou, who are newcomers, please take care of me, small things, please accept it."

Yun Kun said with a smile, took out a few spirit stones hidden in the shoes earlier, and handed them over.

"Don't reveal your identity to me, it's hard to let me know here?"

Putting away the spirit stones, the faces of the elderly men eased a lot, and they pointed to the toilet, "From today onwards, you will be in charge of cleaning this area. I will tell you some things in advance, so that you will not be punished later."

"Cleaning the latrines is the top priority in the sect. Only when the disciples feel comfortable physically and mentally can they maintain a good attitude to meet life. We in the service industry must try our best to avoid all kinds of accidents."

"On weekdays, no one has a roll of paper towels on them. When there is no paper in the latrine, we should express condolences to our disciples like a warm spring breeze, and solve this problem for them as soon as possible. This is the most common and most likely problem. , must pay attention."

"Then, all aspects of cleaning the toilet must be in place. The blind spots such as the door and the corner of the wall are the focus of cleaning. There must be no sloppy, understand?"

Several old people explained to the newcomers all the things that need to be paid attention to when cleaning the toilet. These are the experience summaries of the seniors.

Yun Kun and the others knew that this catastrophe was inevitable, they nodded their noses, expressing their understanding.

"You newcomers are lucky. You came late. You haven't seen the dirtiest toilet yet. Work hard. I'm optimistic about you..."

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